can't download next episodes on my Samsung

hey. just got all the episodes on my phone, but i cant download the next 5 episodes. can anyone help me?


  • edited December 2014

    Oh dur.. My bad xD Only Episode 1 is out right now.

  • I assume you bought the Season Pass? (Is there a season pass in the android version?)

    And the next 5 episodes are unavailable as of this moment.

  • Telltale episodes are released usually on a bi-monthly schedule. The other episodes are not out yet, they aren't even made yet.

  • Five other episodes aren't out yet. You must get used to Telltale's releasing system.

  • oh. thanks :)

  • there is, its like 8$ or somthing.

    I assume you bought the Season Pass? (Is there a season pass in the android version?) And the next 5 episodes are unavailable as of this moment.

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