What would you prefer?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

Would you prefer the Telltale Games to come out with all the episodes once all of them are complete or do you prefer the way it is now? Or do you simply not mind? Personally, I would rather the whole game come out once all of the episodes are complete, even if that meant we would have to wait till say Summer 2015 for the game.


  • edited December 2014

    I actually think it's good to have them not all at once. It would take away all from the suspense if you just can play it right away. You have something to look forward to.

    However, the break was too long for TWAU and TWD Season 2. I hope it'll be shorter this time around (but I don't get my hopes up).

  • If it all comes out at once, what's the pont in making it episodic?

  • You know what I fail to understand. You can wait till Summer 2015 to play them all at once right now, because all of the episodes will be out by then most likely. I'll probably end up doing that with borderlands because I have little to no interest in it.

  • The way it is now. The waiting makes me feel even more excited for the next episode.

  • I prefer a two weeks wait.

  • Yeah you're right. It just that more than a months wait is too long in my eyes. A month is okay but any longer is just too long really. I can't believe there were 3 months between ep.1 and 2 of TWAU. I worry about these gaps though. The gaming world is so impatient and I feel that if the release dates were a bit closer then it would be more popular

    I actually think it's good to have them not all at once. It would take away all from the suspense if you just can play it right away. You ha

  • True

    Golthar posted: »

    If it all comes out at once, what's the pont in making it episodic?

  • Yeah, it does get you excited but the wait is too long at times

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    The way it is now. The waiting makes me feel even more excited for the next episode.

  • The wait is what MAKES this community. The discussions, speculation and hype.

    It just wouldn't be the same without it.. y'know?

  • Yeap. 4-6 weeks of waiting instead of 8-10 weeks would be awesome.

    Markk21 posted: »

    Yeah, it does get you excited but the wait is too long at times

  • edited December 2014

    Well there wouldn't be need for episodes then, just a full game, but i prefer to wait it gives you more expectation, and as the other people said it wouldn't be the same.

  • The way it is now. I think it makes the game even better because I overhype it.

  • I like each being released individually.

    • Suspense and tension
    • Chance to improve next episode from current episode's feedback
    • Keeps the game's 'trend'/media coverage/fanbase active for longer
    • Fan theories for the next episode are fun
    • More hype
  • I like that each episode can incorporate feedback from previous episodes. Adding lines from feed speculation or jokes about Carly and batteries and such.

    Though it sometimes leads to a somewhat uneven feel. It's harder to have 5 semi contained arcs, rather than just having the plot ebb and flow. And sometimes I think it shows.

    I think everyone here would prefer all at once in the sense that, if they changed the distribution, no one here would say. "I preferred the old way, so I'll wait a week between episodes." But I do agree with the general sentiment, that the episodic format seems to be leading to a better product, and seems to be easier for TT to produce. They don't have to go a year and a half or more to see money back, I'm sure that helps them sleep easy at night.

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