Poll: Who do you think shall be the fifth protagonist, based on the preview for episode 2?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

So, as with episode 1, we shall almost certainly not see any scenes which do not involve the protagonist we currently play as. From the preview we can see that Lady Forrester and Talia have a conversation alone: by extension of logic, we must play as one of these two. Even ignoring the fact that they are alone, the scene takes place at Ironrath, and no other character who could be playable would be present there: Gared at the wall, Ethan dead, Mira in King's Landing and Asher in Essos.

Which do you think is more likely?

I'm torn. Lady Forrester is a very capable and authoritative woman, which would be interesting to play as. Particularly due to the extreme amount of stress she has recently been exposed to, with the deaths of several members of her family and the abduction of her youngest child. She is also the head of the house, at least until Asher returns to Ironrath.

On the other hand, Talia has a very interesting story angle being a twin who has lost the other. We also learn that she has learned how to fight with a sword from Royland. She, however, is in a less authoritative place than the Lady, and so it may be harder to see how she may fit into the story.

What are your thoughts? Vote here (http://strawpoll.me/3198579/ ) and let me know your reasoning in the comments below :)



  • I'd love to play as Talia. And I think that's likely. Just how you said, she has a very interesting story angle.

  • I think Lady Forrester (do we know her first name? Don't want to call her 'lady' all the time - feels very 1930s!) has an interesting character angle too, due to the present members of her family being reduced to just one person!

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'd love to play as Talia. And I think that's likely. Just how you said, she has a very interesting story angle.

  • I think it would be better to play as Elissa Forrester(Lady Forrester) She's in a tough spot. Talia is a really moral type of person so making a tough decision would be out of character for her, but in the position that they are in now, Lady Forrester could do anything, she's angry about her son, but she still has her moral compass daughter Talia. There's going to be a lot of inner conflict with her, and she's the one in the most power right now(Other then Duncan/Royland, but they wouldn't do determinant characters so Lady Forrester makes the most sense). Although I would like to play as Talia, Lady Forrester makes the most sense, and would probably be more interesting.

  • edited December 2014

    It would certainly be unusual, and hence interesting, with regard to narrative fantasy tropes.

    The few times a woman is the protagonist, she is hardly ever an older woman. It would be good to see that change.

    I think it would be better to play as Elissa Forrester(Lady Forrester) She's in a tough spot. Talia is a really moral type of person so maki

  • edited December 2014

    Hmm, I think playing as Talia would be nice. Ethan's death toughing her up a bit so she could make 'evil' choices.

  • I actually think Rodrick, since we don't know if he's dead or not. If not Rodrick then definitely Talia.

  • To be honest, if Rodrick survived I doubt they'd reveal it in episode 2.

    Also, the conversation between Talia and her Mother is decidedly just the two of them alone; it is shown at numerous camera angles, and the discussion only makes sense if it is between just two people. So one of them must be playable.

    Green613 posted: »

    I actually think Rodrick, since we don't know if he's dead or not. If not Rodrick then definitely Talia.

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    I actually think Rodrick, since we don't know if he's dead or not. If not Rodrick then definitely Talia.

  • Why not Rodrik?

    I would like either Talia or Rodrik.

  • I'm going to go with Talia, she just seems to make the most sense. Also, I agree with how you mentioned that Royland taught her to use a sword, it feels like they were setting something up there.

    That and the fact that Lady Forrester doesn't really seem like a playable character IMO.

  • I think we'll be playing as Talia. Rodrik is dead guys, we saw his dead body, crushed by a freakin' horse! This isn't The Walking Dead. No Kenny moments.

  • It can't be rodrik for reason I explain above.

    Why not Rodrik? I would like either Talia or Rodrik.

  • Flog...Let me dream. Pls.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It can't be rodrik for reason I explain above.

  • They did change his character model, however, when they easily could not have. That takes time and resources, you'd think they'd have a reason..

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I think we'll be playing as Talia. Rodrik is dead guys, we saw his dead body, crushed by a freakin' horse! This isn't The Walking Dead. No Kenny moments.

  • Huh...I didn't know that. I still think we'll be playing as Talia as we need eyes in Ironrath with Ethan gone, and playing as Elissa just doesn't seem very likely.

    Flog61 posted: »

    They did change his character model, however, when they easily could not have. That takes time and resources, you'd think they'd have a reason..

  • Why no Rodrik option on the ballot??

  • Haha okay.

    My friend's wife's cousin's son's boyfriend's sister's husband works at telltale, and he told her to tell him to tell him to tell her to tell her to tell him to tell me that Rodrik is confirmed to be the fifth protagonist. ;)

    Flog...Let me dream. Pls.

  • Well..I say model, I mean they added scarring to his face, but that seems unnecessary when they could have hidden his face with the horse.

    You can see it, the face changes as soon as he is hit by the horse.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Huh...I didn't know that. I still think we'll be playing as Talia as we need eyes in Ironrath with Ethan gone, and playing as Elissa just doesn't seem very likely.

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    Haha okay. My friend's wife's cousin's son's boyfriend's sister's husband works at telltale, and he told her to tell him to tell him to tell her to tell her to tell him to tell me that Rodrik is confirmed to be the fifth protagonist.

  • Ahh, my favourite kind of gif :')

  • Thank @Green613

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ahh, my favourite kind of gif :')

  • edited December 2014

    I still really really want him, her or them to teach me how to make those gifs. I have several brutal ideas for kenny ones to use when he dies in season 3 once and for all.

    Thank @Green613

  • edited December 2014

    For reasons I explain above: he can't be the fifth protagonist, unless Telltale has a major shift in the way they use protagonists in their stories.

    beguiler posted: »

    Why no Rodrik option on the ballot??

  • Green's a guy plus you gotta ask him, I have zero idea.

  • edited December 2014

    Here's an idea...

    What if....what if Telltale meant '5 protagonists' as...5 protagonists at any one time?

    That is to say...Talia could replace ethan on the title page, and then Rodrik could survive and match his shadow, and that would be 5 protagonists! What do you think?

  • I want to play as Talia. I also want to play as Rodrik.

    If we end up playing only one of those two, however, I'm pretty sure it's going to be the latter.

  • Or, much like Asher, the fifth character could be someone we haven't been introduced to yet.

  • I say Rodrik.

  • Neither of them honestly maybe Talia?

  • Not actually out of scope for TT. Kenny is an example. If you don't see a character actually die they probably aren't dead.

    Am I the only one that doesn't see the Talia/Lady Forrester convo as proof of a PC? Ep 2 could easily open with a sort of eulogy honoring Ethan. Hence the convo and sentinial argument. Then enter our 5 PC at Ironrath. Probably won't be a character always in Ironrath in ep 1.

    That's why my vote is Rodrik. (There's enoigh proof and people that think he's a PC. At least have an other option in the poll. It's kind of lopsided by your opinion)

    Flog61 posted: »

    For reasons I explain above: he can't be the fifth protagonist, unless Telltale has a major shift in the way they use protagonists in their stories.

  • I would honestly hate playing as Talia

  • My money's on Asher.

  • edited December 2014

    I'd really like to play as Talia

    Also the link leads to the results, just delete the "r" on the URL to be able to vote

  • Her first name is Elissa

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Lady Forrester (do we know her first name? Don't want to call her 'lady' all the time - feels very 1930s!) has an interesting character angle too, due to the present members of her family being reduced to just one person!

  • Guessing Talia, Seeing as shes Ethans twin etc, the character would still have the same sot of ideals thats what I got from the episode anyway.

    If anything she seemed harsher than Ethan, saying she learned to fight and telling me sending the guy to the wall was to leniant

  • edited December 2014

    I'm not doubting that he's alive, I just think that if he is alive that will be something revealed later than episode 2.

    Having a full scene separate to the protagonist would contradict everything Telltale has done in the last 4 years of their narrative.

    beguiler posted: »

    Not actually out of scope for TT. Kenny is an example. If you don't see a character actually die they probably aren't dead. Am I the only

  • My thought is Talia because twin, but I'm loving the idea of playing as Elissa more and more. I'd be happy with either.

  • Talia would be perfect. I wonder what's going on in her head now. I mean she just saw her brother die in front of her and the other one beeing taken by Whitehill. She will be very intresting to play as.

  • Jenny_PitcherJenny_Pitcher Banned
    edited December 2014

    First idea is interesting. Always 5. Talia/mother, Mira, Gared, Asher...

    ...but not Rodrik! He's DEAD for Christ's sake! No more "I got lucky. Real lucky."

    Flog61 posted: »

    Here's an idea... What if....what if Telltale meant '5 protagonists' as...5 protagonists at any one time? That is to say...Talia could

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