A prediction about Asher



  • In all honesty, I think you saw how Diplomacy/Mind games worked out for Ethan. It's insanely difficult to fool someone like Ramsay if not impossible for our current cast of characters. The only thing that would get Ramsay's attention would be force of arms/unpredictability. I think Asher well be a good foil for Ramsay but well he win? (Most likely not...Ramsey still lives on the show)

    Tinni posted: »

    From what we've learned, Asher reacts instinctively and doesn't think things through, nor does he think about the possible consequences of h

  • Why not? there were tits in wolf among us.

    AleVincit posted: »

    I´m not sure about this, this game is on the Appstore, and I just can´t imagine a game with sexual explicit content there. You can make a bloody violent game but a sex game? Telltale isn´t Rockstar so I woudn´t expect to see many tits here.

  • When I say mind games being most effective, I mean it being most effective in protecting the Forresters at this point in time. Their military is in shambles, and attempts to attack Ramsay will result in several deaths and put the Forrester family in danger. Right now, the best course of action is biding their time until their military has grown stronger and increased in size.

    In all honesty, I think you saw how Diplomacy/Mind games worked out for Ethan. It's insanely difficult to fool someone like Ramsay if not im

  • Ramsay's position is not as great as it seems, but time well only improve that. He well now focus on the Ironborn at Moat Cailin and when he returns....yeah, time is not on the Forrester side. Plus, they have 20 whitehill men sitting in their keep. It's not like they can build up forces when they are pretty much occupied by the enemy.

    Allies are a possibility...but I can't see any major northern houses try and fight Ramsay at this point or till the point the show is at. (too messed up from red wedding or they have hostages used against them)

    Whatever they must do, they need to do it FAST....

    Tinni posted: »

    When I say mind games being most effective, I mean it being most effective in protecting the Forresters at this point in time. Their militar

  • Atleast he's a man that gets things done! not a boring characterm its game of thrones and who isnt fudging? atleast he's not a chicken and owns up to his mistake by loving a whitehill girl.

    AleVincit posted: »

    If was for me I would kill Asher before Walder Frey, Joffrey or Cersei. He's just an awful person, playing with axes, fucking with ladies of rival houses, party and rocking all day in Essos...

  • I love your profile pic!

    Butt-head posted: »

    Asher and Mira? You sick... Yeah, it is possible. Game of Thrones.

  • Or, as Screen Junkies would say, Beewwwbbbss

    Ekmanc posted: »

    Why not? there were tits in wolf among us.

  • Fuck Wall Street

    Man, fuck Asher.

  • What exactly is the "Kenny" of Game of Thrones? Its a character that doesn't fit in a universe like GoT. If you wanna say "will lose everything, suffer from PTSD", then yeah. But if you want to relate a character from Walking Dead to Game of Thrones with Asher I would say Lee. He's likely to be the "leader" and die by the end of the season and be the big emotional shock like Lee was.

    Then again, I know you seem to have some obsession with Kenny so you could be joking entirely.

    -Kenny posted: »

    I think Asher will be the Kenny of game of thrones.

  • Eyes and ears in Essos? Pretty sure he will be back in Ironrath by the end of the next episode ready to kick some ass.

    DutchBagel posted: »

    He will at least live long enough to be our eyes and ears in Essos.

  • Did you really just compare Asher to Joffrey, Walder Frey, and Cersei and then claim him to be an awful person? Of all the things Asher has done, what makes you think he is worse than the three aforementioned individuals?

    AleVincit posted: »

    If was for me I would kill Asher before Walder Frey, Joffrey or Cersei. He's just an awful person, playing with axes, fucking with ladies of rival houses, party and rocking all day in Essos...

  • edited December 2014

    Asher coming back is good for the family. The Forrester's biggest weakness is a lack of leadership and muscle. Asher provides both. Sure, he can be reckless but I would rather take the former over the latter. Who knows, maybe he brings back a merry band of bad asses with him.

    The Forrester's still have a major advantage. They are the master craftsmen of the resource the Iron Throne wants. The Whitehills are incompetents. At the very least, Asher's recklessness may prove useful when he sabotages the Whitehills efforts to craft iron wood. Ramsay Snow said it himself, Roose Bolton expects to receive iron wood the same way the Starks did to provide it to the Iron Throne. If he fails, it is a sign Roose is not fit to be Warden of the North. They would be fools to turn over all production to the Whitehills. It's why Ramsay didn't outright kill the whole Forrester family.

    Tinni posted: »

    When I say mind games being most effective, I mean it being most effective in protecting the Forresters at this point in time. Their militar

  • I doubt there's going to be any explicit nudity or sex depicted in the game.... insinuated perhaps, having a character leave a brothel or leave a tent followed by a random, coy looking girl is about the most we'd see i imagine.

    The game isn't rated R like the tv series is

    Butt-head posted: »

    I've put all my hopes in him. Only Asher can smuggle some sex to the game.


    you innocent thing you

    Mercyva posted: »

    i think and hope that telltale make our choices matter and make that option depends on our choices. because losing the ONLY badass character

  • Wait, so Malcolm doesnt wait until the Ramsey visit?

    .....Wouldnt that mean that he is unaware of Ethans death if you sent him the first opportunity

    That's probably gonna happen anyway. I'm guessing Lady Forrester will send Malcolm in Ep.2 if your Ethan didn't.

  • Asher looks very much like a wildcard to me. Odds are that he is a dangerous loose cannon - there is a reason why he was exiled and his own mother has trouble admitting that she wants to bring him back. On the other hand, a few years on Essos can change a man quite a lot, so he is even more of a wildcard.

    What does make me wonder, though, are the Dragon and Daenerys cameos at the presentation screens of Episodes 3 and 6. Maybe they are more symbolic than that with Tyrion in Episode 1.

  • He was exiled because he fell in love with Lord Whitehill's Daughter, and as you know... Forrester and Whitehill aren't exactly friends. The Whitehills were after him and he was exiled for that reason - at least, so his description says.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    Asher looks very much like a wildcard to me. Odds are that he is a dangerous loose cannon - there is a reason why he was exiled and his own

  • I know Asher replaces Ethan on that player character screen but I teckon you play as Malcolm.

    My reasoning is that Asher's personality is formly set by up to 4 other characters describing him as violent, decisive and stubborn. Might be interesting playing as the advisor character mediating him.

  • edited December 2014

    I believe the other characters haven't met him for quite a while? He could have changed somewhat in that time. But even if not, it doesn't mean we can't somehow shape him. Because even when we control characters in these games, they do actually have a pre-defined background and some defined elements. For instance, you were never going to turn Bigby into a psychopath (he gets mad, but . . . it's not like he'll go and kill anyone for the fun of it) and you couldn't make Lee or Clementine that way. Like, we previously had control of Bonnie in 400 Days, but then we didn't have control in Season 2. What I'm saying is that we get choices that the particular characters could make.

    Anyhow, I agree it's better to not be in control of a character we've met and such. It's better to start with a character that's more of a blank slate, but it doesn't mean it can't work taking control of someone we know a bit about.

    Edit: To give an example or two, Asher's choices if he hasn't changed much, could be similar to Bigby's. Does he give in to rage or not?

    K0t0 posted: »

    I know Asher replaces Ethan on that player character screen but I teckon you play as Malcolm. My reasoning is that Asher's personality is

  • Actually, now that you bring it up he probably will wait, so we see Malcolm's departure in Ep.2 regardless

    K0t0 posted: »

    Wait, so Malcolm doesnt wait until the Ramsey visit? .....Wouldnt that mean that he is unaware of Ethans death if you sent him the first opportunity .

  • His model replaces Ethans as well so unless thats a red herring its likely he is the playable of the two (him or Malcolm). I considered that they havent seen him in a while, yet the writing hammered the point home...then again before we encountered Tyrion Lannister we hear from other characters that he is slime, vermin and disgusting when he ironically turns out to be arguably one if the best men in Westeros, so maybe TTG do a play on that misconception thingy.

    Found it extremely tedious in Twau that not only did your choices mean nothing, your dialogue choices didnt do squat too, there is only so far one can argue "Omg bigby is suppose to be treated like crap no matter what cuz times are tough maaan its testing your niceness mettle" to which i say screw that its an unneccessary frustration in leu of good story writing

    Rob_K posted: »

    I believe the other characters haven't met him for quite a while? He could have changed somewhat in that time. But even if not, it doesn't m

  • Yup.. Asher gives me the vibe of a character who will end up dieing. I'd be surprised if he wasn't killed off.

  • Charismatic? He's not Robb Stark and he's not honorable like his brother. Actually he seems like a character that will probably survive... for awhile

  • Sure, I guess. But what about this? He's violent and possibly looking for revenge and once had an affair with a Whitehill, so he's already romanticized in our minds. What if it turns out that those are the reasons why we end up disliking him? After all, if the option "Asher is dangerious" was given to us, then Telltale might be working on portraying him in a way that makes us think that as well, just not certain of him and feeling that he'd be safer away from House Forrester, just like his family believe. Were it not for the danger of House Forrester, they would never have let him return. Telltale may work to inspire the same sentiment in the player.

  • Asher is currently serving as a Sellsword in Essos, where? I don't know. It's confirmed he is a self-sword, so we can expect a mercenary pal or two to be introduced alongside him. Seeing as Malcolm doesn't 'have' to go to Essos it's probably just a bonus character that can be 'safe' in Essos. Malcolm and Asher are both accomplished swordsmen and would definitely make good allies, but having one less soldier at your fort could prove detrimental. It's obvious that Asher is going to be hired (Like many Mercenaries/bands) by Daenarys.

  • He is at Yunkai, I'm almost sure about that because in that Next time on GoT -teaser Yunkai was shown. Asher probably serves in Second Sons and his story begins when Dany is laying siege to Yunkai and SS has come to aid the Wise Masters. Or maybe they have already turned cloaks and joined Dany.

    Asher is currently serving as a Sellsword in Essos, where? I don't know. It's confirmed he is a self-sword, so we can expect a mercenary pal

  • TWAU is not a good example. The game is canon so Bigby's overall characteristics couldn't have changed. All it changed was what people thought of you, or more what you think other people thought of you.

    Better example would be Tyrion. Before we meet him everyone says he is horrible yet he's my favorite character because I think he is a very good man. Asher could be impulsive and violent by nature, but that doesn't mean we can't change him based on how we play him.

    K0t0 posted: »

    His model replaces Ethans as well so unless thats a red herring its likely he is the playable of the two (him or Malcolm). I considered that

  • funny thats practically my words verbatim in another thread

    TWAU is not a good example. The game is canon so Bigby's overall characteristics couldn't have changed. All it changed was what people thoug

  • Hi :)

    Psyentifik posted: »

    Eyes and ears in Essos? Pretty sure he will be back in Ironrath by the end of the next episode ready to kick some ass.

  • Alt text

    Or, as Screen Junkies would say, Beewwwbbbss

  • Prediction: Correct. :-(

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