Same mouse control issues?

I've not played this yet but some on Steam are saying the game has slow mouse movements.
Is it similar to how the mouse was in TFTB?
Are we consigned to live with this defect for both games, given that the issue may be deep rooted?
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I haven't played TFTB but I noticed this mouse lag on GOT. Really annoying. I hope Telltale will fix this soon...
Yeah, the lag was just bad. I don't understand cause none of their previous games had it. And those are not isolated incidents. Everyone is facing them.
Definately experienced the mouse lag in both Tales from Borderlands as well as in the game of thrones. It is very annoying. Please atleast implement the old way of choosing keyboard 1-4 like in the walking dead.
Yeah, i didn't like the fact that you couldn't use the keyboard arrow for choices either
Yup, I ran into this issue too, and it was really annoying because I had to keep restarting the game because I would accidentally pick the wrong choices because my mouse lagged, or the timer would run out before I actually did get a chance to move my cursor. I hope Telltale works on fixing this soon.
Yep, I had the same issue. I tried to fix it, but, its still pretty sluggish.
Do you mean there's a delay from when you move your mouse to when your in-game cursor moves? I'm getting that problem too so I'll assume that's what you're talking about. I've found that lowering my resolution reduces the delay significantly. With 800x600 it's barely noticeable, but I don't want to have to play with such a low resolution. Sigh...
Just in case, if anyone's experiencing jittery or non-smooth cursor movements, lower your graphical settings and close unnecessary tasks running in the background. If your mouse movements are slow, then you obviously just need to increase your sensitivity.
I think it is thoroughly unfair for TTG to not address this issue, which is plaguing BOTH their new games. It must be an issue at the engine level, and it is very disconcerting to say the least.
What will it take for our voices to be heard? Can the mods pin this topic or something?
Make sure that adaptive V-SYNC is disabled from Nvidia Control Panel
Bought the game 5 minutes ago. Unable to interact with game in any meaningful way. Turned off the V-Sync for my GTX 560-Ti but did not have any effect. Mouse disappears completely or clicks in the wrong area when hovering over the game panel. I would expect this behavior from running Daggerfall but a new game?? really??
Was a bit slow but not that bad. Hopefully it won't get worse to the point it ruins the expensive for me like it had been for you guys. My condolences
This issue makes the game unplayable, for me. I hope Telltale will correct the situation soon, or else...
Shrugs, considering I'm playing Tales on a PS4, I don't have the same problem, seems like Tales and GoT are more nicer to consoles than PC.
Having this mouse speed issue as well. I already tried lowering the graphic settings and so on, but it won't help. Can't get past 'Shield up against the Crossbows' in Episode 1. I drag my mouse up and he starts to raise his shield and then i get shot
Don't know what to do now.
Greetings from Germany!
This is ruining my immersion sad to say. I cant make a single choice in time with the mouse glitching all over the place, even with an xbox controller plugged in the "looking around" and grabbing mechanics are horrid. I lowered my resolution which helped the problem slightly put did not affect my framrate. And after switching to the 2nd lowest resolution the game broke and I was unable to access any menus. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, as I am dying to play the actual game.
Try using arrow keys, maybe it'll help.
Yes, I fought with the mouse for 10 minutes before I realized it was the WASD keys that controlled it. Mouse movements are more about the reticle placement. Arrows on screen are keyboard commands.
Yeap, the mouse issues lead to wrong choice selection for many people.