Wait a second Tyrion (spoilers)

Ok my entire knowlledge of GoT omes from. 1 Episode of Men at Work. TTG. And The cracked.com article agiut insane fan theories and maybe its just me but this is what i got from Mira and Tyrion.
Mira-I will do ANYTHING to keep my family safe even sex if TTG Goes that route
Tyrion- ok I got a plan the downsides are. Cersei will be pissed and your family will be in danger. On the plus side ill be entertained.
Mira- Didnt I just say what my priority was?
Am I wrong? And anyone else think migh have to use her body to get ahead?
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No. I don't see that happening. I think Cersei was trying to ascertain Mira's mind state. She seems amused if you tell her you'd do anything to ensure your family's safety. Maybe she likes the fact that you think like her. Or maybe she's figured she can use that to her advantage somehow.
My playthrough had Mira being deliberately vague Loyalty to the king (even if something happens putting a new house on the throne though I would like to fully win cersei over in another try) When Tyrion offered the risky deal he seemed to specifically sell that it would piss off cersei and put Miras family at risk which goes against her goal. Like buying gas to put out a fire.
That'd be an interesting twist but Tyrion pays women for sex, he doesn't use the threat of their family's death to get them into bed.
No. Tyrion is capable of a lot of things but he doesn't stoop that low. The forced marriage between him and Sansa was painful because he refused to even take her to bed despite his father expecting him to. He respected Sansa's wishes even though she hated him. So I don't see him using Mira like that.
I'd be entirely cool, however, with a Mira/Tyrion affair AFTER he helps their family, though.
He's a cool dude and Mira is awesomely smart.
Amusingly, I liked the Brienne/Tyrion pairing they proposed too but Jaime has dibs.
Tyrion is huuuugely popular Im not saying HE would put Mira in a sex situation. But there are plenty of those who might. I think She will probably have to kill Sera. But I meant mira fucking Joffrey/Ramsay/Roose/Other Names I dont know. however if I learned anything from De Sade you only bribe with sex if there is a guarantee your extortionist wont finish throw open the curtains and make you watch what you screwed to save die before you and your daughter die of the poison he slipped you. (120 days of sodom equal or worse then GoT?) I just thought it was weird how Tyrion sold his deal as having no possible benefit for Mira whether its spying thievin or murder. the sex thing is a COMPLETELY seperate issue.
I think it would be very hard to implement that and not create two different universes in Westeros.
Eh, I doubt Martin would marry them but an affair might be nice.
This would create an inconsistency with the world as it is and I feel like it would take away from Tyrion's character.
I don't see any inconsistency, personally. This is before the Purple Wedding when he and Shae are on the outs, after all. Tyrion can't be with Shae because she's a harlot and he's not with Sansa because he's not a rapist. Mira being a consensual high-born girl is a nice bit of rules lawyering even Tywin couldn't blame him for.
Of course, the game is already inconsistent with the show as Tyrion has no power as Master of Coin. It's a puppet position which Tywin rules him from but the game acts like he's as powerful as his sister.
I was under the belief thats just how Westeros characters act chessmasters whether they have power or not. Though if Mirs was going to sleep with anyone besides Sera I would accept Tyrion he seems nice. (But this isnt bioware so no romance is possible.)
The inconsistency I see is that we have not seen this happening before. If Tyrion were to have an affair with Mira others would surely know, and Shae would give him shit about it. Remember the shit she gives him for marrying Sansa? Despite Tyrion paying her and despite not being able to be together Tyrion loves Shae. He knows she's a whore but he loves her. It's his thing and it's what breaks his heart in S4.
On a sidenote: Main story characters should not be influenced notably by this game if it is to remain canon.
tyrion wouldn't do that anyone who watches the show would know that
It's not something I could see Tyrion doing. But Cersei or Joffrey? Certainly, if only to humiliate someone from the north
It's Expanded Universe, which is something I'm familiar with in Star Wars.
It's canon but only in relationship to itself.
As for Shae, I'm sure should COULD give Tyrion crap for it but we'd never see it. That's assuming she'd find out.
Oh well.
At the time the game is taking place, Tyrion is still hooked up with Shae and in an unconsummated 'marriage' with Sansa. His uglier side has been whitewashed out of existence in the TV show, so he certainly wouldn't use sexual extortion in the TV continuity, but even in the book he's rather faithful to Shae.
So no, it's not going to happen.
Eh, Shae and Tyrion are all but broken up by this point in the show. This is right before the Purple Wedding and possibly after Tyrion sends Shae away.
There's potentially a long time between the breakup and the Purple Wedding.
Maybe even a month given how long these weddings take.
Shae could be in Lannister custody for awhile.
No Tyrion no longer does that, since he loves Shae.
Again apples and oranges in a poorly worded fruitbowl
Discussion A- Why sell family danger to someone who wants family safety
Discussion B- If this wasnt TTG would Myra (After her business with Tyrion is gone and hes no longer an issue) Have to move on to a new plan of survival involving sex?
Extra Point- I dont read the boo/s or watch the show
Perhaps mira could offer out of genuine affection and he politely turns her down?
In the book he kills Shae just before killing Tywin. This is interesting. The show really does paint Tyrion in a nicer light.
Honestly, I don't think they're that different. However, this is a big controversy in Westeros fandom.
And that went well...
Heh. Where do you think he's spending the money?
Hahahha didn't say it went well but he wasn't paying hookers back than. Even when he married Sansa he didn't sleep with her.
I think they're a whole lot different. Book Tyrion has a man who was trying to blackmail him murdered and stewed. He uses Cersei's fear of him to threaten to beat and rape Tommen if the whore she has taken captive suffers the same. He has far fewer moral objections to his marriage with Sansa, and in fact sees a number of advantages to it, and is also genuinely tempted by seeing Sansa naked.
If there is one thing you can reliably count on, it's that the writers of the show will make Tyrion look better and Stannis look worse than their book counterparts.
Everyone always takes that Tommen thing as an argument but I think it was pretty much pure bluffing from Tyrion. But he is smart enough to know Cersei wont risk it because she loves and protects her children so desperately.
Right, but can you imagine TV Tyrion even bluffing about something like that? Admittedly, it would come across as much harsher on TV because we wouldn't be able to read his thoughts and know without a doubt that he's mainly bluffing, but he is also just regularly presented as being much more moral than his book counterpart.
I completely forgot about that. TV show Tyrion seems to be a pluckish rogue while book Tyrion borderlines on full on villain.
I remember Peter Dinklage describing Tyrion as the 'good bad guy, or the bad good guy' in a season 1 commentary. That no longer describes TV Tyrion, but I think it sums up book Tyrion pretty well. He's not that bad a guy, in many respects, especially compared to his father and sister and eldest nephew. Yet every once in awhile he'll do something really cold-blooded and you're reminded that, yes, he is the son of Tywin Lannister through and through.