Explain your Felix Decision



  • I saved Felix.

    I dunno why, really. The way he was acting made me think he needed that money for some reason, a reason he couldn't tell us..but then I saw how he acts when you shoot him, how he goes into a money frenzy, wanting only to see the cash and get his hands on it before his last breath.

  • The second Felix told me not to trust anyone I immediately started to distrust him. Didn't give it that much thought at the time but needless to say, I was not surprised when he pulled a gun on me.

    I didn't pull out the gun since in Telltale games I tend to pick the less aggressive choices. That is the work of playing to much of a friendly nice character in The Walking Dead and A Wolf Among us. + I'm terrible at being a badass mean person.
    Will probably try to shoot the next time though. Cause that guy is a d*ck.

    However I tried to warn him about the bomb since I hoped to be able to take back the bag.

  • i let him blow to smithereens he wasn't worth my bullet or my time after he betrayed me ;D

  • edited December 2014

    umm its borderland and there is NO reason for felix for wanting that money expect for GREED. after all, all pandorian people wants the money '' so it doesnt make him different or the nice guy'' they all want to get out of there and have a better life, so Felix had no reason for betraying Fiona. that son of a cow wanted all the money for himself and he didnt want to share it with fiona and sasha, which he raised to be quite the master con artists. SO NO FELIX WAS BLOWN TO PIECES AND HE DESERVED IT.

    they say that you die of what you live for. and he lived for the money and became so greedy that it killed him, so no dont make him the nice guy. he was a greedy son of a cow.

    I saved Felix. I dunno why, really. The way he was acting made me think he needed that money for some reason, a reason he couldn't tell u

  • Yes, Felix betrayed me, but what the hell. Dead men have no chance at redemption.

  • Killed him. Had no problem with it, either. I didn't like him from the moment I saw him. Figures himself as some Fagin-type when all he is is a greedy, lying, manipulative old fuck. And his "relationship" with those two girls seemed a little... creepy. Nah, fuck you, Felix, burn in Hell.

  • edited December 2014

    I shot him it felt good at first but I regret doing it because (1)he dies anyway and (2)I don't have a bullet for future episodes which I know will get me out of a jam later. Maybe you can buy bullets in future episodes, they haven't really expanded upon the money system yet other than being able to buy pointless masks for one scene.

  • Dude, chill. Read my comment again.

    .."but then I saw how he acts when you shoot him, how he goes into a money frenzy, wanting only to see the cash and get his hands on it before his last breath."

    Yeah, I realized his true nature.

    Mercyva posted: »

    umm its borderland and there is NO reason for felix for wanting that money expect for GREED. after all, all pandorian people wants the money

  • I warned him. He wasn't exactly putting my life at risk, plus, ( as much as I hate the "because they're family" schtick, he had been looking out for Sasha and Fiona for a really long time and to have him killed because he, a con artist who told you not to trust anyone, takes the money from you wasn't what I wanted to happen.

  • YUP YUP YUP :D :D :D :d :d

    I AM CHILL! lollllll

    Dude, chill. Read my comment again. .."but then I saw how he acts when you shoot him, how he goes into a money frenzy, wanting only to see the cash and get his hands on it before his last breath." Yeah, I realized his true nature.

  • I let him get away. I felt bad, I was saddened, I was shocked. Among the action, just him coming out of nowhere and betraying me. Especially when he just seemed so interesting. It hurt, so I didn't let him get blown to pieces.

  • I always have mercy,except for this time,lolz.

  • Choke on it. No regrets, Mr. Freeman

  • After playing ep 2:


    Dude, chill. Read my comment again. .."but then I saw how he acts when you shoot him, how he goes into a money frenzy, wanting only to see the cash and get his hands on it before his last breath." Yeah, I realized his true nature.

  • Alt text

    Like.. really. I just have different saves for all kinds of situations, including dealing with Felix, LoaderBot, ect. Though I think the goodiest being the canon so he lives there - because money is money, it comes and goes. It's not worth killing someone who raised you over loosing it.

    Though I gotta admit the first instinctive reaction was trying to kill him because like Marcus said, no one is prepared for betrayal.

  • I first said "Choke on it" because I thought since he already opened the briefcase there was no use in choosing "Don't open it" -.- When I found out he could be saved I replayed.

  • I saved the bullet and warned him. Often in these games I will always put forward to save the character unless they are very dangerous and evil - and it is near the end of the game. I'd rather be able to redeem the character and/or have a conversation with them later.

  • I'm just now playing through this game and I chose to kill him I didn't really think about it I just acted on the impulse of him betraying me.thinking about it I kind of wish I would have saved the bullet but if Felix was most likely going to die anyways me shooting him with the gun he gave me seemed more dramatic from a plot perspective

  • edited October 2015
    That necromancy tho
  • I regret it, but I did shoot him, and I didn't warn him.

    I was just acting on an impulse of anger to be honest. Not 'rage' angry, but 'hurt' angry. I just hope he's still alive...

  • Greed killed Felix, not my Fiona.

  • I always had mercy, but I couldn't bring myself to show Dum and Gryff mercy.
  • Didn't kill him.

    He was trying to teach Fiona to not be trusting, however Fiona seems to not be so ruthless and just wanted family.

  • I tried to warn him. Then he died cause I shot him. It was an emotional time :P

  • edited October 2015

    warned him cause I want to know if he will be the stranger if you don't kill him

  • I shot him. I didn't like Felix at all, even when he was the good guy.

  • I have to admit, if I hadn't spent the bullet on August, I would've pulled the trigger. But then I reflected a bit on the issue and over they're was the man that took care of Sasha and Fiona for years, and since the money wasn't going to anyone, I decided to warn him.

  • I wasn't paying attention and just clicked on something before time ran out..so Felix survived thank's to me being squirrel!

  • edited October 2015

    I shot him. I did it because whenever someone betrays me in games I kick their ass. Like Atlas from BioShock

  • to be honest it was an impulse decision for me. I was mad that he was betraying us and I unfortunately shot him lol. Then after hearing the message he left for us I felt kind of bad, but I got over it quickly. Oh well what's done is done.

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