What was your initial reaction?

At the beginning of the game, how did your react when it suddenly says "The Twins." "The Red Wedding"

I was like "Oh fuck....". I was honestly surprised as I didn't expect that the game would begin at the wedding.


  • Unfortunately by reading early impressions I had spoiled that bit for myself, so I felt nothing, I imagine it would've been a better experience if I went in blind

  • Have to admit I predicited the opening almost exactly, With gared and the lords at the twins

  • I was expecting it tbh

    They said it starts of at the ending of Season 3, and what scene would have been more fitting to introduce a new Northern House loyal to the Starks.

    So, I wasn't surprised in one bit :P

  • I slowly whispered "Oh fuck..." and picked every option that was similar to "bruh, we got to get the fuck out of here."

  • What epic said. We're a loyal Stark family. So the Red Wedding is going to happen. Like if you were making a story about a Loyal Stark House, wouldn't you open at the Red Wedding. It's what I've been considering doing as a table top game for my group for a while, a minor Stark house, having to deal with massive uncertainty and adversity. It's a great plot hook that has a ton of angles and the writers for this game clearly agree.

    Also they said it started towards the end of the 3rd season so it was either the beginning or the end of the episode. So, yeah.

    When they were at a camp, I was like yup. Then they were like, wedding, and I was like yup. Then it showed The Twins, and I got pumped. It was a slow reveal, that even if you knew it was going to be the twins it's like hyping up the reveal of Godzilla. An entrance theme song for a wrestler. Whether it's your first time or you're a diehard. The build of anticipation was enjoyable. I thought it was well done.

    Though I do have a minor question. I don't remember any fights happening the day of the Red Wedding, they were sitting around drinking for a couple days. Who did Lord Forrestor kill to get blood and brains on his sword? He could have been executing deserters, or gotten into a minor skirmish on patrol. But that moment was the only one that made me thing "Huh, at the wedding?"

    I was expecting it tbh They said it starts of at the ending of Season 3, and what scene would have been more fitting to introduce a new Northern House loyal to the Starks. So, I wasn't surprised in one bit :P

  • edited December 2014

    Here's what my first reaction was like.

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  • Man I was like.....

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  • edited December 2014

    Damn 0_0

  • Yeah. I was all into "Okay, I'm a squire for a low-level house" and then, I saw "The Twins: The Red Wedding" and I said, out loud: "Oh. shit, really? This is about to get bad..."

  • My reaction was pretty much the same thing as yours.

  • edited December 2014

    I was like "Shit is about to get real."

  • I didn't know anything about GOT but when I seen the guys in the tent arming up I knew we were going to die.

  • edited December 2014

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