Batten Down The Hatches!
Brace yourselves! Word of the new Minecraft game will soon travel fast, and when it does, a whole new wave of creatures will descend upon our sacred forums. What creatures, you ask? They go by many names, but squeakers are a rather common one.
They are attracted to all things block related, and soon they will track this Minecraft Game to it's source. Here. When that day comes, we must remain vigilant. Stand our ground. These are our forums and I'll be damned if our community is ruined and degraded because Telltale sold their soul to the evil lord Mojang.
So I ask each and every one of you, don't give up! Continue to post here with a mature sense of manner! Don't go overboard with captial letters! These are dark days ahead, and we must remain strong.
Perfect, can't really think of a better way of explaining how dire the situation is.
They Come
Honestly after getting a clearer mind, I don't fear the game, I fear these people.
To the last man! Aye!
They won't be able to handle the power of thy Opal.
A lot of centuries ago brave companies developed games like CoD and Minecraft so these creatures stay away from other games like TWD,...but now Telltale has attracted them to our gates and we'll have to fight a war we weren't prepared for.
I'm ready.
We shall defeat them!
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure those people wouldn't even like this game.
Bring them on.
We shall not fall!!!
There are those who choose Telltale over all other loyalties. Our forums will not fall, we will be ready.
Never give up, my friends!
Am I not the only one who doesn't think there will be annoying fans? I don't think I have ever seen these so called annoying ten year olds. I mean, people assumed we'd get a bunch of FPS fanatics when Tales from the Borderlands was announced, and so far I haven't seen any.
I don't think there will be any either :P
You guys thought that borderlands would bring stereotypical fps gamers would come you were wrong i doubt this will be any different
What was Telltale thinking when making this?
Trying something new?
It's supposed to be a gif, but my iPad is being stupid.
By something new you mean something that is probably going to fail? The fanbase is probably going to be filled with squeakers, to be honest.
Again your all assuming kids will show up and people thought TWD would fail too
Oh God, the horror. I'm afraid it has already started, I think I saw one on the forums now. I thought we would have more time.
I was thinking about that, Metallica.
Considering the Minecraft fanbase is pretty much filled with children, it's an accurate assumption.
There's a lot of children who play every game. Hell there's been children on these forums for years and no one cared
Yes, but there will be more amounts of children on the forums with this game. I barely see many children who hold The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Tales From the Borderlands, and Game of Thrones. This makes it even more accurate.
More than you think play it.
There was an bring together, a group of extraordinary people...
The Forum Defense Force Initiative!!
In all honesty though, I doubt they will destroy the forums. Hopefully the mods will keep things under control.
Man, remember when all those obnoxious meme-posting Walking Dead fans invaded our glorious Monkey Island and Sam and Max forums and ruined everything? It'll be just like that!
Hopefully but if i know one thing is that They will come.
Clem, Bigby, and Zero = GREATEST TEAM EVER.
did they? the main concern i saw with borderlands was that it would affect twd and the fact that it was an fps i heard nothing about the fans
Guys I honestly think that if the Minecraft fanbase does come over here, they'll be here just for Minecraft and will just leave once the hype is over. And that's if this game will be targeted at the existing fanbase. Mojang could be in this to make Minecraft appeal to more people and it might have darker themes than the main game, which will mean a more adult fanbase on here.
The Mods will protect us
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Bigby: Clementine you were born to do this!
Throws a freaking grenade at the enemy
Zero: Each of us are willing to die for this cause.
Points sword at the enemy and 10000 haters running at them with there HATE
Clementine siths on the big bad wolfs back with two machine guns pointing at the enemy coming there way Anything els Zero?
Zero: Send them to hell!