Poll: Who do you think shall be the fifth protagonist, based on the preview for episode 2?



  • edited December 2014

    All right, well, there's also this:


    As well as the fact that Episode 2 is called "The Lost Lords". That would apply to Asher and, probably, Rodrik.

    A line was removed from the end preview, in which Lady Elissa was supposed to say something along the lines of "what have they done to you". This could refer to Rodrik, since, when we last saw him, his face was seriously fucked up.

    If Rodrik did live, then it would potentially give meaning to the choice to save Bowen or not, probably with Norren and/or Bowen helping Rodrik escape, though, if that were the case, Bowen would likely die escaping.

    And... I'm not sure they'd need to craft a wheelchair for him, just carry him to the prisons or whatever is at the Twins. He IS the Lord of House Forrester now, after all, and having him could be useful(considering the possibility that he lived, that is).

    Also, someone apparently did find something relating to Rodrik in the game files that they said was spoilery, but, I don't know what it is. Still, at least someone out there knows.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What, they would bother constructing a wheelchair or carrying him all the way, instead of just killing him, to take him prisoner? Seems unlikely.

  • Kenny.

    Alt text

    Kiddin'. Lady Forrester.

  • The Lost Lords could refer to the young lord who was taken by Ramsey as well as Asher.

    Bowen choice can easily have ramifications through the other characters.

    I do not understand why the shadow is his.

    I do genuinely believe at this point that Rodrik will return, I just really struggle to see how this is either a sensible decision or a preferable one. I will be very disappointed if they ignore actual logic.

    Bringing back kenny, whose death we dont see, is one thing. Saying a man survives an 850kg horse falling on his pelvis with just facial scarring is completely insane.

    Zyphon posted: »

    All right, well, there's also this: As well as the fact that Episode 2 is called "The Lost Lords". That would apply to Asher and, pro

  • Lady stoneheart is essentially a reanimated (living) zombie (she was full dead when they did it, though not that long), I really hope they dont pull this with the oldest son though, easily my least favourite part of the book is this revival crap they pull with the red priests, why they would revive rodrik anyway makes little to no sense, as the main priest sacrifices his life/revival for stoneheart

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well there are certainly more stories of people surviving slit throats than people's pelvises being crushed by objects ten times heavier than them and not breaking bones, so not really statistically.

  • For a main protagonist, I would assume it would be Asher. Returning from exile to lord the House Forrester seems like the next big step for the family and the story in general. Telltale has introduced other random characters in the past, like in The Walking Dead series so we shall see what the future holds for the Iron Woods.

  • Not to speak for anyone else, but I for one don't want to see more of the same, that's part of what makes Telltale games so interesting, it's their own take but it's OUR story, forged by the decisions we make. Please, I do not want another little girl main character(Clementine) or another crippled sibling (Bran Stark). Keep it fresh and ever-changing and for our sake, whichever characters were or are unfortunate enough to die.....stay dead, it adds to the flavor, Lol!

  • edited December 2014

    I love playing as Gared and honestly I dislike playing as Mira. Mira seems like fan service to incorporate characters from the show. Because of the secrecy behind the 5th PC I just hope it's a bigger deal than just playing as Talia or Ellissa. For me it really isn't a gender thing. I just think TT hasn't given us any female characters that I want to play as. If they try to make Talia a "fighter" like Arya it will just feel like a complete rip off. Let Talia get married into a family she doesn't want to but will better the House or something new and then I would be interested

    Flog61 posted: »

    What most people believe is not the same thing as what is most likely. This has shown me, for example, that most people didn't realise th

  • edited December 2014

    We already know Talia knows how to fight.

    Following the extremely traumatic events she's been exposed to, I see no reason why she couldn't toughen up.

    I don't even know why characters have to be physical fighters to be good anyway.

    Also there's no more secrecy about the 5th npc than the others, it's just we concluded it was asher earlier.


    For me it isn't really a gender thing

    You literally just said:

    honestly I'd rather play as a male than a female

    Unless you were lying for some reason, if you say something like that then clearly it IS a gender thing.

    beguiler posted: »

    I love playing as Gared and honestly I dislike playing as Mira. Mira seems like fan service to incorporate characters from the show. Because

  • Lol...merely stated my preference and then described why none of the female characters are interesting. No need to be unnecessarily rude to me for having a different opinion than you.

    But you know what go vote for Hilary in 2016. You clearly have an agenda with this thread and don't value other opinions which is discouraging.

    Flog61 posted: »

    We already know Talia knows how to fight. Following the extremely traumatic events she's been exposed to, I see no reason why she couldn'

  • I already said before that IMO the 5th playable character is someone we haven't seen yet, and he doesn't have necessarily be introduced in Episode 2, but lets suppose he's gonna appear in Episode 2. I dont think it's going to be Talia or Elissa but not even Royland or Duncan, not only because they already have an established personality, but also because the shadowy figure present with Gared, Mira and Asher has a sword at its side (so that's definitly not Talia or Elissa) and it doesn't coincide with Royland or Duncan's model either.

    That's why I think it's going to be a totally new character, maybe a soldier of House Forrester that is present to Ironrath (so that justifies the scenes in the preview of Episode 2 since I don't think Asher will arrive at Ironrath immediately)

  • edited December 2014

    We have already seen the 5th protag. in the first episode.

  • Talia knows how to fight with a sword, so the sword doesnt mean its not her. Also it could easily be a placeholder shadow.

    I already said before that IMO the 5th playable character is someone we haven't seen yet, and he doesn't have necessarily be introduced in E

  • ...well, that doesnt narrow it down at all.

    Besides, how do you know?

    We have already seen the 5th protag. in the first episode.

  • How do you know?

    That's a secret.

    Who is the 5th protag.?

    Major spoilers, best to keep it to myself.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...well, that doesnt narrow it down at all. Besides, how do you know?

  • edited December 2014

    Are you doing that thing like with Season 2 episode 5 where you pretended to know things to feel superior over others?

    How do you know? That's a secret. Who is the 5th protag.? Major spoilers, best to keep it to myself.

  • Nope.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Are you doing that thing like with Season 2 episode 5 where you pretended to know things to feel superior over others?

  • For the record, it was never my intentions to feel "superior" over others.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Are you doing that thing like with Season 2 episode 5 where you pretended to know things to feel superior over others?

  • So you claim to have more knowledge than literally everyone else on the forum about the games, are purposefully vagua about how you know, offer no real information so people can't say you were wrong...and you expect people to believe you know it?

    it's pretty transparent that it's a lie, mate.


  • edited December 2014

    For the 5th protagonist of Telltale's Game of Thrones, yes, I "claim" to know who that person is. I won't say a word on who or what my source came from

    The mods don't like major spoilers (cough) Episode 4 choices & Kenny202 in the files (cough) which the latter being examples on how the forums imploded months ago.

    Flog61 posted: »

    So you claim to have more knowledge than literally everyone else on the forum about the games, are purposefully vagua about how you know, of

  • Then PM them to me. :)

    For the 5th protagonist of Telltale's Game of Thrones, yes, I "claim" to know who that person is. I won't say a word on who or what my sourc

  • Why not Ryon? Arya was 11 at the beginning of the first book, so was Clem. Why not go younger? This is Westeros after all

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah but the shadow doesn't really match with her model and I don't think it's a placeholder (at least it wasn't with Asher before completing Episode 1). Plus, Talia does have her preset personality, we need to play as someone we haven't seen yet to start his character from zero, like we did with the others. Take Ethan, we didn't meet him as Gared with the excuse of the lute, so I think Telltale doesn't want us to meet another PC as a NPC. At least this is what I think, I could be wrong.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Talia knows how to fight with a sword, so the sword doesnt mean its not her. Also it could easily be a placeholder shadow.

  • I think Talia will be it, we need to see what's going on in Ironrath. Ryon's a likely candidate but I doubt it

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Why not Ryon? Arya was 11 at the beginning of the first book, so was Clem. Why not go younger? This is Westeros after all

  • I can see Talia being the fifth protagonist but based on the final silhouette (which CAN possibly change btw) I think Malcolm or Ryon.

  • It well not be any one you can use in game so lady forester and the youngest daughter are out do to the conflict of using Asher also it will be the boy because he was taken seeing that allowing us to play as a child is new to the games and **auspcily in such a brutal world like A Song Of Ice And Fire.

  • That's what I was thinking, you play as the Sentinel. Would be cool since it stands to reason you'd have your main "opponent/foil" as whomever you didn't pick. Would definitely go a long way towards choices mattering.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I'm sorry, but you're talking nonsense. The shot we get of Talia and Elissa is them standing in in front of the windows by the table talking

  • We had 3 this episode, and one is dead, so that means we can either have 5 playable characters at any time or just 5 in total. Since we need eyes in Ironrath, I assume we'll be playing as Talia. However, Asher was heavily featured in the preview so I assume he will be as well.

  • Asher is pretty much confirmed, there's a lot of evidence. Eyes in Ironrath is true, so yeah. I'm guessing either Talia or Lady Forrester. My bet is on Talia.

    We had 3 this episode, and one is dead, so that means we can either have 5 playable characters at any time or just 5 in total. Since we need

  • The shadow outlines seem pretty definitive to me. At the left of Gared, Mira and Ethan we have Asher. And to the right we have someone else with nearly as distinctive shoulder outlines. Someone, I might add, that brought me some suspicions in Episode 1.

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