A horrifying thought

It seems HoloJack is inside Rhys head through his implants what if the series ends with Rhys taken over by Jack to become the villain of Borderlands 3 NOT the presequel.



  • Horrifying for the wrong reason.

  • if this is true, of course he'd be the villain of 3, why would he go back in time? lol

  • edited December 2014

    And why exactly is that horrifying, pumpkin?

    Sounds like a pretty good ending to me...

    Not that I'm biased or anything.

  • While you make an Excelleeeent (mr burns not bill and ted) villain. Putting you in Rhys body would end poorly. Also as you corrupted most of the vault hunters you hired. (havent beaten the presequel so unsure if dopple is the one killed in 2 and if fragtrap is claptrap) This would imply you corrupted or killed fiona sasha vaughn and yvette. Also you would probably stereotypically hook up with fiona instead of sasha. And lastly to regain some villain cred you would have to kill the most beloved character on Pandora, Tiny Tina.

    And why exactly is that horrifying, pumpkin? Sounds like a pretty good ending to me... Not that I'm biased or anything.

  • Haha, I know - I was just playing.

    Also, NOT TINA!

    CapnJay posted: »

    While you make an Excelleeeent (mr burns not bill and ted) villain. Putting you in Rhys body would end poorly. Also as you corrupted most of

  • Tina is Awesomedorable so good thing you dont take over.

    Haha, I know - I was just playing. Also, NOT TINA!

  • I actually had the same idea but then I was like

  • I think Tales will have a happy ending considering it isnt very serious ;3

  • The final choice. Digital Handsome Jack is holding Fiona and Sasha hostage unless Rhy surrenders his body. You can resist costing Fi and Sasha or Submit and the second Jack is in Rhy Vaughn kills Rhys to stop Jack.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think Tales will have a happy ending considering it isnt very serious ;3

  • The female protagonists becoming damsels in distress at the end? Too cliche, bro.

    As is the idea of Jack being a villain once again. He died in Borderlands 2, get over it. The series needs a new bad guy or else it'll go stale.

    CapnJay posted: »

    The final choice. Digital Handsome Jack is holding Fiona and Sasha hostage unless Rhy surrenders his body. You can resist costing Fi and Sasha or Submit and the second Jack is in Rhy Vaughn kills Rhys to stop Jack.

  • Good thing theres no way to digitally reconstruct or digistruct a new jack using some sort of New U device because that tech doesnt exist.

    Bokor posted: »

    The female protagonists becoming damsels in distress at the end? Too cliche, bro. As is the idea of Jack being a villain once again. He died in Borderlands 2, get over it. The series needs a new bad guy or else it'll go stale.

  • I think there's a chance Jack could take control of him, but I'm not sure. Rhys would have to probably be completely machine or most inside that head of his for that to really take effect. The one thing I have been worrying about though is if Jack was messing with the hologram thing on Rhy's arm back at that elevator, do you think it's possible Jack might take over that robotic arm and threaten Rhys with it? o_o It wouldn't be that difficult for Jack to choke Rhys or put a gun to his head if that ever happened.

    I'm scared now ;_:

  • If Jack did take over Rhys arm I would be hella disappointed if TTG didnt make an Evil Dead/Dr. Strangelove reference. Think darker though why would Jack hurt or kill Rhys when he controls part of him when he can make Rhys point a gun at Sasha.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think there's a chance Jack could take control of him, but I'm not sure. Rhys would have to probably be completely machine or most inside

  • It wouldn't be that difficult for Jack to choke Rhys

    Strangle, Pumpkin - It wouldn't be that difficult for Jack to strangle Rhys.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think there's a chance Jack could take control of him, but I'm not sure. Rhys would have to probably be completely machine or most inside

  • edited December 2014

    No no, choke. See Jack will grab some raisins and pop them in Rhy's mouth when he's sleeping and he'll start choking! >.> that's what I meant you see.

    It wouldn't be that difficult for Jack to choke Rhys Strangle, Pumpkin - It wouldn't be that difficult for Jack to strangle Rhys.

  • Oh God, now I want that to be an option in-game!

    Will you:




    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    No no, choke. See Jack will grab some raisins and pop them in Rhy's mouth when he's sleeping and he'll start choking! >.> that's what I meant you see.

  • X to Choke B to Strangle A to Asphyxiate Y to stop Rhys from breathing press nothing to punch Rhys in his balls repeatedly.

    Oh God, now I want that to be an option in-game! Will you: choke or strangle?

  • Rhys: SOMEBODY HELP! MY ARM IS TRYING TO KILL ME-[sucker punched out of window.]

    CapnJay posted: »

    X to Choke B to Strangle A to Asphyxiate Y to stop Rhys from breathing press nothing to punch Rhys in his balls repeatedly.

  • Meanwhile Sasha's just standing there all judge-y:


    And depending if you gave her a thumbs up/down/'meh' when she attacked the bandit, she'll do the same back to you now.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Rhys: SOMEBODY HELP! MY ARM IS TRYING TO KILL ME-[sucker punched out of window.]

  • For some reason I really wish for this to happen. It would be pretty hilarious to see Rhys being attacked by his own arm while others are just like "Wtf is wrong with you" |D

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Rhys: SOMEBODY HELP! MY ARM IS TRYING TO KILL ME-[sucker punched out of window.]

  • Its not quite what we planned but now we got your hand to join us.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    For some reason I really wish for this to happen. It would be pretty hilarious to see Rhys being attacked by his own arm while others are just like "Wtf is wrong with you" |D

  • According to the creators of borderlands, the 'New U' devices aren't canon

    CapnJay posted: »

    Good thing theres no way to digitally reconstruct or digistruct a new jack using some sort of New U device because that tech doesnt exist.

  • Do not get ahand of yourself

    CapnJay posted: »

    Its not quite what we planned but now we got your hand to join us.

  • edited December 2014

    Rhys better have a great and glorious f*cking ending or Imma be one sad panda.

    I love that dude.

  • I think I'd be like this if Rhy's died:

    Alt text

    I would not be a happy panda XD

    Bombummie posted: »

    .... Rhys better have a great and glorious f*cking ending or Imma be one sad panda. I love that dude.

  • somethings telling me that latter in the game karma choices will have something to do with doing what jack tells you to do or doing what you believe is right just a thought

  • Seems like you would become one very pissed off panda o.o

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think I'd be like this if Rhy's died: I would not be a happy panda XD

  • Ok well its a possibility. Honestly I don't know anything about the borderlands series. So I don't anything about "implants ", just curious what characters have them? and if they put a personality in their mind dose that mean their body change to look like the person on the device they put in their heads? If so it could exlain why Ryhas from the future look different what he look like at the start of the story.

    People who know this series well will recognise if Jack characteristics dose any way get to Rhays. in the future episode slides one of them at the end show Finona pointing a gun at Ryahs. Ryahs seems to be holding a bat????

    I've seen other of Tory Baker's work I know that he is really good as the bad guy role if that dose in fact happen. Its ironic through, at the start of the episode you see Ryhas starring out the window with his hands on his hips, he is mimicking a poster behind him of jack in the same pose. in the voice over Ryhas says he really want to be like Jake - everyone dose to. So it would be iconic if that actually happens.

  • Hey, I have to admit I never played Borderlands before... only a bit of the first game but not enough to know the games.

    So isn't it possible that they replaced the eye and his arm? Both look different at the beginning of the game (the eye is yellow not blue anymore and his hand is silver and not yellow). It would be my thought to get rid of that virus Handsome Jack. Is that possible on Pandora?

  • Yup, Rhys has that affect on people, especially pandas :P

    Bombummie posted: »

    Seems like you would become one very pissed off panda o.o

  • edited December 2014

    yes but you would probably have to be rich but if your rich and on Pandora then your probably dead (unless your a vault hunter) also if you had money you would not be on Pandora in the first place that just the type of place it is

    (also handsome jacks left eye was yellow to so he dose resemble jack more then he did in the begaining

    Amgie posted: »

    Hey, I have to admit I never played Borderlands before... only a bit of the first game but not enough to know the games. So isn't it poss

  • Ah ok, I didn't know that.

    Deathtrap posted: »

    yes but you would probably have to be rich but if your rich and on Pandora then your probably dead (unless your a vault hunter) also if you

  • edited December 2014

    Implants dont put personalities in your mind, Rhys got Handsome Jack in his mind when he plugged in Nakayamas ID chip or what it was, wich had some sort of Handsome Jack AI clone on it wich is now in Rhys mind

    Ok well its a possibility. Honestly I don't know anything about the borderlands series. So I don't anything about "implants ", just curious

  • as far as i know this is the only time it has happens in any of the games and besides Rhys i'm hard pressed to come up with anyone else with implements. but even before the handsome jack AI took over rhys already kinda looked like him ill post some images so u can get an idea

    this is jack when he was still alive and not a hologram Ai
    Alt text

    as you can tell they already looked rather similar

    Ok well its a possibility. Honestly I don't know anything about the borderlands series. So I don't anything about "implants ", just curious

  • right not all implants. is only a clone is on a ID chip. has this sort of thing happen in Boarderlands before? you know a personalities get into someone's else mind by way of ID chip?

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Implants dont put personalities in your mind, Rhys got Handsome Jack in his mind when he plugged in Nakayamas ID chip or what it was, wich had some sort of Handsome Jack AI clone on it wich is now in Rhys mind

  • I don't think so

    right not all implants. is only a clone is on a ID chip. has this sort of thing happen in Boarderlands before? you know a personalities get into someone's else mind by way of ID chip?

  • Alt text

    Thanks for the reply, you right Jack and Rhys look a lot a like.

    Deathtrap posted: »

    as far as i know this is the only time it has happens in any of the games and besides Rhys i'm hard pressed to come up with anyone else with

  • ok thank you for replying

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I don't think so

  • edited December 2014

    sorry, double post feel free to delete it

  • You don't really have to be too rich, both hammerlock in bl2 and helena in bl1 had arm (and leg) implants and they got them on pandora so... Besides, I'm totally hoping Gaige was the one that gave Rhys his new cyber. It's totally my headcanon that she was the one to repair Loaderbot after he got banged in the fight against the bandits.

    Amgie posted: »

    Ah ok, I didn't know that.

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