What's the point anymore...? [Contains Spoilers for TWD S1]

So from episode 1's ending... we all know one thing... we're screwed.

We have a god modded villian, in a shittier scenario in something we can't even fight back from. The forresters are fucked and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, but run like cowards and have our names fade into smoke. We will all die, or end badly and there's nothing we can do about it. We're fighting a losing battle... what even is the point anymore?

I understand it's game of thrones, but even the show and books have some semblance of hope in them, via Arya, Tyrion or Stannis.

Even the walking dead game had hope in it. Episode 1 ended with you fortifying a inn. It wasn't till the conclusion of episode 4 till you felt everything was fucked... but even then, you gave Clementine hope...

It's just depressing.. there's nothing we can do.. we're all doomed....


  • You can roll over and die if you want, I'm going to fight even if it seems hopeless.

    Also this episode had plenty of hope in it, the nice interactions with ethan and his siblings etc. There is good in the world.

  • There are five episodes left, anything can change.

  • I honestly doubt it. Unless we get revenge on that fat bastard without Ramsay retaliating there's not much we can do.. unless telltale confirms the game as non-canon to the franchise as a whole...

    There are five episodes left, anything can change.

  • I have hope in Asher, Stevean. He seems to be the one that can bring justice to his house.

    stevean2 posted: »

    I honestly doubt it. Unless we get revenge on that fat bastard without Ramsay retaliating there's not much we can do.. unless telltale confirms the game as non-canon to the franchise as a whole...

  • While it may be true that we won't be able to kill Ramsay, I still have a little hope that we may be able to save House Forrester depending on our choices. What better way is there to make our choices matter in GOT than being able to save your house depending on what you did during the game?

  • In that regard, how do you believe you'd acomplish that? Ramsay isn't the sort of man to cripple under intimidation.. and he clearly knows he has the advantage. We can't capture or wound him, as that'd screw things up for all of us. And he could wipe us out in an instant with his army.

    The only way I could see us turning this around, is my little dove in Kings Landing sending a fake "crown of protection" letter from the family seal she stole. Maybe Gared could convince Stannis to help at some point...

    Grafite posted: »

    While it may be true that we won't be able to kill Ramsay, I still have a little hope that we may be able to save House Forrester depending

  • Do you have any ideas on how he'd acomplish that goal?

    Drbg posted: »

    I have hope in Asher, Stevean. He seems to be the one that can bring justice to his house.

  • Danerys was more fucked... Stuck in a desert with a tribe of Nomads of like 20 people.. She climbed to the top... Sure she might have dragons, but don't forget we have the North Grove what ever that is...

    stevean2 posted: »

    In that regard, how do you believe you'd acomplish that? Ramsay isn't the sort of man to cripple under intimidation.. and he clearly knows h

  • You have a choice. Either you sit down and die or you fight to the bitter end for the chance of victory.

    Iron from Ice.

  • ...

    Iron from Ice..

    You have a choice. Either you sit down and die or you fight to the bitter end for the chance of victory. Iron from Ice.

  • She also didn't have to deal with anyone with plot armour :P

    Mach5 posted: »

    Danerys was more fucked... Stuck in a desert with a tribe of Nomads of like 20 people.. She climbed to the top... Sure she might have dragons, but don't forget we have the North Grove what ever that is...

  • edited December 2014

    The game is not about killing Ramsay but surviving the hard times the Forresters are going through. And I think it will be hard enough for them to come even with the Whitehills.

    Anyway, the Forresters will join Stannis' forces when he marches against Boltons. So maybe somewhere in the future Forresters (whoever of them still are alive at that point) will actually see the bastard fall. Of course we don't yet know if Stannis wins that battle or not.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Do you have any ideas on how he'd acomplish that goal?

  • True enough, but regardless if there will there is a way!!! Iron from Ice baby! lol

    stevean2 posted: »

    She also didn't have to deal with anyone with plot armour :P

  • edited December 2014

    From what I can gather he is a badass. He wont be treated like how Ethan was treated, obviously, because Ethan couldn't hold his own.
    Ramsay and Lord White Hill for instance treated Ethan like shit, and I think Asher on the other hand would not take any of it. Also, Asher had a lover that was a Whitehill, so I assume that will come into play, although I don't know how exactly things will play out.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Do you have any ideas on how he'd acomplish that goal?

  • Aye!

    Iron from Ice!

    stevean2 posted: »

    ... .. Iron from Ice..


    stevean2 posted: »

    Do you have any ideas on how he'd acomplish that goal?

  • Can I have a slice?

    MrSnaffles posted: »


  • Iron from Ice!

    Aye! Iron from Ice!

  • Right now, I'm putting all my hope in whatever this "North Grove" thing is. I feel like that's gotta be what's going to save us.

  • Not really. Even in Game of Thrones' show and books, there is hope even after extremely sad/unfortunate events. Hope in this game hasn't shined yet because the pilot took place right after an event in the series that left practically everyone in the North with no hope.

    I don't think House Forrester is screwed. Asher is probably gonna be a HUGE sign of hope when he returns to Ironrath, as well as the Forrester's family bond altogether was a sign of hope that shined a little in ep.1.

    Will things be fucked up and have us screaming like the ending of ep.1? You betcha. Doesn't mean there won't be hope for this house :P

  • Iron from Ice!

    Iron from Ice!

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