Mac version
Will the Mac version actually be available same time as PC
Or will telltale be stealing people's money like they did with borderlands?
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Will the Mac version actually be available same time as PC
Or will telltale be stealing people's money like they did with borderlands?
well...I'm sad to say you were right
EDIT: I still have yet to play TFTBL. How long was the mac delay for that?
They will keep stealing as long as you folks keep tolerating. Get a refund and show em who's boss.
I just want to play the game like everyone else is already.
how are we suppose to get a refund when they don't have a phone line or any other service…?
and how long do they expect us to wait and keep refreshing. If there's a problem on their end they should be posting to the blog and social media instantly. Not leaving us hanging here
Ha, well TFTBL still isn't out on mac, so I don't know.
Telltale, we just need an answer, 2 games in a row with this problem, your clients are feeling scammed, can you please give the people who pay for your games a clarification?
From steam store:
December 2
"Mac version is temporarily delayed!
We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working to resolve this ASAP!"
If ASAP means we will get it in the next hour I'm okay with that, but if not then don't put ASAP and be upfront about the issue and start handing me my money back
According to a announcement on steam the mac version has been temporarily delayed
So......when do we think the mac version will actually release?
According to their blog post on the 26th of November, the Mac version will be released "later this week" but it's past that timeframe... I've been researching this for a while now and this is the most concrete timeframe that I've found...
This is a shit show telltale...
Well, TFTBL mac just became available to download from Nov. 25th's "official" release, but hopefully it will be sooner than a week's delay for GoT.
And we haven't even seen all the best bits...
Yeah... you were right, it got delayed. This actually made me really mad, since Telltale games are the few I do play on my Mac. I was kind of expecting it, but I had hoped Telltale would fix the issue before this game came out, but sadly they didn't and that left me really disappointed as someone who pre-ordered the game, and was super excited to play it today. Luckily I was able to play it using Bootcamp, but when it does release for Mac, which seeing by TFTB's progress... won't be for awhile, I'll probably have to replay the first episode again. Please fix your issues soon, Telltale.
Is it here yet?
Most annoying thing is that their site yesterday and even today still has the product as releasing on both PC and Mac. Very aggravating!
what is bootcamp?
We deserve to know by tonight when it will be up
I understand all of your anger but you all are acting too upset about this, along with Tales too.
Just wait and Telltale will have this all sorted out in due time, have faith my friends!
It basically lets you install Windows on your Mac and lets you switch between the two operating systems.
1st: are you waiting to play on Mac? If not then get out.
2nd: False promises of a product release that I paid for is not acceptable. TT keeps getting away with this because they are "TT", but honestly after what point do you keep saying oh they are a little company you just have to let them "sort it out"
If they can't deliver on time then don't post the release date or start charging me more to make sure you have what it takes to have a successful launch.
...You know this rudeness isn't needed, I'm trying to be pleasant with you.
You should calm down and let them handle it, demanding refunds and yelling about it on their Forums aren't going to speed them up.
hmmm I should look into this witchcraft...
I think the main issue here is that there has been no news at all about the delay. It would be fine if they released something, ANYTHING, to the effect of "hey guys, we know that we said it would be out on the 25th but some shit went down and we're working to get it out as soon as we can."
heck I don't need a definitive date, just acknowledgement of the situation. It was advertised as being released with the PC version but was not. Now it's apparently working on Steam, however for those of us who purchased it from the developer themselves, it's a little frustrating to be left hanging like this. In theory shouldn't it be released here before third party retailers?
They have said things...
The thing is, that was almost a week ago
Sure it was, alright you guys can keep making threads that won't help anything...
You all just need to stay calm and let Telltale work.
No see I'm calm, I'm just trying to help you see what the argument is. What you posted was from today, they made the same announcement about a week ago and nothing has been said since, while it still says that the mac version is available when you go to purchase the game. That's the issue, it's the consistency.
Telltale checks these threads, I have seen comments from employees on multiple others. That's the whole point of these forums; for the community to discuss the product with the input of the people who created them.
In the end, I should be studying for finals, so it's almost a blessing in disguise that this hasn't been released for Mac yet
People have a right to voice out. Stop trying to defend Telltale. This is on them. Zero communication to people who PAID for your product expecting to play it on the SAME DAY as everyone else.
Telltale has been working on this issue and still is, these threads won't help anything. Telltale knows there's an issue and is working hard to fix it yet everyone in these threads are yelling and demanding a refund. People need to have faith in Telltale and they will get their Mac version. When Telltale staff do get on here, them seeing one thread about it make everything fixed.
I can defend Telltale if I want, Telltale is trying to fix this issue and everyone on here is ungrateful about that. Do you think the staff members sit in their office with wine slowly drinking it as they laugh at you on here? No, they don't. While this wait is upsetting, no one here is helping the problem. They have had communication, you all ignore it because it isn't a damn day by day update. You all should wait patiently and let Telltale work this issue out.
Just to let you guys know. I'm on mac too and the pc version works perfectly through wineskin
Same with Tales from the Borderlands.
Calling us rude? Very rich my friend. What exactly is your point of coming into a thread which you have nos stake (playing on s Mac) and just telling us that we shod be silent about our you even know the point of a forum? Better yet you've probably already played GOT and you want to gloat about PC supremacy. We have no need for your opinion on our thread. If you can "defend" TT I will defend my fellow Mac users. Please kindly grab your things and get out.
People of the thread, we have new House words:
Mac is coming
Will we be able to also download the mac version when it comes out?
There seems to be a lot of potential spoilers, I'd rather play asap
guys I have a confession...I borrowed my wife's terrible PC and played the game on it. It was so buggy and skipped (I feel like a traitor) please forgive me. I am still very much waiting to play the game on my mac without skipping. All I can say is I loved it and can't wait to play on a better machine (mac).
Seriously, just download wineskin and run it on that. It's just a way to turn windows games into apps and it runs flawlessly!
how hard is it to run wineskin? I haven't heard of it before
I tried downloading it from
Urgesoftware's website, and their latest download, once unzipped, says it is "damaged" and should be moved to the trash...
I run OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion.
Any reco where to find a working Wineskin?
EDIT: It requires to change the security in System Preferences>General> Allow Applications from Anywhere.