Have not watched game of Thrones will i understand this game?
Have not watched game of Thrones but love telltale's work is this game ok for someone like me?
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Have not watched game of Thrones but love telltale's work is this game ok for someone like me?
According to various reviews (Polygon, Joystiq etc), this series is indeed geared to those with knowledge and familiarity with the source material.
That's one reason I am not buying this at launch.
From IGN's review:
First, a warning: definitely do not approach this game as a way to introduce yourself to Game of Thrones. It’s made for existing fans, in that it requires a good amount of knowledge of the story
From Joystiq (writer responding to user comments):
Q This sounds like it's going to be impenetrable for people like me who have less than zero familiarity with the source material.
A Completely impenetrable, yes. You don't have to be a die-hard fan, but you do have to have all the backstory, even for small things like why two guys with the last name of "Snow" aren't part of the same family.
From Polygon's review:
If those names and that sequence of events means something to you, you're in luck and will probably enjoy the rest of the story. If you're already lost, it would take me pages to explain who these people are and what's going on. "Iron from Ice" isn't a game for casual fans.
Sounds like I won't enjoy this
a shame
Have you bought it already? Do you have zero knowledge of the GoT universe?
If so, do let us know how it goes. Or anyone else for that matter who is a complete newcomer to the GoT universe.
I never watched it. And based on the reviews I won't play it either.
on the other hand gamefront says : So being at least familiar with the show is recommended, but if you’re a fan of Telltale’s other recent titles, you’ll get along fine otherwise
Well, the ideal thing is still to be familiar. This is unlike their past releases, where you didn't even need to know the source material existed (like I didn't know about the Fable comics).
nah, you don't have to have watched the show/books, the story focuses, by and large, on very minor characters that go completely unmentioned in both the show and books, but major characters do make appearances, and being familiar with the show/books will without a doubt make the game much MUCH more fun. so it's strongly recommended, but not required.
I am not totally familiar with GOT, but I didn't have too many problems following the story. There were a couple of moments where I was a little lost, mainly when characters from the show popped up, but never anything drastic. I am sure I missed a lot of little nods and references, but it didn't bother me.
I actually also found it was easier to know who to trust, knowing the characters from the books/series. Especially in Kings Landing where I felt free to talk to Margaery Tyrell about my fears (knowing how she treats Sansa in the show) and also Tyrion (with him being quite an empathetic character). You wouldn't tend to know these things without prior knowledge and might slip up along the way, not knowing how to talk to these characters without saying the wrong thing.
I also was quite paranoid and weary around the other hand maiden, especially because of characters like that from the books/show that have backstabbed and betrayed people. But again, you wouldn't have given that another thought and been as cautious if you hadn't have previously watched the show.
I guess you could play it but I can't see it being nearly as enjoyable. If it doesn't bother you go for it. Unless you wanted to see the show sometime, in which case it will also spoil a lot for you. I suggest watching it first.
Just read the books for goodness sake. It's worth it. The games first scene will spoil a really important part of the storyline.
I had no knowledge of GOT's before playing this Episode, and after playing It I actually really liked it.
That sounds a little ridiculous.
I'll probably give it a shot at some point anyway.
You'll enjoy it. I knew little to nothing about the story, but I still understood most of it. You'll have to do some digging to find explanations for a few of the events, but it's not too hard to explain.
Yeah me too. The part at the beginning with the red wedding threw me off a little bit. I had to pause and process what was going on for a moment, but eventually I figured it out.
As a lover of the show, ummm I'm going to have to say it helps to watch it to understand the game, but trying to see from an outsider's perspective, I think you should be fine and you'll be able to get the gist of it.
I went into TftB without playing through the games (not finished all them yet
) and I understood it (well after reading some wiki lore)
I already heard that the opening was set during the red wedding, so I was prepared for that. The meeting with the Lannisters is what threw me off the most. I did not know the characters very well, so I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be saying. Otherwise, the story centered more on the Forresters is easier to follow.
I did not have any concept of GOT before purchasing this game. I played through the first act and felt somewhat confused but also excited. It caused me to go back and watch the entire series. I am now a GOT fan.
I would not recommend playing the game before watching the series, however. There are some major spoilers involved. Fortunately I was so utterly confused that I didn't put things together until replaying the game after watching the series.
I've started playing it without knowing anything about the TV show or the books and I haven't had any trouble, so I think anyone could give it a shot.
I'm the same, never watched the show.
I think I'm keeping up with the game plot ok although I don't think it would have taken too much effort for ttg to have created some kind of introduction to the world even if just a text document. The snow thing is a bit confusing and I'm still unsure how you'd know which family the bastard was from.
I've never watched the show, nor read the books. Thanks to the users on here who answered a bunch of my questions, a GoT fan fiction that helped, and then my own research on Wikipedia (heck, I even updated apart of it), I can think I say I am more knowledgable than a casual fan.
Ah the Snow thing. Confused me too. 'Snow' is the last name bastards usually take in the North, which is where Jon Snow and Ramsay Snow are from, hence is why they took the name.
Although Ramsay is now known as Ramsay Bolton because his father named him as his heir(or recognized him, I forget).
i had only watched the first 2 seasons of the show before playing the game. so i had no idea who ramsay snow or lord bolton were. the only thing the game ruined for me was that jon snow mentioned a certain someone died during the red wedding. after playing the first 2 episodes of the game i immediately started watching the show again and the red wedding blew my freaking mind even knowing what was about to happen. im now into the beginning of season 4. i barely even played a borderlands game and i think the first episode of tales from the borderlands is probably my favorite episode of any telltale game. i love it.
You should, its a great game. Some of the reviews are a bit harsh, like it doesn't deserve anything lower than a 8/10 IMO.
No, you don't (realized this is an old thread but I figure if anyone is still wondering). You'll miss some stuff but overall you will enjoy the main story and its a great game overall so I recommend it.
Though I also say you should check out the show when you can, its great as well.
I've never seen the show or read the books. I'm totally fine following along with the game, so I imagine I can't be the only one who'd be able to do it without really knowing anything beforehand.
Just watch the season 3 of the show. You do not need to watch all 4 seasons.
i had never watched the show or read the books before i played this however what i did do was watch one of those what has happened in game of thrones before the new season starts to get a little bit of the same backstory i really enjoy this game and i don't know anything about the show i described it like all the previous events in the game are exposition like i am not aware of every moment in history and it is the same in this game but on a slightly larger scale because i have no knowledge of any event
Don't worry,I was wrong back then. I've watched all seasons of the show, read all books and played the game since then. Easily in my top 10 TV shows.