Can we just applaud Telltale?
I know a lot of people were disappointed with The Walking Dead: Season Two, and there were a lot of odd things going on with some of the episodes for either The Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead just being released very late. However I have to say, Telltale are back and better than ever. There are numerous choices, all of which make you really feel invested in the story.
The shocking plot twist at the end, the dialogue and story are incredible. All the characters are well-developed, and you really feel the strong atmosphere. The animations, and art-work are incredibly beautiful. Some of the best Telltale has ever done, and it's nice to see them get away from their usual style. It truly is a live oil painting. Agh! I loved every second of it.
The episode is two hours long, the hub areas are back and better than ever, choices are great, the only downside are glitches. There are a few sound file errors such as character repeating phrases or not saying them - However these were few and far in between. Agh! I loved every second of it
Great job Telltale
Telltale is awesome.
I think they were trying something new and experimenting with TWAU and TWD. The cut back in the length of the episodes was disappointing at times (the last two episodes of TWAU were like an hour long), some choices weren't very important (TWD S2), and it was the first time Telltale was working on multiple gaames at the same time and not one single game. Telltale has learned from the mistakes from both TWAU and TWD and have fixed them to improve TFTBL and GOT, which is good. Like you said, longer episodes, hubs are back, and I hope they bring them back for S3 of TWD and hopefully a S2 of TWAU.
I've actually been applauding them since TWD S1 (I haven't played any of their previous titles yet) and every game onward :P
Cool moves, Telltale, cool moves.
I'll have to wait for more episodes to give a fuller opinion.
The art's fine, there's definite potential for interesting character setups, and I'm really glad that Hub areas are starting to make an initial come-back, but there were feelings of fan-service and obvious bottlenecking for the sake of the ending. I'm intrigued enough to want to see where this goes though.
While I did enjoy the first I won't; at least not yet.
Thanks telltale that was amazing
OP: Why don't you take a knee to them? It just is a bit too much to read without getting queasy.
You do know that logically that all makes sense right?
Ramsey kills people FOR FUN , hes by right the warden of the north and can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Hes not just going to stand outside ( infact youre kinda lucky he did'nt try to kill you all). And i think he had the im killing Ethan mind set before coming in wich would explain why he does it regardless ( infact if you pay close attention he subtly hints several times that he plans to kill ethan).
Second: THIS IS GAME OF THRONES your lucky that some forresters still live
And yes the choices DO matter ( why do people keep arguing this?) even though most of the choices wont matter since its the first ep. but some did matter like what you did with erik ( he has 3 diferent branching paths) and that guard you can spare if he lives you can see him in ramseys crew.
Point is choices do matter and the game makes sense overall. So please STOP complaining and just enjoy the game.
The guard you can choose to spare still appears if you kill him when you see Ramsey torturing someone. I verified it earlier by watching a youtube let's play. Who's Erik by the way? The man who steals something?
But I agree with your post in general and with the original poster. I've been quite satisfied with the game minus the odd issue (technical in nature)
1) You ignored the fact that I already said in know how the ASOIAF world works.
2) I know what Ramsay does, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not stupid enough to start shit if he's alone.
3) None of Ethan's choices matter, because nothing he does affects the outcome in any sense.
Also....why can't we take Ramsay hostage? If I let him in alone, the choice to take I'm hostage should've been available.
Yeah that would'nt work
1) Ramsey has an army outside wich is bigger than yours
2) Ramsey does not care for his own life especially if his death leads to more death so he would tell the guards to attack even with a dagger at his throat.
3) if somehow ramsey goes compleatly out of character his father wont care if you kill him or not just as long as you die for even trying to threaten him.
And yes many of ethans acts dont change anything becouse REALISTICLY he dosent have god like powers and is a CHILD so many wont even pay him mind even if he is lord. And again this is ep 1 ethans choices such as the sentinel and the like will have a bigger effect latter.
I prefer to pretend its the same guy ( it kinda helps the enjoyment to think its the same guy and it makes sense story wise ).
And yes Erik is the theif ( name confirmed by telltale)
oh and sorry i did'nt get what you meant by ASOIAF
You should get into their older titles. They're nowhere near as dramatic as the ones now, but they do a lot of stuff with puzzles- some which even stump you at times. I recommend Back to the Future as a gateway into the more lax play style, where the story is still pretty dramatic, and the puzzles aren't too hard. Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island are my two favorite pre-walking dead telltale games.
Amazing series opener Telltale, this has potential to be the best series you have made. Don't be discouraged by some of the bad reviews this episode has gotten, and just keep doing an amazing job with series
Agreed. For example, I thought the first episode of TWAU was brilliant, but none of the following episodes were quite up to par... at least in my opinion (still really enjoyed the game).
That being said, I do feel like the story is being set up nicely.
Yeah, they're really good
The newer episodes might flop, but as for now, let's enjoy the present moment and applaud Telltale for their effort.
I applaud Telltale all the time. I wasn't at all disappointed with TWD: S2. Well, in some areas I was, but I still loved it overall.
Yet to be disappointed by any work TTG has produced.
Aw, shucks.
The team thanks you. Glad you enjoyed episode 1 of Thrones! Still lots of work to be done for the season but we appreciate the kind words.
so cool to see the staff replying to the fans
we love GoT and we are enjoying this . we just hope more amazing episodes for this amazing world. We want it GOTY too 
Wow, a staff member! :O
Even tho I'm still pissed about the Ethan side of things, I did enjoy the episode a lot. Looking forward to playing a few more eps before I enthusiastically applaud like I did during Borderlands ep 1 and all of Wolf Among Us, tho :P
As far as I can tell, they are good storytellers
Though it seems like this thread was recently necroed, I'd say it's still relevant. We've had two amazing episodes, let's just hope it stays that way.
Certainly is still relevant, Telltale deserves much more praise than they've been getting for this game IMO. This game truly is great, hope we can still say the same with every episode.
I agree... even if you have never watched the show like me, I'm loving the game... and it has made me want to start binge watching the show. Incredible first 2 episodes.
Applaud them? I will freaking salut!
Love them and every game. They pull at my heartstrings every single time.
To be honest:
Its true. U make thousands of decisions in ttg's and than u die at the end anyway. Like in real life XD
I mean true, it would be cool if u can prevent Ethans death thats just impossible for the creators. I mean just think about it. if EVERY decision u make does change ur story...than u have like 3000 diffrent storylines (NOTE: Storylines, not endings).
That means ttg would made like 10(or likly more) versions of episode 2. What would happen if Gared safe the other squire. What would be diffrent when he spared the life of the other soldier from Whitehill. What would happen if he refuse to go to the wall. ect...
u see...what u want from telltale is just impossible.
But i agree at u in one thing: I understand thats a little bit stupid to lock the walls and than, ramseys crew came somehow in anyways. It WOULD probably prevent Ethans death or mostly Ramsey would get killed, ater he murdered him and Ludd would be take as a hostage. But I understand that they must to follow there storyline and to be honest: its a great story^^
Sry for gramma