Margaery's test [spoilers]
Having played the first episode twice, I found that you don't find Margaery's stamp and key if you do not ask her for help. Does anyone have any idea why this is? Is Margaery perhaps testing our loyalty?
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Definitley a possibility there...I still can't really judge her. I have no idea what exactly it is that she wants
She may be afraid you are a "loose cannon" now that you're family is in danger.
She might be testing you´r loyalty or she could be giving you some help. Maybe with the stamp we are going to be able to writte a letter in Tyrell´s name.
That seems unlikely to me. Stealing her stamp to write a letter in her family's name would be a pretty serious betrayal. If she were willing to let us send such a letter, I believe she would have had to have told us.
Yes, you´re right. Maybe she wants to punish Mira for ask her help. I also found this part a bit confusing, when I saw the stamp and the key on the table I didn´t know if I was on my chamber or in someone elses chamber.
If I remember correctly, the screen reads "Alone in Margaery's room" when the scene starts.
Could it be, probably I wasn´t paying enough attention.
If she is then I failed 10x.
No Regrets
Fuck Margaery and her Test
I didn't ask her about the letter but i would've stolen it all. I don't care if it was a test because i don't think it'll have any effects on the game really. Maybe some different conversations but that is it.
Thinking like that just takes the fun out of it, even though it's sort of true.
I know sorry
It was kind of hard to write too, believe me but i just had to say it, but HEY maybe this time everything will be different and Telltale will do something great 
Trying to make up for my mistake
Again wrong comment, not that Telltale isn't doing great, Telltale is the best but maybe it'll do something different
I will do anything to save my family.
That´s the spirit, every time I make a choice I make it with no regrets, the things can be good or bad but it is part of it.
Yes regrets are useless. We need to do what it takes to save the family or die trying!
Dammit now I regret not taking them but I also feel like I made the right choice??
oh man. If that was a test then I failed ... But I only took one so I like... half failed?
Hope this isn't another one of those relationship measurement things like what happened with Kenny in TWD. Where I'm going need her help but because I stole her stamp and swore loyalty to cersei she refuses me :S
She told you to swear loyalty to the king to appease Cersei...I find that bullshit if she holds that against you.
It's game of thrones. Everything and everyone is bullshit. :P
...Sadly you're right.
If you trust anyone in King's Landing, you are simply naive. If you don't trust anyone in King's Landing, you are no better than Patchwork.
"If you play the Game of Thrones, you either win, or reload from the last checkpoint."
If anything, I'd trust Varys, as far as I could throw him, and I trust anyone else far less.
I didn't take either I didn't want to press my luck yet.
That is really cool, I had no idea they weren't left out if you didn't ask her for help. I didn't take them, because I felt like I might need her help and I didn't want to alienate a potential ally. But the fact that it might have been a trap is pretty cool.
I like the idea of 'testing' your (insert cryptic attribute here), though I didn't consider the possibility of such a test at the time. I took the key since one could sort of argue that it "just went missing". Of course Margaery could accuse you of stealing it but without concrete proof you could potentially lie your way out of it. Unless you're searched with the key on you (or possibly your room with a key in it) the theft won't be discovered unless you use it to enter a room and leave some sort of mark, like stealing an item that could in turn be easy to trace/link to you.
The theft of the stamp on the other hand couldn't possibly remain a secret if you were ever to use it; Margaery would almost certainly know it was you since I guess that any future document bearing such a stamp would be highly in your favor, making it a direct sign of betrayal. With this logic, I found it wiser to leave the stamp be.
Don't want your handmaiden to steal your belongings? Don't leave your belongings in a room your handmaiden is always in.
I don't know. Margaery Tyrell is a pretty powerful noble, even if she is not Cersei. I mean, her father is Lord Paramount of Highgarden (although the real power is, arguably, in the hands of the Queen of Thorns) If she thinks you stole something, the amount of proof she has to provide with a low level noble, like Mira, is a lot lower than it would be if she accused, say, Oberyn Martell, or another powerful noble. Showing that you had the opportunity to take it might be all she would really need.
I afraid it is as pointless as "stealing" Pete's watch in TWD.