Lines you wanted to say

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

theres this thing for every game isn't it? here's one for game of thrones

at the end, with Ramsey, after the whitehill soldiers came in

Ethan: "Man, start playing the northern version of rains of castamere and shoot the hell out of those guys!"

Maester Ortengryn: "My Lord, there is NO northern version for the rains of castamere"

Ethan: "What? well then write one then play it and then do the shooting thing!"

Ramsey: Stabs Ethan

Ethan in his dying breath: "should have thought this through"



  • Sera: I thought we were friends, Mira.

    Mira: We are friends, there are just some things better left between Margaery and I.

  • edited December 2014

    Mira to Tyrion

    "Lord Tyrion, can I get your autograph?"

  • Picking a sentinel:

    "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • edited December 2014

    To the Queen:

    "F*ck the King"

  • maesters can't be sentinels due to their oath to the citadel..

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • I know, I wanted him to be the sentinel though. I felt like he was a wiser than the other two and less biased on some matters.

    dubesor posted: »

    maesters can't be sentinels due to their oath to the citadel..

  • Alt text

    To the Queen: "F*ck the King"

  • Mira: waggle eyebrows at Margaery

  • I would've liked to call Ramsay a bastard to his face, at least once. Would've been worth a knife in the neck : P

  • I noticed this game has a bunch of characters with beautiful eyebrows

    udc24 posted: »

    Mira: waggle eyebrows at Margaery

  • edited December 2014

    Whitehill Guard: "Where the fuck is the Salt and Bread? what kind of House is this anyway?"

    Ethan: "You want your Salt and Bread you Fat fuck? go fetch him some."

  • Ethan: "I will only kneel to the one true king, Stannis Baratheon"


  • i don't think ramsay is a malfoy-ass "my father" sorta guy, he's more of a stab you in the throat sort of guy.

    Brody100 posted: »

    Ethan: "I will only kneel to the one true king, Stannis Baratheon" Ramsay: "WHAT?! WHAT YOU LITTLE SHIT, WAIT UNTIL MY FATHER HEARS OF THIS!"

  • Mine is similar.

    " I choose none of you. I choose Ryon!" Lol

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • I wanted to say that too.

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • Alt text

    To the Queen: "F*ck the King"

  • Above all else there was one line I wish Ethan DIDN'T say, was when I atrempted to distract Ramsay from my family and Ethan automatically called him "Lord Snow". Book readers know just how much Ramsay hates being reminded of his bastardy and my heart just dropped when I heard Ethan say that to his face, while being in a room where he's outnumbered by enemy soldiers. And that ended up costing him his life.

  • As Gerad, and it wasn't in the books, but is my favorite part of the show:

    "-There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: "not today""

  • "Suck. My. Cock." -Asher

  • Alt text

    "Suck. My. Cock." -Asher

  • edited December 2014

    Ethan "Salt & Bread, after the red wedding do you really want some ?"

  • I suspect the Maester is a traitor... to kind and nice...

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • Ethan: Yes, here is Gared. Thank you for coming Lord Whitehill.

    Though, I suppose that would lead to an exceptionally boring six episodes.

  • I wanted Tailia, she gave you a lot of good advise.

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • Ser Royland-I'm sorry but you are too young to lead this house!

    Ethan-Shut up you Milksop!

  • Fuck. You.

    Just to everyone.

  • Alt text

    Fuck. You. Just to everyone.

  • Well, that's why I used my chance and called him Lord Snow. Didn't get much better than that.

    kgoodies posted: »

    I would've liked to call Ramsay a bastard to his face, at least once. Would've been worth a knife in the neck : P

  • "You lost pig farmers, while we lost soldiers - soldiers are worth a thousand pig farmers!" (or something like that) - Lord Ludd "Porkchop" Whitehill

    "Well, your soldiers were killed by a pig farmer, soooo....oops." - Lord Ethan the Witty

  • We all wanted to say that haha.

    To the Queen: "F*ck the King"

  • Ethan: It's just a flesh wound.


  • Lol that reminds me of Ramsay's line to Ethan and Talia -

    "Just like the Queen and her brother... well hopefully, not just like the Queen and her brother."


  • edited December 2014

    Ethan: Alright everyone, I know our forces are limited, but keep the gate barred, and enough crossbowmen in the Great Hall to enforce peace during negotiations. Should the worst happen, sound the alarm.

    Ten Minutes Later.

    Ethan: You're all fired...

  • edited December 2014

    lol, Monty Python >_<

    jokerofish posted: »

    Ethan: It's just a flesh wound.

  • edited December 2014

    Sera: I thought we were friends, Mira.

    Mira: Everybody knows that in Game of Thrones we can never trust handmaids. LOL

    Sera: I thought we were friends, Mira. Mira: We are friends, there are just some things better left between Margaery and I.

  • i support you on that, always got the feeling he's much smarter than both of them, and respects me much more, had Ethan lived, i feel both Duncan and royland would have tried, with good intentions, mind you, to subvert my authority and take over the house until i'm older, i can't really imagine ortengryn doing something like that.

    also, picking talia would have been awesome, i generally wanted her by my side most of the time.

    Picking a sentinel: "I choose... Neither of you! Maester Ortengryn is the new sentinel."

  • "Who the %&*$ is Rodrik?" - any playable character. I know who he is now, but the first time playing I was a bit confused. He made like a ten second appearance and then died...why do I give a fuck about him?

  • Well many seem to give a fuck about him since they hope he is alive and PC. :D

    DoubleJump posted: »

    "Who the %&*$ is Rodrik?" - any playable character. I know who he is now, but the first time playing I was a bit confused. He made like a ten second appearance and then died...why do I give a fuck about him?

  • "how do you answer for your squire, lord ethan?"

    Ethan:"Gared has escaped ironrath without our knowledge, and we have no information of his whereabouts and are doing our best to find him and bring him to you for your justice"

    wink to amazed duncan

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