Duncan and Royland = Kenny and Lilly
Not much to say, pretty self-explanitory, the way they bicker and argue is almost reminiscent to how Kenny and Lilly argued in The Walking Dead, they can't agree on anything and they think that their way of handling it is the right way to do things. Anyone else think that.
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I saw this too...Not only that but how the Forums will erupt into war over picking one over the other is wrong...
Yep, it's inevitable. Prepare yourself, Duncan vs. Royland arguments are coming.
I doubt it, I think most people find Duncan and Royland both likable whereas with Kenny and Lilly, usually it would be they like one or the other.
Thank you, I was hoping someone would make this.
No problem. :P
Haha yeah. But the only difference is I wasn't sad when we get rid of Lilly in ep.3. If either Duncan or Royland were to go, I'd feel sad.
Same, I like both Royland and Duncan, both have great ideas and I would like them to be able to work together, but I was more than happy to leave Lilly behind when she killed Carley.
Agreed. I'm sure this was done purposely. They were made polar opposites for a reason. We already saw the tension building between the two in the first episode, and it looks like we're potentially going to be seeing conflict between the two of them next episode.
Team Roland.
I think Green said it best. Duncan and Royland respect each other and aren't about to tear each other apart, and in the current circumstances it's hard to hate one or the other. One's not contemplating running off with the people he care's about, because both of them care for the same people and the same House with unwavering loyalty. They both will ultimately bow to the Lord regardless of whose advice he chooses, and despite grievances, will remain if the Lord insists.
There's disagreement, but there's also unity. No one's fighting to be leader because there's already a leader decided by noble blood and parentage, which carries a lot of weight in this setting, especially noted when bastardy is spat upon. Example, Jon Snow endures a lot for being both a bastard and remaining in the care of the Stark family on the insistence of Eddard, his father.
There will be arguments on the game and on here...
Do they though? I personally don't think they do. With the events that took place at the end of this episode, things are only going to be more tense between the two, and I believe that will lead to conflict.
Team Duncan.
Fight me M8. :P
Fuck Duncan, fuck you.
Oh really, at least I'm not a reckless piece of shit that would willingly risk his entire house and it's people just to prove some superiority complex. You are probably like Royland...A piece of shit.
(I hope everyone realizes this is just joking and for fun... :P...If you get offended tell me.)
(love ya Golden
Wat did ya say M8 fight me M7, you think you're all tough because you're behind a screen!
(Right back at you. XD This is surprisingly fun when you're just joking around.)
You're so Team Royland that you misspelled his name.
I got a little too excited, couldn't even think of the guy's name.
bro wtf did u just say to me? r u even fuking aware of who it is you are speaking to right now? i will end you.
Nah I never would have caught on to that
Wat? You know what i'm the fucking prince of Egypt and i'll send my fuckin army after you...r u fuckin awar of who yoa speakin too M7?
You'd be surprised of what people don't catch onto.
I uh..I don't even know what's going on anymore.
I couldn't throw Lilly out. Only on some replays. I only have three big decisions that I never change, even on replays,
Just some fun. :P
These Royland vs Duncan debates are ruining the forums.
There's always something ruining the forums though. In The Walking Dead, it's either Kenny vs. Lilly (Season 1) or Kenny vs. Jane (Season 2), here we have Duncan and Royland, I didn't visit it all the time, but I'm sure there were some people ruining The Wolf Among Us when that was going on, and I'm sure, as time goes on, you will see people ruining the TFTBL forums with people saying either Rhys or Fiona.
What are those? Forgive me for jumping to conclusions, but if I had to guess, is it don't drop Ben, go with Nick, and tell Walter to forgive him.
Definitely not being serious.
Close, two out of three.
They are never drop Ben
Always get Walter to forgive Nick
And be nice to Arvo (I.e. Don't rob him or allow Kenny's assault against him)
Pete's scene in the smoke truck is too memorable to pass over every game.
But you get to drink with Nick if you go with him. But yeah, Pete's is a great scene as well. And the Arvo one is not necessarily one single choice, but a conglomerate of choices since you have to defend him several times from Kenny.
True, but I like to put all of those together because it feels like choosing between being nice and being, well, non hospitable.
I've mulled it over, and I think you're right. They may not see an enemy in each other, but they don't have much respect for each others' methods. Duncan wants everyone to play nice, and Royland wants to act and make everyone play by the same rules. They both disagree with the direction the House should go from here to the point where I'm sure they'll have a real clash, one I'm certain Royland would win by popularity contest and then have Duncan locked up to keep him from meddling. Assuming there's no fortunate circumstances to steer them away from it.
I like Duncan when it came to make level headed decisions, but Royland seemed very sensible as well. Royland may have been the more aggressive man to side with, but it looks like he actually cares about the Foresters especially when Gared gets sent to The Wall (the man clearly sympathized with Gared during his argument). It's the Kenny/Lilly argument all over again, both trying to what's best for the people they care about, but have two different stances on what should be done and they can't reach a consensus.
I don't think it's Kenny vs Lily, more Kenny vs Luke. Since one's pretty hot headed, and the other is level headed.