Based on the episode titles, what do you think is gonna happen?
Title explains itself. Episode titles are:
The Lost Lords:
The Sword in the Darkness
Sons of Winter
A Nest of Vipers
The Ice Dragon
I can only guess that Lost Lords will let us meet Asher and Sword in the Darkness will be Gared becoming parts of the Nights Watch. Also Ice Dragon sort of suggests that Asher might not be coming to Ironrath so soon.
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I don't know why but i have the feeling that lots of people will die.
I think that each episode will focus more on one protagonist than the others.
Iron From Ice: Ethan
The Lost Lords: Asher
The Sword in the Darkness: Gared
Sons of Winter: 5th and final protagonist we have yet to be introduced to
A Nest of Vipers: Myra
The Ice Dragon: All protagonists that are still alive play a major role
"A Nest of Vipers" possibility a jaunt into the Whitehill's kingdom? Because, you know vipers defend their nests....
I'm pretty sure "A Nest of Vipers" refers to Cersei's line in Iron From Ice. I think she said, "Be careful, King's Landing can be a nest of vipers." or something like that I can't remember exactly. But I think it comes from that line which means a big part of Episode 5 will be about the King's Landing storyline.
Sons of Winter = wildlings.
Nest of vipers = trouble in kings landing
Ice dragon = something involving dragons and white walkers
Everyone dies, no exceptions.
Spoilers from books inside.
The Lost Lords= Pretty much Asher the exile who's "lost his way." Since Lords is plural I would hope Howland Reed, perhaps Galbert/Galbett Glover, who the Forrester's are bannerman to.
The Sword in the Darkness= "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post.I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."-- The Nights Watch Oath.
Looks like something's happening at the Wall. I assume the attack on the Wall by Mance Rayder, and the arrival of Stannis and Melisandre. Gared is going to have a very interesting plot line there.
Sons of Winter= Either referring to the wildlings, or the men of the North. Maybe we get to play as a wildling? Could also mean Asher, Rodrik(Probably going to pull a Kenny), and Ryon. Oh and if Ethan gets revived by a red priest then boom they're all alive lmao, but I doubt it. Looks like winter is coming. The North never gets better after the Red Wedding so... Looks like we're in for it.
A Nest of Vipers= A really obvious finger pointing to King's Landing. Probably referring to the Purple Wedding, and all the dangers like Varys, Littlefinger, and Cersei. Mira's going to be in a lot of danger and may possibly die?
The Ice Dragon= This confuses me... Daenerys is bringing the dragons north? Impossible, she hasn't yet in the books, and apparently the game only goes up to Season 5, and Daenerys has no reason to go to the North anyway. Maybe means Griff, or Young Griff might go North though there is no point. It's obviously not a dragon so it has to be a person, and might most likely candidate is Ramsay, Stannis, or whatever-his-name-is-traitor-Umber. Since the seat of the Glover's was taken by Asha, the Forresters are bannerman to the Glover's so something must be going on there.
Ice dragon could just refer to the constellation which is used as a guide. Bran followed its blue eye north and Sam followed its tail south back to the wall with Gilly. I doubt this has anything to do with Dany coming west or Young Griff going North since we know he ends up in Storm's End and she stays put.
It could be a reference to Jon Snow as dragonseed/son of winter. Some people believe the current Stark line decends from the Nights King and his blue eyed bride, so Jon potentially has 'Other' blood AND dragon blood. There's also a crackpot theory about an ice dragon living inside the Wall waiting to be woken by the horn of joramun which will bring down the wall. Having just read GRRMs short story called 'The Ice Dragon' i would like to believe that there is a literal Ice Dragon somewhere in Westeros (really enjoyable read btw, only takes less than an hour)
The Lost Lords: Ummm... well the episode is mostly happening in Yunkai and the wall soo Asher and Jon Snow? And I guess Rodrik could be alive...
The Sword in the Darkness: I think in this episode Gared must make a choice between loyalty to Forresters and loyalty to Night's Watch. Or maybe this is just the episode he makes the oath.
Sons of Winter: I guess there is some action north of the wall in this episode. Maybe white walkers? Of course Asher is also son of the north. Wildlings? Hard to say.
A Nest of Vipers: Obviously KL...I think Mira gets screwed in this episode (maybe even killed). Maybe we also see Mountain vs. Viper?
The Ice Dragon: First thing that comes to my mind about ice dragon is Jon Snow because R+L=J. Might also refer that one of our characters is in very cold place (Gared) and one faces Drogon somewhere (Asher).
Good point. Apparently there are also theories of Jon being a Targaryen. Though the Ice Dragon in the Wall would be really cool. I would love to see that!
But didn't they burn the horn? I don't think they ever used it, even if the horn was still in play the books haven't gone as far as to someone actually using it. The Wall is also not a very good place so I don't think anybody would get to it and would want to use it.
Unless the horn that Mance found was a fake
I reckon the real Horn of Joramun is in Sam's posession, remember when Ghost found that stash of dragon glass at the fist of first men... amongst them was a small, cracked, old looking horn which Jon gave to Sam (Sam, Edd and Grenn find it in the show). Perhaps we wont find out until Sam returns from Oldtown.
Yeah if Jon is a Targ, Ice Dragon seems like a clear reference to him. Or perhaps Gared visits the North Grove in the final episode and uses the Ice Dragon constellation to navigate south back to Ironrath
Ah I see. Very observant of you. Good theories.
no shit Sherlock.
Sorry it was Tyrion who said it, not Cersei. But yeah, the title comes from his line.
I was just gonna say this, but I was gonna invert episode 3 and 4, The Sword in the Darkness focusing more on the 5th character and Sons of Winter focusing more on Gared, but I'm not sure.
'Just be careful. This is not the North. King's Landing can be a nest of vipers to the uninitiated.'
But yes, thats where it comes from
I'm a smartass, I know :P
A Nest of Vipers: Something to do with Oberyn/his daughters and relatives?
The Ice Dragon: Completely implausible, but maybe a white walker resurrects a friggin dragon. How cool would that be?