A little frustrated

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

I fell a little cheated on this one...Especialy on the Ethan part.Like i know this is a telltale game and usualy the choices dont matter so much and dont get me wrong i dont want to set my one unique path special from the other its fine it follow a storyline given from them but.. some choices had like no effect at all.

For example the planing part for when Ramsay comes it doesnt matter who you choice they will not to jack shit for you.The military guy is like "ye my lord we have troops" but then you like have only 4 thats a damn lie its confusing and i dont like it.Then he says like "will hold them at the wall" or something like that and Ramsay just goes in, it doesnt even matter if you choose to keep him at the wall or meet him in the castle if you do that !!

And i feel like the option they give you are far too less.I know you cant kill Ramsay and such but atleast let me put a fight,give ma an option to seize his troops or put up a fight dont just let him do whatever he wants.And whatever adviser you choose they say something like "ill protect you my lord" and they dont do jack shit....

PS: This is my first post.Please dont be hard on me and my bad english and dont take this as a insult just an opinion :D



  • Brace youselves, the "Choices don't matter" discussions are coming.

  • Like they haven't been here for weeks, I'm sick of it.

    Brace youselves, the "Choices don't matter" discussions are coming.

  • My point mostly was about misleading information.As i said the military guy was saying "we can train enough troops","we will fight them to the last! " and then nobody did nothing, not a single option.My post its not about the choice doenst matter i know that we cant go astray from the storyline and im fine with that but that was just misleading information..

    Brace youselves, the "Choices don't matter" discussions are coming.

  • You do know that fighting the army that Ramsay brought would have gotten everyone in Ironrach killed and that can not happen in the story.

    Stimen posted: »

    My point mostly was about misleading information.As i said the military guy was saying "we can train enough troops","we will fight them to t

  • edited December 2014

    come on man its GOT ethan was gonna die either way, doesn't matter if ttg wanted it or not don't u kno the rule that everyone u love is gonna die

  • I doubt that ramsay would had kill everyone including the family,i think he would have killed just the soldiers.Knowing how twisted he is

    You do know that fighting the army that Ramsay brought would have gotten everyone in Ironrach killed and that can not happen in the story.

  • I am a fan of TTG and their games, but I agree that the choices can be frustrating when they don't change anything. I don't know why people feel the need to attack you for just stating the truth.

  • You doubt that?

    Upon entering the hall he implied that he was going to burn the place down without even talking to someone first. Ramsay is a psychopath who would kill to just have fun. He was going to take your sister and hunt her...If you don't know what hunting is it's where Ramsay takes women strips them naked then lets them run so he and his friends can hunt them down with dogs then rape her and flay her. Ramsay is a fucking psycho who would have killed everyone there if even the slightest amount of resistance was shown by the general populace, so of course they wouldn't give you a option to risk entire suicide of your house.

    Stimen posted: »

    I doubt that ramsay would had kill everyone including the family,i think he would have killed just the soldiers.Knowing how twisted he is

  • Its episode one. Big changes arent going to happen yet.

    I am a fan of TTG and their games, but I agree that the choices can be frustrating when they don't change anything. I don't know why people feel the need to attack you for just stating the truth.

  • Nor will they if it's anything like TWD or TWAU. We are having this same discussion on another thread. Same place/predicament no matter what you do.

    KCohere posted: »

    Its episode one. Big changes arent going to happen yet.

  • edited December 2014

    Exactly just like the other games. So why are people surprised that this new telltale game is just like all the other telltale games? The games have always been on rails; they're telltale games not choose your own adventures.

    Nor will they if it's anything like TWD or TWAU. We are having this same discussion on another thread. Same place/predicament no matter what you do.

  • Which is fine by me, as long as they do not mis-advertise their games. Do you even read what is written on the store page for Game of Thrones, with respect to choices?

    jokerofish posted: »

    Exactly just like the other games. So why are people surprised that this new telltale game is just like all the other telltale games? The games have always been on rails; they're telltale games not choose your own adventures.

  • Again with the people and branching paths. ITS NOT HAPPENING. The story isnt gonna change.

  • Oh it's something like your choices tailor the game to you. you will play as 5 different playable characters and your choices will effect your fate and can ripple out and effect the rest of your house.

    Which so far so true.

    I cut off that dude's fingers so Gared's not getting a friend at the wall (sorry bro... unless that guy goes to the wall anyways- then I've just made him distinguishable; he is welcome)

    and I got Ethan killed for being bold rather than being brave or wise. (dunno if I like what telltale is implying about me...)

    and i think i might caused the little folks to stave off cause I'm going demand their food. (i have no clue why that choice bothered me most)

    and a something about who is going run the house now; that's also a thing i did.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Which is fine by me, as long as they do not mis-advertise their games. Do you even read what is written on the store page for Game of Thrones, with respect to choices?

  • edited December 2014

    They did say they barely had any forces or troops they really couldnt stop Ramsey. I am really hoping we get to see some choices have a big effect but in episode 1 I wasnt expecting that much

  • Dude i said like 2 times already my post is not about branching parts and diferent storys ! its about misleading information the military guy was saying that he was training troops and till tomorow they will be ready and we will hold them at the wall and none of this happened.

    Again with the people and branching paths. ITS NOT HAPPENING. The story isnt gonna change.

  • edited December 2014

    I still remain at my opinion.Even though they would resist i doubt he would burn the castle he needs the Forresters for their harvesting of ironwood skill.Probably Ethan would have died anyway and all his soldiers if they would have fought back of course but they would need the family because if Ramsay would have put a lord the people wouldnt have respected him.Just like in the tv series no1 respected Theon,Ramsay would have needed the Forester to maintain the people loyal

    You doubt that? Upon entering the hall he implied that he was going to burn the place down without even talking to someone first. Ramsay

  • Thank you.But as i said previously my post is about misleading information and the lack of choices, not creating your on path ! I know how telltale games are, they follow a certain storyline you cant change but this episod had alot of misleading information..

    I am a fan of TTG and their games, but I agree that the choices can be frustrating when they don't change anything. I don't know why people feel the need to attack you for just stating the truth.

  • Pretty sure decisions you made with Lord Ethan will impact how people talk about him and it could even help House Forrester... think about it... the person you choose as sentinel is going to become the new lord of the house, whether you sent Malcolm to get Asher may have a huge effect, how you punished that man may effect the story. Your trust towards Sera could change the course of the story for Mira, asking for help may change the fate of House Forrester. Letting that guard live may impact the story. So many things could happen, there are 6 episodes.

  • Malcolm is going to essos anyway. Because now the mother send him there no matter what u told him as Ethan I believe

  • edited December 2014

    From what i seen whetever you let Malcolm go or not you still see Essos in the next episode and posibly Asher.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Pretty sure decisions you made with Lord Ethan will impact how people talk about him and it could even help House Forrester... think about i

  • Ye thats true i did both option and still it show Essos in the next episod

    Pertsa posted: »

    Malcolm is going to essos anyway. Because now the mother send him there no matter what u told him as Ethan I believe

  • So is there anyway to actually save Ethan from dying?

  • The fact that TTG say anything along the lines of "this game is tailored to how you play", is laughable. How about they just cut the BS and say, "this game is a one size fits all".

    jokerofish posted: »

    Oh it's something like your choices tailor the game to you. you will play as 5 different playable characters and your choices will effect yo

  • Well go ahead and write a story that changes after every choice, try it. You will end up writing hundreds of stories and their quality will most certainly be worse than with just one or two stories.

    And then with these hundreds of stories ttg should practically make hundreds of games. It's impossible and even if it would be done people would be bitching about the bad quality of the stories.

    The fact that TTG say anything along the lines of "this game is tailored to how you play", is laughable. How about they just cut the BS and say, "this game is a one size fits all".

  • Ye thats true it would be imposible to branch out your on unique story.

    Well go ahead and write a story that changes after every choice, try it. You will end up writing hundreds of stories and their quality will

  • Ye it doenst matter what you do or what sentinel you pick or in what way you treat them he will still die

    MosesARose posted: »

    So is there anyway to actually save Ethan from dying?

  • Thing is, it's not to say we don't like TT's games. It's that they are not being completely honest with their marketing BS. That's all. I think it's safe to say we all know how hard it is to make a story that changes with every choice.

    Well go ahead and write a story that changes after every choice, try it. You will end up writing hundreds of stories and their quality will

  • Nada.

    MosesARose posted: »

    So is there anyway to actually save Ethan from dying?

  • Not at all. Devs like Bioware do it all the time.

    Stimen posted: »

    Ye thats true it would be imposible to branch out your on unique story.

  • That's the thing though, you don't even get the two stories with TTG.

    Whose asking for 100's of stories? I'll settle for anything more than 1.

    Well go ahead and write a story that changes after every choice, try it. You will end up writing hundreds of stories and their quality will

  • Well actually even the minor changes make the story different. What kind of personality you give to your character makes the story different. And anyway if you settle with anything more than one then you are basically saying that one decision in the whole game that changes the plot is okay, so do we know that there wasn't such decision in the episode one? No. Or even more we don't know if there will be in the future episodes. And if you want all the decisions to make a difference to the plot then you get 100's of stories.

    That's the thing though, you don't even get the two stories with TTG. Whose asking for 100's of stories? I'll settle for anything more than 1.

  • Why the hell do people keep bringing this topic up. Everything about this episode was introductory, so why the hell would your choices matter in a huge way? They should matter more in later episodes, like when Ironrath actually gets attacked and the Sentinel you choose plays a role in that.

    Even if the choices don't impact in a big way, they still matter. It changes some direction of the story, some of the dialogue options, and more than anything they can change how YOU feel about the story based on what you choose. That isn't bad for a small company like Telltale that is doing something unique in the gaming industry.

    If you don't like it, then just don't buy the games and stop complaining.

  • Really?

    Ramsay didn't care about their skill, he was about ready to give it all to Lord Whitehill till Ethan made a counter argument. Doesn't matter if Ramsay put a lord people don't like, it doesn't matter, the lord is in charge and with the Bolton's army then any Rebels would've been put down. The people aren't even loyal to the Forresters after the father's death, remember the thief trying to steal weapons saying we were fucked? If any opposition was shown then he would have killed everyone there and given the land and all of it's possessions to Lord Whitehill.

    There is no debating this, checkmate.

    Stimen posted: »

    I still remain at my opinion.Even though they would resist i doubt he would burn the castle he needs the Forresters for their harvesting of

  • As you dont even bother reading my other comments im not even gonna bother explain you further my post.

    Why the hell do people keep bringing this topic up. Everything about this episode was introductory, so why the hell would your choices matte

  • edited December 2014

    Well, no why would I read any of your other comments, I wanted to state my opinion based what was in your thread description. I just hate how these people seem to have near impossible standards for Telltale, and want them to create a bunch of storylines in one game. "Choice and consequence" can only go so far in a game, and TTG does it really well IMO.

    Stimen posted: »

    As you dont even bother reading my other comments im not even gonna bother explain you further my post.

  • Good point.I actualy even forgot about the stealing scene.But i still think he wood need the forester because they are the only one who can harvest ironwood because White hill doesnt know how to do it and would have just destroy the forest

    Really? Ramsay didn't care about their skill, he was about ready to give it all to Lord Whitehill till Ethan made a counter argument. Doe

  • My post is not about "choice doesnt matter" its about missleading information.I dont realy care about choices as much as the story is good,but i do feel liek the could have a little bigger diversity in the choices even though it still wouldnt do much.

    Well, no why would I read any of your other comments, I wanted to state my opinion based what was in your thread description. I just hate h

  • He would but I think Ramsay would deal with it, he might keep some alive to tell the Whitehills their secrets then they would be flayed alive.

    Stimen posted: »

    Good point.I actualy even forgot about the stealing scene.But i still think he wood need the forester because they are the only one who can harvest ironwood because White hill doesnt know how to do it and would have just destroy the forest

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