Which one did you like more and are more excited for Episode 2
dojo32161's Poll :
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Which one did you like more and are more excited for Episode 2
dojo32161's Poll :
Can I say both? lol
Definitely GoT at the moment
So hard, i would say GoT but just because i love the show so i am not really being objective. When i heard Tyrion's voice i melted down.
GoT mostly because I'm a bigger fan of it, but Borderlands is REALLY good as well. I'm more interested in how Ironrath will defend itself against the Whitehill's and Boltons, and I NEED to play as Asher or at least see him!!
Borderlands is just looking for Gortys Project which I know nothing about :P.
As of right now, Borderlands. I love the universe, the characters, and the story. I'm much more dedicated to this series, than GoT.
Tales from the Borderlands. Don't get me wrong Game of Thrones was GREAT but it was also quite slow at points. I will say though that I was completely invested from the beginning and I knew absolutely nothing about Game of Thrones before starting the episode so Telltale deserves major props for keeping me invested.
Tales from the Borderlands.
Tales from the Borderlands. Although GOT is awesome, but I am more invested in the story and characters of TFTBL. many great characters in, it's fine.
Game of Thrones. Just basing it off the first episode I got to say it has potential to be my favorite TTG series. Not saying tales was bad I actually really loved it.
Game of thrones. I don't understand the hate it's getting everywhere but here. I haven't even watched the show and I still thought it was fantastic. Don't get me wrong, I've very excited for Tales from the Borderlands too, but after the ending of episode 1, I'd say game of thrones.
Most complaints I hear is that it's because it started out so slow
It started out fantastic! That was a great intro...
I love both and I can't wait to play them. I would say Game of Thrones as well. But after the first episode. I need Tales more than ever.
I wasn't too eager for either one of them but after playing, I found TftB f**king great, fun to play and so funny! A good break from all the serious TT games. As for GoT, it was also incredible! Interesting like the show and it's perfect for a decision based game bc game of thrones is all about that.
TftB AND GoT for me
Hey I totally agree
Borderlands. No doubt. I don't like GoT much. Not because I'm not fan of show or book. I never cared about Borderlands before. Telltale's Game of Thrones looks ugly. It's somehow dark, cold, people animation is weird. Anything can happen in Tales, but in GoT - you won't punish Ramsay or Cersei. You're a PAWN that can't change the history. Story is tailored but threads are limited, sorry playa.
One more thing. GoT game is not very original. Good lord dies fast, his family is in big troubles, the WALL, same old story, same characters. It's like the Westeros is tiny continent where nothing else happens.
Tales from the Borderlands. GoT is good but not as much as TftB :P
As much as I love GoT I'm looking forward to Tales from the Borderlands more. But both games are awesome.
This for me as well but both games are awesome.
Tales from the Borderland are much better in my opinion. Even though i think i said GOT was but that was before i had finished the episode. To me it was pretty boring, not that i would stop plying because i will play probably everything telltale realeses.
I think that is the point. You haven't watched the show so you don't know how amazing it is and than when i played the games i expected to be as good as the show but it was worse, far worse.
I haven't had the chance to play TFTBL yet, but I think GOT is TT best game so far! even better than the walking dead season 1
GoT because I'm a huge fan of this universe. But as games and stories they're both awesome! I don't really want to compare them too much because they are so different.
Game of Thrones, since it simply was more to my taste... but Tales from the Borderlands was AMAZING as well!
Tales from the Borderlands, I'm sorry, but Game of Thrones doesn't have Loader Bot.

I don't even care GOT is killing it I need episode 2 now.
I finally got a chance to play Tales! Wow, that was a lot of fun! I still think I like GOT better maybe because I'm more interested in that story and didn't really like the borderlands games much. One thing I did notice was that TFTBL seemed to have far superior graphics. I really wish it was the other way around because GOT is the superior name for sure
Tales from the Borderlands for me, because I'm much more interested in that than GOT currently. The cliffhanger was good and all, but TFTB was just much more entertaining overall to me.
Also, I made a strawpoll for this if anyone wants to vote.
Which game do you like better?
Its probably to early to tell, but as of right now Game of Thrones. As a fan of the books (just started watching the show, so that too), I have to say Telltale really has done a good job with this episode/game. I just hope that it continues on to be that way for the rest of the episodes and the reviews for the rest of them won't be so unnecessarily harsh.
You can't eat your cake and have it too, unfortunately.
Can your Loader Bot do this?
The Walking Dead.
Well can your whoever that is (looks like Ramsay, not biggest GOT fan) do any of this (skip to 4:29)
Loader Bot is Awesome
Where's the option for Jurassic Park, the very best game TTG has ever put out?
I'm gonna say Borderlands, which I wouldn't have guessed a month ago. Borderlands was just a lot of fun to play, and I enjoyed all of the characters and the story. Game Of Thrones is good, but it's not very fun, which is not a bad thing. It's just very tense to play, and I am regularly second guessing myself. I enjoyed just being able to let loose in Borderlands.
Tales from the Borderlands. I've never played/watched/read either of these titles, but Tales from the Borderlands covered the background of their story pretty well, while I was really confused about some occurrences and who exactly half of the people were and their importance to the characters in Game of Thrones.
Also, some things didn't make a lot of sense in GOT (at least in my opinion, but I'm stupid and probably missed something important that explains these scenes). Anyway, Prince Rodrik's death didn't make much sense to me. Yea, he got stabbed in his leg, and then a horse fell on top on him, but I felt like Gerad could have possibly gone back and at least tried to help him.
Also, the scene with the guards coming into the royal hall, even if you kept them outside of the gates didn't make much sense to me. Who lets them in? Is there a traitor among your ranks or did Ramsey's men force their way through?
As well, I prefer games more of a comedic adventure sense like TFTBL than more of a drama than GOT, but that's just my personal opinion
Plus, the ending song from TBTBL is really catchy XD.
So, GOT does have Medieval Luke...
But TFTBL has...
Game of Thrones by far. Yes, Borderlands is an amusing romp, but I got nowhere near as much emotional engagement as I did with GoT. The tension is... palpable. The first episode felt EXACTLY like an episode of the show - given all the other GoT games that have come out, that's an amazing feat. It's good enough that I'm going to convince my mother (a fellow GoT fan) to give it a shot because it's THAT good!
Game of Thrones. I'm already invested in the universe, which is a first for me as far as telltale games go. It also has the most difficult choices imo, I love when all the options hold validity in my eyes and make me second guess myself. Borderlands was so refreshing though, more 'fun'. I look forward to both, and whatever else telltale has to offer.