Damn, when I saw "36 New Comments" in my feed, I thought it was half the chapter already, lol. But, it turns out I was wrong. I won't write my new chapters just to let you guys sort this out... if you can.
I'm gonna try to continue, since we've kinda broken the thread. I hope there's no hard feelings supersagig, i didn't mean to be too harsh.
I heard screaming coming from the building I had just left. I decided I shouldn't let the wheelchair man die. Ha. I wonder how someone in a wheelchair is still alive now. I drew my bow and walked toward the building's entrance, and prepared my bow. I saw a man with his gun to the head of the wheelchair man. I drew my arrow and aimed my shot...
I'm gonna try to continue, since we've kinda broken the thread. I hope there's no hard feelings supersagig, i didn't mean to be too harsh.
… more Sera
I heard screaming coming from the building I had just left. I decided I shouldn't let the wheelchair man die. Ha. I wonder how someone in a wheelchair is still alive now. I drew my bow and walked toward the building's entrance, and prepared my bow. I saw a man with his gun to the head of the wheelchair man. I drew my arrow and aimed my shot...
We never said it was bad, it was just that the situation couldn't happen. If you got shot as a 13 year old then you would probably die. I didn't mean to offend you.
His eyes slowly open as he find himself in his car, he sits up and looks out the car window, he looks at the sign overlooking the rest stop, but he spots someone walking to the rest stop. He watches as the figure gets closer, but then he spots another, and another, all walking to the rest stop. As they get closer he can see they are all wearing some sort of mask. They were fully armed, they walk to the front door of the rest stop and then they two of them stand on the edge of the door frame with one in the middle, the middle one kicks the door open and the other two jump in front of the door and fire a few rounds of bullets, Jim hears a scream and then another shot.
Jim watches as the bring out 4 bodies and toss them on the ground outside, then a truck pulls into the rest stop. About 4 more people get out of the truck and walk to the other 3 who had just shot the people, it was clear that they were bandits, Jim sees one of them point at his hiding spot, what looked like the guy calling the shots yells something.
Jim quickly realizes they found him, he quickly starts the car and tries his best to get out of there as fast as he can, one of the bandits runs to Jim's car, but gets hit by it. Jim pulls out of the rest stop and speeds down the highway, he looks in his rear view mirror and sees the bandits pull out of the rest stop in the truck and chase after him.
"No no. Please they'll come." The boy in the wheelchair begged.
"For all I know they could be planning to take me out. I'm sorry man but I'm going to have to take you with me." I say and then turn around to see a girl about to shoot an arrow at me. I quickly put the gun to the boy's head. "Shoot and your friend dies." I tell her slowly pushing the boy forward hoping to pass without conflict.
"He's not my friend, yeah?" Sera said, in her common English accent. She followed the man with her bow. "I'll kill you. I don't know the boy. I've got nothing to lose. You have, though. Your life, innit." she said, confidently. Sera began to smirk, she knew that no matter what she would get a new gun from this bandit guy. And potentially a wheelchair to play with.
Jim speeds down the highway while the bandits chase after him, they shoot at him as Jim starts swerving to avoid there shots, they stop shooting for a minute as they try to catch up with Jim, he looks in the rear view mirror and sees them speeding up to get a better shot, Jim ducks down as they begin firing again, this time they were a lot closer and they shots hit the car and most of the windows on the car and shatter and glass flies around the car's interior. This makes Jim jerk the wheel and the car spins out, but it doesn't flip, Jim hits his head on the the driver's side door. The bandits on the other hand spin out and hit the concrete divider, they flip over it and land on the other side upside down.
Jim wakes up to find himself in his car, he slowly sits back up and places him hand on his forehead, he pulls his hand back in pain, the car was full of broken glass. Jim reaches under the seat and pulls out the notebook, he looks around the car for the walkie-talkie, Jim reaches for the glove compartment and pulls it out. He climbs out of the car and looks at the it, the tries were popped, he looked at the truck, it was flipped over, it didn't look like any of them made, and if they did Jim didn't want to be there to find out. Jim walks to the side of the road and hops over the railing, he starts walking into the woods to still on his way to New York.
3 Days have passed since the car crash, it's morning. Jim continues on his way to New York as he passes through the countryside only about a days walk away from reaching the city limits on New York. He walks up a hill, once he reaches the top he finds himself in a large field, surrounded by a treeline. Jim walks through the field, once he makes it on the other side he spots something in the trees, it was a hunters nest or whatever it's called, Jim walks under it and finds a ladder to the nest.
Jim finds it filled with food, a rifle, plenty of ammo, even of map of the area. He makes himself a meal and rests for a few hours, even gets some sleep. He takes out the walkie-talkie and pushes down the button.
"It's...Day...310, i think...Anyway, i got attacked by bandits, i almost died. I probably would have starved to death anyway if i didn't find this place, things are looking up. I'm still going to make my way to New York, just like i said before, I'm really close now. It's probably going to be covered with the dead, I'm gonna be very careful from now on, once i enter the city...It's not going to be anything like life on the road. But i'll find a way, to keep going, won't stop until I'm there...My...Chances of living just went up by 50, i won't be able to take all of this with me but I'll take what i can, leave some behind for the next guy, if anyone finds this place...Bye" Jim let's going of the button, while smiling.
Zayne (my character) appeared asking water to Melody , Riley and Anton. Riley started to have a panic attack and passed out. Then Aaron appeared trying to rob us , but Zayne shoot him the hand. After a little of "talk" Riley remembered that they left Thomas , who is in a wheelchair , in the lower floors. While we are looking for him , Thomas is hostage of a bandit. But then Sera appeared threating the bandit. And that´s it for now :P
He wakes up to hear a gun shot, he quickly jumps up and grabs the rifle loads it, it almost the end of the day. He then looks at the field the hunters nest was facing, he ready's the rifle and looks down the sight. Jim spotted one of the dead on top of the hill, but where did the shot come from? He lines up the shot, after all he could use some target practice. He puts his finger on the trigger and as he lines the shot up with it's head, but then he hears another gun shot and then the dead one falls to the ground. Jim looks around the hilltop looking for what might have killed it, he sees someone coming up the hill, Jim looked at him using the rifle, it was the guy calling the shots for the bandits, but he wasn't alone.
More people came over the hill and started walking to the field, there was a lot more people then there was at the rest stop, they must have survived the car crash and later regrouped, then started to follow Jim's tracks. Jim started to count how many there were. There were 27 people, most of them were fully armed, looked like they were going out of their way looking for him. Jim takes the rifle and lines up the shot to hit the man who was calling the shots, but if you even got a clean kill he would still have 26 angry people shooting at him, and he couldn't just hid, he found the hunters nest so easily, it wouldn't take long for a group of 27 to find it.
Jim started taking what he could, but not to much, he filled a backpack with food, water, then map and ammo, he put the rifle over his shoulder and begins climbing down the ladder, he had a good head start, but they tracked him this far, they wouldn't be far behind. Jim started running out as fast as he could.
Sweat began to form on my forehead, and I could feel my hands getting shaky. "I'LL DO IT! Would you let this poor man die? I just... I don't mean you any harm, I just need some supplies for my people. Please don't make me do this." I said looking her in the eye.
Sweat began to form on my forehead, and I could feel my hands getting shaky. "I'LL DO IT! Would you let this poor man die? I just... … moreI don't mean you any harm, I just need some supplies for my people. Please don't make me do this." I said looking her in the eye.
You're too hard on yourself
Could you delete your last part too? It hasn´t got any sense that would happen without my one happening before
. Don't get too worked up about it alright?
Breath angrily
Damn, when I saw "36 New Comments" in my feed, I thought it was half the chapter already, lol. But, it turns out I was wrong. I won't write my new chapters just to let you guys sort this out... if you can.
I'm gonna try to continue, since we've kinda broken the thread. I hope there's no hard feelings supersagig, i didn't mean to be too harsh.
I heard screaming coming from the building I had just left. I decided I shouldn't let the wheelchair man die. Ha. I wonder how someone in a wheelchair is still alive now. I drew my bow and walked toward the building's entrance, and prepared my bow. I saw a man with his gun to the head of the wheelchair man. I drew my arrow and aimed my shot...
What put me mad is that i keep trying and trying and the only thing i got is "Is unrealistic" or "It´s bad"
We never said it was bad, it was just that the situation couldn't happen. If you got shot as a 13 year old then you would probably die. I didn't mean to offend you.
Poor Zyphon. So much to read.
Well, he planned to "start writing tomorrow", and guess what, that "tomorrow" expired yesterday.
Then I guess we continue without him. If he's busy, or doesn't want to write, then we can keep this going without him.
Yes, but, then again, we may get to Episode 2 by the time Zyphon comes around.
Whatever it takes.
~Jim Parker~
His eyes slowly open as he find himself in his car, he sits up and looks out the car window, he looks at the sign overlooking the rest stop, but he spots someone walking to the rest stop. He watches as the figure gets closer, but then he spots another, and another, all walking to the rest stop. As they get closer he can see they are all wearing some sort of mask. They were fully armed, they walk to the front door of the rest stop and then they two of them stand on the edge of the door frame with one in the middle, the middle one kicks the door open and the other two jump in front of the door and fire a few rounds of bullets, Jim hears a scream and then another shot.
Jim watches as the bring out 4 bodies and toss them on the ground outside, then a truck pulls into the rest stop. About 4 more people get out of the truck and walk to the other 3 who had just shot the people, it was clear that they were bandits, Jim sees one of them point at his hiding spot, what looked like the guy calling the shots yells something.
Jim quickly realizes they found him, he quickly starts the car and tries his best to get out of there as fast as he can, one of the bandits runs to Jim's car, but gets hit by it. Jim pulls out of the rest stop and speeds down the highway, he looks in his rear view mirror and sees the bandits pull out of the rest stop in the truck and chase after him.
I knew one day my attitude towards writing, a.k.a procrastinate for as long as possible, would be a bad thing.
Well, at least we started writing...
...Good luck catching up on those almost 150 posts.
It's fine. Guess I'll have to find some way to introduce Aidan and Sienna.
You betcha.
EDIT: 300th post.
Procrastination always comes back to haunt you.
I can already feel this story dying...
Don't say that!
Actually , you should continue from the part where Sera saved you (look above) :P
Well, yeah, of course it's dying, it's not like you can write a chapter or something.
Oh, wait. You actually can.
"Times up." I say.
"No no. Please they'll come." The boy in the wheelchair begged.
"For all I know they could be planning to take me out. I'm sorry man but I'm going to have to take you with me." I say and then turn around to see a girl about to shoot an arrow at me. I quickly put the gun to the boy's head. "Shoot and your friend dies." I tell her slowly pushing the boy forward hoping to pass without conflict.
Yeah, you not posting doesn't help. It's gonna die if people stop making an effort.
"He's not my friend, yeah?" Sera said, in her common English accent. She followed the man with her bow. "I'll kill you. I don't know the boy. I've got nothing to lose. You have, though. Your life, innit." she said, confidently. Sera began to smirk, she knew that no matter what she would get a new gun from this bandit guy. And potentially a wheelchair to play with.
"Melody , what are you doing?"- I asked her. She was carrying 2 two bags with supplies inside , one in hand and the another one in the back.
Everyone must contribute.
Everyone. Looks at Zyphon.
Looks sternly at Zyphon
~Jim Parker~
Jim speeds down the highway while the bandits chase after him, they shoot at him as Jim starts swerving to avoid there shots, they stop shooting for a minute as they try to catch up with Jim, he looks in the rear view mirror and sees them speeding up to get a better shot, Jim ducks down as they begin firing again, this time they were a lot closer and they shots hit the car and most of the windows on the car and shatter and glass flies around the car's interior. This makes Jim jerk the wheel and the car spins out, but it doesn't flip, Jim hits his head on the the driver's side door. The bandits on the other hand spin out and hit the concrete divider, they flip over it and land on the other side upside down.
Jim wakes up to find himself in his car, he slowly sits back up and places him hand on his forehead, he pulls his hand back in pain, the car was full of broken glass. Jim reaches under the seat and pulls out the notebook, he looks around the car for the walkie-talkie, Jim reaches for the glove compartment and pulls it out. He climbs out of the car and looks at the it, the tries were popped, he looked at the truck, it was flipped over, it didn't look like any of them made, and if they did Jim didn't want to be there to find out. Jim walks to the side of the road and hops over the railing, he starts walking into the woods to still on his way to New York.
I still have no idea what's going on...
~Jim Parker~
3 Days have passed since the car crash, it's morning. Jim continues on his way to New York as he passes through the countryside only about a days walk away from reaching the city limits on New York. He walks up a hill, once he reaches the top he finds himself in a large field, surrounded by a treeline. Jim walks through the field, once he makes it on the other side he spots something in the trees, it was a hunters nest or whatever it's called, Jim walks under it and finds a ladder to the nest.
Jim finds it filled with food, a rifle, plenty of ammo, even of map of the area. He makes himself a meal and rests for a few hours, even gets some sleep. He takes out the walkie-talkie and pushes down the button.
"It's...Day...310, i think...Anyway, i got attacked by bandits, i almost died. I probably would have starved to death anyway if i didn't find this place, things are looking up. I'm still going to make my way to New York, just like i said before, I'm really close now. It's probably going to be covered with the dead, I'm gonna be very careful from now on, once i enter the city...It's not going to be anything like life on the road. But i'll find a way, to keep going, won't stop until I'm there...My...Chances of living just went up by 50, i won't be able to take all of this with me but I'll take what i can, leave some behind for the next guy, if anyone finds this place...Bye" Jim let's going of the button, while smiling.
Zayne (my character) appeared asking water to Melody , Riley and Anton. Riley started to have a panic attack and passed out. Then Aaron appeared trying to rob us , but Zayne shoot him the hand. After a little of "talk" Riley remembered that they left Thomas , who is in a wheelchair , in the lower floors. While we are looking for him , Thomas is hostage of a bandit. But then Sera appeared threating the bandit. And that´s it for now :P
~Jim Parker~
He wakes up to hear a gun shot, he quickly jumps up and grabs the rifle loads it, it almost the end of the day. He then looks at the field the hunters nest was facing, he ready's the rifle and looks down the sight. Jim spotted one of the dead on top of the hill, but where did the shot come from? He lines up the shot, after all he could use some target practice. He puts his finger on the trigger and as he lines the shot up with it's head, but then he hears another gun shot and then the dead one falls to the ground. Jim looks around the hilltop looking for what might have killed it, he sees someone coming up the hill, Jim looked at him using the rifle, it was the guy calling the shots for the bandits, but he wasn't alone.
More people came over the hill and started walking to the field, there was a lot more people then there was at the rest stop, they must have survived the car crash and later regrouped, then started to follow Jim's tracks. Jim started to count how many there were. There were 27 people, most of them were fully armed, looked like they were going out of their way looking for him. Jim takes the rifle and lines up the shot to hit the man who was calling the shots, but if you even got a clean kill he would still have 26 angry people shooting at him, and he couldn't just hid, he found the hunters nest so easily, it wouldn't take long for a group of 27 to find it.
Jim started taking what he could, but not to much, he filled a backpack with food, water, then map and ammo, he put the rifle over his shoulder and begins climbing down the ladder, he had a good head start, but they tracked him this far, they wouldn't be far behind. Jim started running out as fast as he could.
Sweat began to form on my forehead, and I could feel my hands getting shaky. "I'LL DO IT! Would you let this poor man die? I just... I don't mean you any harm, I just need some supplies for my people. Please don't make me do this." I said looking her in the eye.
Poor bandit. He doesn't know that Sera doesn't care.
So true. Also what does Sera want from the "bandit" and Thomas anyway? She could have easily slipped away. Does she just want to kill something? xD