Who do you want rhys/fiona to end up with?
later in the game if you can make Rhys/fiona end up with one of the other characters who would you put them with?
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later in the game if you can make Rhys/fiona end up with one of the other characters who would you put them with?
so ya i am just curious of what every one else would do if this was an option latter in the game
Fiona and August, Rhys and Vasquez.
Male heteronormatives and homophobes would have to play quick time event sex scenes of the above pairings, each from Fiona and Rhys' perspectives.
yes i want that second one to be on option please make it so xD
exept the second thing you said i don't want that i just think the second option would be funny
Each other. They are perfect for each other.
Not each other. Please. That's too predictable and overdone. Hopefully anyone else.
No one.
Loader Bot Approves.
Romance is predictable any way you slice it.
Fiona x Vaughn
handsome jack will kill Rhys and take fiona for himself lol
Yep. But sticking the two mains together would be a little more predictable.
Honestly? No one. I'm sick of seeing this kind of thing. Just tell the story. No need for the romance.
Fhya 4 days
Romance can be part of a story but it has to be done right, mostly in tv shows or films its done badly and makes the thing look cheesy and dumb. So far TTG has had some good romance subplots in TWD and TWAU which where great but they never lead to anything in TWD Carley died and in TWAU that was as far as you can go with Snow and Nerissa I guess.
I just don't see Vaughn and Fiona together. Sasha and Rhys sure, but I don't see the romance between the other two.
i honestly hope that loader bot finds love at some point with a toster or some other random electronic appliance
Ironic considering half of Korra' season one plot was about romance, yet you have it as your profile picture.
Romance can be part of a story.
E̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶s̶ ̶R̶h̶y̶s̶ ̶X̶ ̶V̶a̶u̶g̶h̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶p̶.̶
Struck through because Rhyiona is clearly master ship, and Poogs' fraudulent behavior.
I'm not really a homophobe or heteronormative by being grossed out at the sight of gay sex. Like, sex is pretty gross in the first place. Sexual attraction is the only reason why I can bear straight porn.
They could still introduce more characters. Or maybe there won't be any romance at all. I'd actually be okay with that, since I'm loving their dynamic already. Especially Rhys and Fiona and their childish squabbling. Makes me lol.
That would be beautiful
I rather have some become best friends rather than a couple, I'm not really interested in romantic stuff in this story. I hope if they do anything like that it becomes a choice. I'm not asexual, I'm just a hetero who's tired of love ಠ_ಠ
Rhys and Sasha best friends 5ever
Loader Bot X Rhys
Fiona X Polite Bandit
I'm fine with it as long as it's natural and it isn't forced.
Rhys + Zer0
Loader Bot + Mad Moxxi
Sasha + one of Moxxi's SMGs that makes the controller vibrate
Fiona + a huge pile of money. Or maybe Axton, if he shows up at some point.
I know, as much as I am not a heterophobe by being grossed out by straight sex.
However, I have had to bear this in plenty of games, and I think it would be funny for homophobic people to have to bear the opposite.
It's would be cool,if Fiona and Rhys can be more then enemies ore friends,cus they have such a good/bad sides of personality c:
Nope, clearly LoaderBotxClaptrap is da best ship.
Handsome Jack ends up with everyone. The end.
From some reason I got a mental picture of AI Jack watching Rhys and Sasha making out. I do not know how the fuck I got that.
Honestly I wouldn't mind any ships. The only one I don't really like is Rhys/Sasha. Sasha treated Rhys(me) like sh*t so yeah, even if she was nicer near the end I guess I'm still a little pissed xD
I might get into this ship if she starts to be more friendly though.
Yeah, I totally agree. I'm not putting up with shit like that from her, she can go away if she's going to continue being like that.
Rhys does work for hyperion a company that slaughtered millions of men women and children
I understand that, but he himself is not a threat to Sasha. She had a gun and he didn't, so why on Pandora did she feel the need to threaten him the whole time? Also, although Rhys admires Handsome Jack and aspires to be like him doesn't mean he necessarily condones everything that he did. I mean, do you get an evil vibe from Rhys? Cus, I... alright sort of admit that he seems as though he has the potential to become almost as evil as Handsome Jack, but at the moment he's a harmless loveable idiot! Surely Sasha had realised that she would easily have the upper-hand IF Rhys had tried to attack her or something by this point?
Nobody. I don't want romance getting in the way of the plot as it does in so many things
Never trust hyperion they are usually a bunch of backstabbers hence jack and Vasquez