I almost finished Game Of Thrones. The best part about it is that I got this book from my history teacher and he promised to bring me other 5 books so I can read them. It's easy to guess who's my favorite teacher now.
I almost finished Game Of Thrones. The best part about it is that I got this book from my history teacher and he promised to bring me other 5 books so I can read them. It's easy to guess who's my favorite teacher now.
Also Jamie because he pushed a little kid out of a window #Neverforget. And Catelyn. It's just all her fault really.
Technically its all brans fault that he had to go climbing again. Honestly i forgive Jamie more and more as time goes on as bran gets worse and he gets better
I hate Daenerys for being fucking annoying. I rarely really hate characters but I'm at that point with Dany. I really just wish Drogon would kill her and start bringing chaos without that bitch riding him. Sorry fans of Dany.
Other characters I don't really hate but Bran is boring, especially in the show. Maybe his story will get more interesting. Cersei can of course be annoying but she is still interesting as a character. I don't hate Ramsay, I'm afraid of him Well Theon before getting "reeked" was annoying but still I have found some sympathies for him. Victarion is just an idiot but it's actually quite fun to read his chapters. Quentyn was a fool and boring, glad he died. Well Joffrey was a cunt but I still miss him in the show because of Jack Gleesons amazing acting. So there are some least favourites.
I really hated book Catelyn and Mance. Most of all I dislike Daenerys for having the same level of self-entitlement as Viserys. I swear she is tainted with the Targaryen madness and will perish because of it.
"Every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. Your father was not the first. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."
Daenerys : Never could like her , imo she's just a kid trying to act like grown ups .
Ygritte : She had that vibe which made me not care about her at all !
Darkstar : I AM OF THE NIGHT ! What a douche
(Background: Seen all episodes to date; about 60% through the third book.)
Catelyn (TV and book): Cold, aloof, and quite frankly hating Jon simply for the status of his birth with barely a mention of Ned's role (disregarding any fan theories about Jon's true parentage and whatnot). Seems like a hypocrite for that reason, and only gets worse after Ned's death. I get losing a spouse is traumatic, but her mourning chapters afterward go on and on and on...When her chapters eventually become low grade worry about her children, the reading gets better, but still a little one note for me. If the third book is roughly the same sequence as the TV show, I'm just before the Red Wedding, and that makes me very happy. The best part of its rendition in the show was knowing Catelyn (and Robb to a lesser extent) were gone for good. She tops my list.
Theon (book): Theon in measured doses was fun to watch in the show, scheming, ranting, and continually overreaching. Comeuppance is a delicious dish in his case. In the book, his chapters feel whiny after awhile.
Jorah Mormont (book): His character feels deeper to me on the show. In the book he comes off as more ineffectual somehow, possibly because of his crushing on Dany (another blegh character for me--too naive and preachy). I like that the show toned down his romantic feelings toward his queen to pretty much null.
Bran (both): I understand the show added several years to all the Stark children, but Bran feels a little shrill and demanding to me.
Ygritte (both): I don't care about Jon's love life or oath imposed lack thereof. It's a shame, because the Wall set stories have always been the most engaging to me. The band of outcast brothers vibe is awesome, both show and book. And then Ygritte plops into the story, grinding everything she's in to a halt. And I don't know how any of this turns out in the books, but Jon publically mourning her death after the attack on the wall, considering she was directly responsible for killing several Night Watchmen, was the only real point in the show I didn't like Jon that much.
Just from watching the show(couldn't get into the books) I have to say my least favorite character is probably Daenary's I find her unbearable right now. I also dislike Bran, he is boring as f**k.
Daenerys- right from the moment her dragons hatched, she became an unbearable self-entitled angsty teenage girl. Her sole two atributes that make her into something are her good looks that men desire and dragons, which are basically nukes in GoT universe. Take those two away and she is nothing. I am holding my breath for the inevitable moment when her terrible decisions will come back to bite her in that pretty ass and I will savor it when it comes.
Sam Tarly- a pathetic tub of lard who has no reason being alive this long. From the moment he refused to train how to fight and Jon stuck up to him, it earned a major dislike from me towards both characters. Also, his romance scenes with Gilly are cringeworthy to watch. I know some people adore him, but I just loathe him.
Bran- because he's boring as hell and his entire story just feels out of place. In my opinion, GRRM is absolutely terriffic at writing political intrigue and human chracters, but he should have kept magic and any magic associated characters out of the series, because the magic element is just plain bad. It was ok, until it was a mystery, but when they actually started showing it on screen, it got worse and worse. And since Bran is the primary POV character who deals with magic, he gets the brunt of that. Also, did I mention Bran's character itself is boring as hell?
Robin Arryn- do I really have to spell out why?
And Hodor, because I'm sick of the jokes revolving around Hodor that the Internet is full of. "Hodor will sit on the Iron Throne in the end"- get the fuck outta here. It wasn't very funny the first hundred times I saw it and it sure isn't now. The character itself is, well, about as interesting as a character who can say one word can be.
And honorable mention of this list would be Jon Snow- I deeply disliked him at the beginning because he was just a boring, brooding, generic good guy character. But he slowly grew on me as his position forced him to make some hard decisions and grow as a character. I started to sympathize with him. That is, the book Jon. The TV series paints him as the show's primary hero with plot armor. Why plot armor? Because watch his fights with Karl and Styr again. Jon should have died in both of them (no, you don't just shrug off a stab to the thigh or an anvil to the face).
Daenerys because she gets really boring in the books and in the show, so I suppose that she will definitly be boring in the game.
Bran, this is a character who works very well in the books but not in the show. His story is hard to be telled.
Daenerys. She is a filthy hypocrite and always acts like she is above everyone else. Constantly speaks about "usurpers" when she has no idea about how psychotic her father actually was. Ignorant twit who isn't fit to lead a couple slave cities, let alone 7 kingdoms.
A gave up on the books halfway through a Feast for Crows... None of the PoV characters interested me at all.
As for specific characters?
Bran(both) - Easily the most boring character in the series.
Brienne(book) - Love her on the show... Hated her in the book.
Daenerys(for the most part, both) - Her story takes place in the most interesting locations, and she has some of the coolest scenes! But I just find her annoying for some reason.
Obvious choices are Walder Frey and Joffrey. Also can't stand Theon, Cersei, and Sansa. Used to hate Jaime but he mostly redeems himself.
That Red Woman/witch, stannis, the lannister father
I never heard about GOT,but I know that TTG are gonna give us a good game as always.
All of them.
I'm only watching the development of this game from the sidelines just to see what Telltale might do with it.
I hate Vyseris Targaryen. Glad he died.
Same bro. Aren't you reading the books atm? I am right now as well :P
I almost finished Game Of Thrones. The best part about it is that I got this book from my history teacher and he promised to bring me other 5 books so I can read them. It's easy to guess who's my favorite teacher now.
Ha nice. I'm on the second book right now and its really good. Have fun
Bran Stark and Ramsay Snow/Bolton, for significantly different reasons.
Technically its all brans fault that he had to go climbing again. Honestly i forgive Jamie more and more as time goes on as bran gets worse and he gets better
I hate Daenerys for being fucking annoying. I rarely really hate characters but I'm at that point with Dany. I really just wish Drogon would kill her and start bringing chaos without that bitch riding him. Sorry fans of Dany.
Other characters I don't really hate but Bran is boring, especially in the show. Maybe his story will get more interesting. Cersei can of course be annoying but she is still interesting as a character. I don't hate Ramsay, I'm afraid of him
Well Theon before getting "reeked" was annoying but still I have found some sympathies for him. Victarion is just an idiot but it's actually quite fun to read his chapters. Quentyn was a fool and boring, glad he died. Well Joffrey was a cunt but I still miss him in the show because of Jack Gleesons amazing acting. So there are some least favourites.
Daenerys : Never could like her , imo she's just a kid trying to act like grown ups .
Ygritte : She had that vibe which made me not care about her at all !
Darkstar : I AM OF THE NIGHT ! What a douche
I really hated book Catelyn and Mance. Most of all I dislike Daenerys for having the same level of self-entitlement as Viserys. I swear she is tainted with the Targaryen madness and will perish because of it.
"Every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. Your father was not the first. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."
I get the feeling George had great plans for Darkstar, which he promptly ruined with that one line. Who can take him seriously now?
Robb and Catelyn Stark, I just find them a bit boring and naive.
(Background: Seen all episodes to date; about 60% through the third book.)
Catelyn (TV and book): Cold, aloof, and quite frankly hating Jon simply for the status of his birth with barely a mention of Ned's role (disregarding any fan theories about Jon's true parentage and whatnot). Seems like a hypocrite for that reason, and only gets worse after Ned's death. I get losing a spouse is traumatic, but her mourning chapters afterward go on and on and on...When her chapters eventually become low grade worry about her children, the reading gets better, but still a little one note for me. If the third book is roughly the same sequence as the TV show, I'm just before the Red Wedding, and that makes me very happy. The best part of its rendition in the show was knowing Catelyn (and Robb to a lesser extent) were gone for good. She tops my list.
Theon (book): Theon in measured doses was fun to watch in the show, scheming, ranting, and continually overreaching. Comeuppance is a delicious dish in his case. In the book, his chapters feel whiny after awhile.
Jorah Mormont (book): His character feels deeper to me on the show. In the book he comes off as more ineffectual somehow, possibly because of his crushing on Dany (another blegh character for me--too naive and preachy). I like that the show toned down his romantic feelings toward his queen to pretty much null.
Bran (both): I understand the show added several years to all the Stark children, but Bran feels a little shrill and demanding to me.
Ygritte (both): I don't care about Jon's love life or oath imposed lack thereof. It's a shame, because the Wall set stories have always been the most engaging to me. The band of outcast brothers vibe is awesome, both show and book. And then Ygritte plops into the story, grinding everything she's in to a halt. And I don't know how any of this turns out in the books, but Jon publically mourning her death after the attack on the wall, considering she was directly responsible for killing several Night Watchmen, was the only real point in the show I didn't like Jon that much.
Okay since the episode is out I may as well add the characters I found annoying from the game.
Erik, Not a fan of the craven whiner, enjoy the wall....
Bowen - I feel bad he died but what a twat
Sera- Shes literally the embodiment of everything I dislike about sansa
Definitely Cersei...
Just from watching the show(couldn't get into the books) I have to say my least favorite character is probably Daenary's I find her unbearable right now. I also dislike Bran, he is boring as f**k.
Of the ones who aren't dead yet:
Daenerys- right from the moment her dragons hatched, she became an unbearable self-entitled angsty teenage girl. Her sole two atributes that make her into something are her good looks that men desire and dragons, which are basically nukes in GoT universe. Take those two away and she is nothing. I am holding my breath for the inevitable moment when her terrible decisions will come back to bite her in that pretty ass and I will savor it when it comes.
Sam Tarly- a pathetic tub of lard who has no reason being alive this long. From the moment he refused to train how to fight and Jon stuck up to him, it earned a major dislike from me towards both characters. Also, his romance scenes with Gilly are cringeworthy to watch. I know some people adore him, but I just loathe him.
Bran- because he's boring as hell and his entire story just feels out of place. In my opinion, GRRM is absolutely terriffic at writing political intrigue and human chracters, but he should have kept magic and any magic associated characters out of the series, because the magic element is just plain bad. It was ok, until it was a mystery, but when they actually started showing it on screen, it got worse and worse. And since Bran is the primary POV character who deals with magic, he gets the brunt of that. Also, did I mention Bran's character itself is boring as hell?
Robin Arryn- do I really have to spell out why?
And Hodor, because I'm sick of the jokes revolving around Hodor that the Internet is full of. "Hodor will sit on the Iron Throne in the end"- get the fuck outta here. It wasn't very funny the first hundred times I saw it and it sure isn't now. The character itself is, well, about as interesting as a character who can say one word can be.
And honorable mention of this list would be Jon Snow- I deeply disliked him at the beginning because he was just a boring, brooding, generic good guy character. But he slowly grew on me as his position forced him to make some hard decisions and grow as a character. I started to sympathize with him. That is, the book Jon. The TV series paints him as the show's primary hero with plot armor. Why plot armor? Because watch his fights with Karl and Styr again. Jon should have died in both of them (no, you don't just shrug off a stab to the thigh or an anvil to the face).
Pycell, Robin and Bran.
I have charactrers that i dislike very much but don't want them to die so only the ones that i wouldn't mind seeing dead
Daenerys because she gets really boring in the books and in the show, so I suppose that she will definitly be boring in the game.
Bran, this is a character who works very well in the books but not in the show. His story is hard to be telled.
Daenerys and most of the Starks. They are all so self-rightous that they think they're not responsible for the consequences of their action.
Daenerys. She is a filthy hypocrite and always acts like she is above everyone else. Constantly speaks about "usurpers" when she has no idea about how psychotic her father actually was. Ignorant twit who isn't fit to lead a couple slave cities, let alone 7 kingdoms.
I would eat her. She's super hot.
Seems like most guys her actually hate the good guys.
And who actually are the good guys? Starks?
No the Boltons, the Lannisters, the Freys and Voldemort.
A gave up on the books halfway through a Feast for Crows... None of the PoV characters interested me at all.
As for specific characters?
Bran(both) - Easily the most boring character in the series.
Brienne(book) - Love her on the show... Hated her in the book.
Daenerys(for the most part, both) - Her story takes place in the most interesting locations, and she has some of the coolest scenes! But I just find her annoying for some reason.