Price difference between platforms.

So why is the Xbox One the cheapest platform to buy Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones on?

Game of Thrones is £23/4 on PC/PS4 and Xbox One is £16.

Tales from the Borderlands is £19 on PC/PS4 and £12 on Xbox One.

If anything should have parity it should be the price of games from the same developer. Makes no sense that Telltale games are cheaper on one platform unless Telltale are favouring Microsoft's console over PC and PS4.


  • So sad that no one cares that Playstation-owners are getting screwed. The fact that version is usually delayed makes it worse

  • Microsoft probably struck a cheaper deal with them that's all.

  • That's not only about platforms, it's about countries, too. Why the f-word do I have to pay $34.64 for a $24.99 game just because Iive in Germany? Would at least try to understand it if it would be a real-live product with shipping and all that jazz. But for "digital first"? Really? American? German? In the end it's all hosted in Taiwan. :/

  • That is not all, we are talking about a unusually higher between Europe and the US here

    Churned posted: »

    Microsoft probably struck a cheaper deal with them that's all.

  • edited December 2014

    The PC version is now the most expensive version available for both Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones as Sony have cut the price on PSN to match the Xbox price and given partial refunds to make up for the price difference.

    Looks like we lost another PC developer to the consoles.

    Business is business I guess but that works both ways. I won't be buying either series till the price is dropped to match the consoles. I was a supporter of Telltale till now.

  • himmatsjhimmatsj Banned
    edited December 2014

    The PC version has always been the most expensive once they stopped selling their games on a episodic basis (basically TWAU, TWD S2, TFTB and GOT). I definitely would like to see price parity though. It is unfair we end up paying more than other platforms, plus we have the choice of buying their games on an episodic basis taken away from us.

    Seafort posted: »

    The PC version is now the most expensive version available for both Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones as Sony have cut the pric

  • But the PC version is also the best ;)

    And the game partially is near to unplayable on console (for example action scenes in Season 2 on PS3...THE LAGS! THE LAAAGS!)

    And the PC price will not go down until at least all Episodes are out.

    You're paying more, but you are getting more, too. Except for the stupid choice system. But what are wireless controllers for, right?

    Seafort posted: »

    The PC version is now the most expensive version available for both Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones as Sony have cut the pric

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