Something interesting
If you go to this game's wikia and search Ethan, at the bottom of the page will say this: "In the show, during the purple wedding some characters talk about Lord Ethan's death, and someone jokes "I wouldn't want to be a Forrester" this was right before the dwarfs did a show." I haven't been watching the show nor reading the books, but if someone has, I would appreciate if he's tell us more about the Purple wedding or what specific episode is this. If we find the episode, we might be able to find more "easter eggs" about this game.


  • edited December 2014

    House Forrester was mention in books just once, when Asha Greyjoy talks about scouts in Stannis's army.

  • edited December 2014

    Forresters aren't mentioned in the Tv Show's purple wedding. Its season 4 episode 2.

  • Maybe someone in the background mentioned them? IDK, so it said on the wikia.

    Pertsa posted: »

    Forresters aren't mentioned in the Tv Show's purple wedding. Its season 4 episode 2.

  • I watched the episode, I couldn't hear the mention of Ethan or the Forrester though I did Spot Mira

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    and Sera

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    walked around the wedding. which is kind of annoying cause now I'm wondering what other game stuff they hinted at in the show.

  • edited December 2014

    At one point Mira seems to be holding some boys hands there...when the dwarfs are leaving the stage....interesting.

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