Lyrics or Song name?

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

What are the lyrics and/or song name that the Forrester men sang at the beginning of Iron From Ice?

The song that involves a Trout (which I'm guessing is House Tully), a Wolf (House Stark maybe), and Walder Frey?


  • "The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,
    The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away.
    The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,
    And spawned a Walder Frey!
    Another Walder Frey!

    Two weddings, two beddings,
    Brought on by beheadings,
    A night in me cups for me!
    Two weddings, two beddings,
    Brought on by beheadings,
    Yet all ends happily!
    All ends happily!

    The stag, the stag, the stag in the garden,
    His crown is a gift from the wildest boar.
    When roses are bloomin' and antlers are hardened
    The stag growls “hear me roar!”
    A lion’s fearsome roar!

    Two weddings, two beddings,
    Brought on by beheadings,
    A night in me cups for me!
    Two weddings, two beddings,
    Brought on by beheadings,
    Yet all ends happily!
    All ends happily! "

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    The Trout in the Towers

    The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,

    The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away.

    The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,

    And spawned a Walder Frey!

    Another Walder Frey!

    Two weddings, two beddings,

    Brought on by beheadings,

    A night in me cups for me!

    Two weddings, two beddings,

    Brought on by beheadings,

    Yet all ends happily!

    All ends happily!

  • You sir are a god! How did you find that out?!

    Echopapa posted: »

    "The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers, The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away. The trout, he flopped on for hours and

  • Is this a canon song from GoT or ASoIaF? How did you find that?! :D

    ArthurV posted: »

    The Trout in the Towers The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers, The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away. The trout

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    I wrote the lyrics. Jared wrote the tune.

    Is this a canon song from GoT or ASoIaF? How did you find that?!

  • I thought that was an actual canon song! Nicely done, I though Mr. Martin wrote it himself!

    ArthurV posted: »

    I wrote the lyrics. Jared wrote the tune.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    That is a huge compliment. Thank you kindly. :-)

    I thought that was an actual canon song! Nicely done, I though Mr. Martin wrote it himself!

  • Nice job!

    I loved that song and actually looked it up to see if it was on Youtube...Sadly it was not.

    ArthurV posted: »

    I wrote the lyrics. Jared wrote the tune.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Do a cover! DIY or die. ;-)

    Nice job! I loved that song and actually looked it up to see if it was on Youtube...Sadly it was not.

  • I hope they put the song "the bear and the maiden fair" in the game :D

  • If you don't mind me asking:

    Are we supposed to take the death of Rodrik as a literal scientific death scene (like Ethan getting stabbed in the throat) considering an 850kg horse falling on him would crush his pelvis and lead him to die, or was it just a generic 'this person is dead now' scene?

    I'm debating whether to think he died from a broken pelvis, as he scientifically would have, or just a generic 'I fell' death.

    ArthurV posted: »

    That is a huge compliment. Thank you kindly. :-)

  • Rains of Castamere should be the end credits song, idk why I always enjoyed it :P

  • edited December 2014

    I really like the song, but IMO I feel like Rains of Castamere should only be used during mega 'wham' moments with actual symbolic meanings like Tywin's death and Red Wedding. If it's played just for the sake of it, it becomes overused and loses its impact.

    Rains of Castamere should be the end credits song, idk why I always enjoyed it :P

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