I'm thinking Talia since like you said she is Ethan's twin, and he just died protecting her... so there would be a lot going on with her character after that. She may already have some established character traits, but losing Ethan could lead to her character changing enough that you could mould her into whatever character you'd like. I also think it would be really interesting to play as her.
Lady Forrester would be cool too, but sadly I think she's destined to die soon. She offers too much safety and comfort since she knows what she's doing, and that usually puts characters on the top of the most likely to die list.
But we also see a conversation between Duncan and Ser Royland alone. With that logic, it's between the 4. But you could say that there's someone else in the room with Duncan and Royland - which is a possibility, but with that logic there could also be someone in the room with Elissa and Talia.
We simply don't know, it could be between 4-6 candidates.
The conservation between Royland and Duncan allows for another person; the one between Talia and Elissa is very clearly them alone as the only two present members of the family. The camera angles even focus on the fact that they are alone.
But we also see a conversation between Duncan and Ser Royland alone. With that logic, it's between the 4. But you could say that there's som… moreeone else in the room with Duncan and Royland - which is a possibility, but with that logic there could also be someone in the room with Elissa and Talia.
We simply don't know, it could be between 4-6 candidates.
You really think someone could stand this close to Duncan? It's simply a little cutscene that cuts between 2 over the shoulder shots. Seems to me like no one else is in the room with them during this conversation.
The conservation between Royland and Duncan allows for another person; the one between Talia and Elissa is very clearly them alone as the only two present members of the family. The camera angles even focus on the fact that they are alone.
In that scene it is, indeed, two over the shoulder shots.
In the other we see Talia and Elissa alone at the table after speaking. The conversation they have is more markedly private as well: the one you post a screenshot of could easily take place with Elissa or both Elissa and Talia present, and would make sense to, as Elissa is the only possible leader as things stand.
You really think someone could stand this close to Duncan? It's simply a little cutscene that cuts between 2 over the shoulder shots. Seems to me like no one else is in the room with them during this conversation.
Lady Forrester would be too much like Catelyn Stark IMO. I know people relate Talia to Arya but I don't see it for some reason. So to answer your question, I would like/prefer Talia. Also, it makes more sense because she can have more character development.
I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking, allowing for a whole room full of people that we're not shown.
The shots of Duncan and Royland are closer together, and we're shown only two of them together up close, leaving no room for interpretation. That conversation includes those two and those two alone. Whoever you chose as Sentinel will most likely be the next playable character.
In that scene it is, indeed, two over the shoulder shots.
In the other we see Talia and Elissa alone at the table after speaking. The con… moreversation they have is more markedly private as well: the one you post a screenshot of could easily take place with Elissa or both Elissa and Talia present, and would make sense to, as Elissa is the only possible leader as things stand.
Agree that @flog61 is talking nonsense, but disagree that the tight over the shoulder shots are proof we will play as sentinel. I still think all these shots are merely an episode opening cutscene and have no merit as to the 5th PC
I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking… more, allowing for a whole room full of people that we're not shown.
The shots of Duncan and Royland are closer together, and we're shown only two of them together up close, leaving no room for interpretation. That conversation includes those two and those two alone. Whoever you chose as Sentinel will most likely be the next playable character.
as far as older women goes, she doesnt seem that old. i give her late 30s. or 40 at most! remember that they marry young! sansa, 14 and got married. so laddy forrester is not considered OLD. she seems fine to me, NOT YOUNG, but not old either.
It would certainly be unusual, and hence interesting, with regard to narrative fantasy tropes.
The few times a woman is the protagonist, she is hardly ever an older woman. It would be good to see that change.
Firstly, I'm not talking nonsense. Please don't be so unnecessarily rude: it does not create a good impression. (Not, for the record, so as to imply there's such a thing as 'necessary' rudeness.)
Elissa started this speech before, with just her and Talia, and she continues it in that empty table scene.
Secondly, 'that conversation includes those two and those two alone' is just as much the case as Elissa and Talia's.
Thirdly, if your argument is genuinely that the other half of the room can be full in that conversation (AND completely silent, despite her not even addressing them), then even more of that is true in Royland's conversation: the table AND the rest of the hall could easily have other people present.
Lady Forrester can fit into the scene with Royland and Tuttle far more easily (and logically!) than the other way around; in that conversation they seem to be at a meeting of the small council, of which Elissa is a part.
AND She and Talia fits the bill of protagonist FAR easier than Royland and Tuttle: they are expressly presented as having opposite opinions on things in episode 1, and having a restrained Royland or bloodthirsty Tuttle wouldn't happen, and would thus severely limit freedom of choice.
Talia and Elissa on the other hand have both undergone severe trauma, and their reactions are far less predictable as a result. Talia also fits in the narrative concept of twin replacing twin.
I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking… more, allowing for a whole room full of people that we're not shown.
The shots of Duncan and Royland are closer together, and we're shown only two of them together up close, leaving no room for interpretation. That conversation includes those two and those two alone. Whoever you chose as Sentinel will most likely be the next playable character.
Agree that @flog61 is talking nonsense, but disagree that the tight over the shoulder shots are proof we will play as sentinel. I still think all these shots are merely an episode opening cutscene and have no merit as to the 5th PC
People think Rodrik's still alive xD he was crushed by a horse he is etheir dead or paralyzed or something. Now that I think about l wouldn't mind playing as Duncan. I see Talia as a likely choice though
People think Rodrik's still alive xD he was crushed by a horse he is etheir dead or paralyzed or something. Now that I think about l wouldn't mind playing as Duncan. I see Talia as a likely choice though
Lady Forrester would be too much like Catelyn Stark IMO. I know people relate Talia to Arya but I don't see it for some reason. So to answer… more your question, I would like/prefer Talia. Also, it makes more sense because she can have more character development.
I will have to agree with Flog on this one. The shots with the Sentinels are not POV shots and being so close to them does not discredit anyone from being in the room, in fact it does the opposite, anyone could be sitting at the table while those two argue their case. On the other hand it seems unlikley anyone is in the room with Elissa and Talia when they are talking because that is a much more distant shot. Although it an opening cutscene before someone walks in the room... maybe.
I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking… more, allowing for a whole room full of people that we're not shown.
The shots of Duncan and Royland are closer together, and we're shown only two of them together up close, leaving no room for interpretation. That conversation includes those two and those two alone. Whoever you chose as Sentinel will most likely be the next playable character.
But her speech lasts for a long time, far too long to be an opening cutscene where you interrupt interaction and just happen to overhear some of what they are saying.
I will have to agree with Flog on this one. The shots with the Sentinels are not POV shots and being so close to them does not discredit any… moreone from being in the room, in fact it does the opposite, anyone could be sitting at the table while those two argue their case. On the other hand it seems unlikley anyone is in the room with Elissa and Talia when they are talking because that is a much more distant shot. Although it an opening cutscene before someone walks in the room... maybe.
But her speech lasts for a long time, far too long to be an opening cutscene where you interrupt interaction and just happen to overhear some of what they are saying.
She can develop into the protective mother, trying to keep her family together in times of war and chaos. Its very similar to Catelyn Stark, like I said. Talia has more space to grow as a character.
Why do you say Talia can have more character development?
I know children general change more, but thats basically ignored in cases of severe trauma like Lady Forrester's been through.
She can develop into the protective mother, trying to keep her family together in times of war and chaos. Its very similar to Catelyn Stark, like I said. Talia has more space to grow as a character.
So scheming basically? That would be interesting, now that you bring it up. Nevertheless, I stand by my opinion. Talia would be better fit for the story IMO.
Agree that @flog61 is talking nonsense, but disagree that the tight over the shoulder shots are proof we will play as sentinel. I still think all these shots are merely an episode opening cutscene and have no merit as to the 5th PC
I for one can't wait to play as Asher and gut some Whitehall cronies, Justice will be served! It's too bad that we can't finally silence Ramsey since he is in the HBO show so you know he ain't dying in the game. I think Talia will be the other playable character, for now. If you read the books or watch the show, then you know nobody is safe in game of thrones. As far as Rodrick coming back, which I hope happens by the way, crazier things have happened in the game of thrones books. Case in point...Lady Stoneheart.
These are good points with attention to detail, but my thoughts on the 5th PC haven't changed and the this poll http://strawpoll.me/3199399/r shows that most people like me believe Rodrik will be a PC over Talia.
I'm just not interested in playing as a Forrester that really has no control of their future. Talia isn't Arya and I really don't want her to be. Lady Forrester is so similar to Lady Stark that I want something different and honestly I'd rather play as a male than a female
Firstly, I'm not talking nonsense. Please don't be so unnecessarily rude: it does not create a good impression. (Not, for the record, so as … moreto imply there's such a thing as 'necessary' rudeness.)
16:22 in this video.
Elissa started this speech before, with just her and Talia, and she continues it in that empty table scene.
Secondly, 'that conversation includes those two and those two alone' is just as much the case as Elissa and Talia's.
Thirdly, if your argument is genuinely that the other half of the room can be full in that conversation (AND completely silent, despite her not even addressing them), then even more of that is true in Royland's conversation: the table AND the rest of the hall could easily have other people present.
Lady Forrester can fit into the scene with Royland and Tuttle far more easily (and logically!) than the other way around; in that conversation they seem… [view original content]
What most people believe is not the same thing as what is most likely.
This has shown me, for example, that most people didn't realise the implications of the Talia and Elissa scene.
I knew it was a gender thing (I think that is part of the reason for the poll thing), but it really really really shouldn't be.
Women do have control over the future, or at least that of their family (Mira??? Elissa too is basically de facto ruler of Ironr\th by the end of episode 1!) and Talia has said how she has been taught how to fight, which is interesting.
Also, Gared basically has no control over his future now, yet I don't see you complaining about playing as him. Because it's never as simple as that.
Also, rodrik surviving would be RIDICULOUS. He was crushed by a horse.
Horses weigh on average 850kg. His pelvis was 100% crushed. And that can kill people even with modern medecine.
If he is in the game, the only way he could appear and the game would have its integrity was if he is unable to walk. And that wouldn't be particularly fun to play as.
These are good points with attention to detail, but my thoughts on the 5th PC haven't changed and the this poll http://strawpoll.me/3199399/… morer shows that most people like me believe Rodrik will be a PC over Talia.
I'm just not interested in playing as a Forrester that really has no control of their future. Talia isn't Arya and I really don't want her to be. Lady Forrester is so similar to Lady Stark that I want something different and honestly I'd rather play as a male than a female
I for one can't wait to play as Asher and gut some Whitehall cronies, Justice will be served! It's too bad that we can't finally silence Ram… moresey since he is in the HBO show so you know he ain't dying in the game. I think Talia will be the other playable character, for now. If you read the books or watch the show, then you know nobody is safe in game of thrones. As far as Rodrick coming back, which I hope happens by the way, crazier things have happened in the game of thrones books. Case in point...Lady Stoneheart.
What happens with her?
Like we actually see this mans bones crushed by a horse, rendering him at least paralysed for life. Was lady stoneheart in worse positions than that?
Well there are certainly more stories of people surviving slit throats than people's pelvises being crushed by objects ten times heavier than them and not breaking bones, so not really statistically.
I'm thinking Talia since like you said she is Ethan's twin, and he just died protecting her... so there would be a lot going on with her character after that. She may already have some established character traits, but losing Ethan could lead to her character changing enough that you could mould her into whatever character you'd like. I also think it would be really interesting to play as her.
Lady Forrester would be cool too, but sadly I think she's destined to die soon. She offers too much safety and comfort since she knows what she's doing, and that usually puts characters on the top of the most likely to die list.
Hey, look! Rodrik is coming back! Stayed under his horse for months, Freys couldn't find him...
If the Freys couldn't find him surely that's evidence that he could well still be alive?
What if is someone that won't appear in Episode 2?
Anyway, I think it's someone we haven't seen yet, I doubt we will play as someone we already saw.
Well we know Ironrath is in episode 2, and none of the current protagonists are anywhere near it.
Also, we've seen every main character in the Forrester house already.
The little boy is the fifth one
..uh, source?
But we also see a conversation between Duncan and Ser Royland alone. With that logic, it's between the 4. But you could say that there's someone else in the room with Duncan and Royland - which is a possibility, but with that logic there could also be someone in the room with Elissa and Talia.
We simply don't know, it could be between 4-6 candidates.
The conservation between Royland and Duncan allows for another person; the one between Talia and Elissa is very clearly them alone as the only two present members of the family. The camera angles even focus on the fact that they are alone.
You really think someone could stand this close to Duncan? It's simply a little cutscene that cuts between 2 over the shoulder shots. Seems to me like no one else is in the room with them during this conversation.

In that scene it is, indeed, two over the shoulder shots.
In the other we see Talia and Elissa alone at the table after speaking. The conversation they have is more markedly private as well: the one you post a screenshot of could easily take place with Elissa or both Elissa and Talia present, and would make sense to, as Elissa is the only possible leader as things stand.
I think it's possible that depends on who you choose as sentinal that will be the 5 character
Lady Forrester would be too much like Catelyn Stark IMO. I know people relate Talia to Arya but I don't see it for some reason. So to answer your question, I would like/prefer Talia. Also, it makes more sense because she can have more character development.
I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking, allowing for a whole room full of people that we're not shown.
The shots of Duncan and Royland are closer together, and we're shown only two of them together up close, leaving no room for interpretation. That conversation includes those two and those two alone. Whoever you chose as Sentinel will most likely be the next playable character.
Agree that @flog61 is talking nonsense, but disagree that the tight over the shoulder shots are proof we will play as sentinel. I still think all these shots are merely an episode opening cutscene and have no merit as to the 5th PC
as far as older women goes, she doesnt seem that old. i give her late 30s. or 40 at most! remember that they marry young! sansa, 14 and got married. so laddy forrester is not considered OLD. she seems fine to me, NOT YOUNG, but not old either.
Firstly, I'm not talking nonsense. Please don't be so unnecessarily rude: it does not create a good impression. (Not, for the record, so as to imply there's such a thing as 'necessary' rudeness.)
16:22 in this video.
Elissa started this speech before, with just her and Talia, and she continues it in that empty table scene.
Secondly, 'that conversation includes those two and those two alone' is just as much the case as Elissa and Talia's.
Thirdly, if your argument is genuinely that the other half of the room can be full in that conversation (AND completely silent, despite her not even addressing them), then even more of that is true in Royland's conversation: the table AND the rest of the hall could easily have other people present.
Lady Forrester can fit into the scene with Royland and Tuttle far more easily (and logically!) than the other way around; in that conversation they seem to be at a meeting of the small council, of which Elissa is a part.
AND She and Talia fits the bill of protagonist FAR easier than Royland and Tuttle: they are expressly presented as having opposite opinions on things in episode 1, and having a restrained Royland or bloodthirsty Tuttle wouldn't happen, and would thus severely limit freedom of choice.
Talia and Elissa on the other hand have both undergone severe trauma, and their reactions are far less predictable as a result. Talia also fits in the narrative concept of twin replacing twin.
No I am not. See below.
People think Rodrik's still alive xD he was crushed by a horse he is etheir dead or paralyzed or something. Now that I think about l wouldn't mind playing as Duncan. I see Talia as a likely choice though
How much would a horse like that weigh? Would bones certainly be crushed?
EDIT: Apparently they weigh about 850kg.
Yeah, if Telltale bring back Rodrik they'll have some serious explaining to do.
Why do you say Talia can have more character development?
I know children general change more, but thats basically ignored in cases of severe trauma like Lady Forrester's been through.
I will have to agree with Flog on this one. The shots with the Sentinels are not POV shots and being so close to them does not discredit anyone from being in the room, in fact it does the opposite, anyone could be sitting at the table while those two argue their case. On the other hand it seems unlikley anyone is in the room with Elissa and Talia when they are talking because that is a much more distant shot. Although it an opening cutscene before someone walks in the room... maybe.
But her speech lasts for a long time, far too long to be an opening cutscene where you interrupt interaction and just happen to overhear some of what they are saying.
True, thats why I said maybe.
Since Ethan died, I would say Asher (even though he is exiled from House Forrester) because he is the rightful lord of House Forrester.
Asher is pretty much confirmed as the fourth protagonist, this thread is discussing who might be the fifth.
She can develop into the protective mother, trying to keep her family together in times of war and chaos. Its very similar to Catelyn Stark, like I said. Talia has more space to grow as a character.
Ah, but she's already the protective mother.
She could develop in to someone obsessed with political machinations easily, for example.
So scheming basically? That would be interesting, now that you bring it up. Nevertheless, I stand by my opinion. Talia would be better fit for the story IMO.
Oh, well ok, thanks for correcting me
(This isn't directed solely towards you; I'm just replying to your comment due to its relevance.)
If you guys disagree with another user's opinion, please try to be polite about it. Thanks.
I was more thinking that he was taken prisoner.
I for one can't wait to play as Asher and gut some Whitehall cronies, Justice will be served! It's too bad that we can't finally silence Ramsey since he is in the HBO show so you know he ain't dying in the game. I think Talia will be the other playable character, for now. If you read the books or watch the show, then you know nobody is safe in game of thrones. As far as Rodrick coming back, which I hope happens by the way, crazier things have happened in the game of thrones books. Case in point...Lady Stoneheart.
These are good points with attention to detail, but my thoughts on the 5th PC haven't changed and the this poll http://strawpoll.me/3199399/r shows that most people like me believe Rodrik will be a PC over Talia.
I'm just not interested in playing as a Forrester that really has no control of their future. Talia isn't Arya and I really don't want her to be. Lady Forrester is so similar to Lady Stark that I want something different and honestly I'd rather play as a male than a female
What most people believe is not the same thing as what is most likely.
This has shown me, for example, that most people didn't realise the implications of the Talia and Elissa scene.
I knew it was a gender thing (I think that is part of the reason for the poll thing), but it really really really shouldn't be.
Women do have control over the future, or at least that of their family (Mira??? Elissa too is basically de facto ruler of Ironr\th by the end of episode 1!) and Talia has said how she has been taught how to fight, which is interesting.
Also, Gared basically has no control over his future now, yet I don't see you complaining about playing as him. Because it's never as simple as that.
Also, rodrik surviving would be RIDICULOUS. He was crushed by a horse.
Horses weigh on average 850kg. His pelvis was 100% crushed. And that can kill people even with modern medecine.
If he is in the game, the only way he could appear and the game would have its integrity was if he is unable to walk. And that wouldn't be particularly fun to play as.
What happens with her?
Like we actually see this mans bones crushed by a horse, rendering him at least paralysed for life. Was lady stoneheart in worse positions than that?
What, they would bother constructing a wheelchair or carrying him all the way, instead of just killing him, to take him prisoner?
Seems unlikely.
Well her throat was slit and her body was dumped in a river to be later found and resurrected from the dead. Is that a worse position?
Well there are certainly more stories of people surviving slit throats than people's pelvises being crushed by objects ten times heavier than them and not breaking bones, so not really statistically.
Rodrik comes busting I through the doors, completely uninjured other than a scar
Lady Forrester- Rodrik! How are you alive!
Rodrik- I got lucky...REAL LUCKY!
Lord Forrester runs in
Lord Forrester- I'm home!