Episode 2 on the Austrailian Classification Board
I don't think a thread has been created for this yet and I'm surprised as it was certified a day or two back. You folks are normally quick!
Anyhow, someone linked this screenie on Steam (a good fake if it is a fake ):
Oh and nice captcha, Telltale/mods. Happy holidays!
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Asher possibly getting some action methinks?
Probably yes, because his characters description tells he's into whores :-)
Looks like Asher has been busy in Essos. Using his...sword...You know?
is it just me but when I look closely it creeps me out
Only other option in my view, assuming it's a player character partaking, is Mira, so . . . While it's possible she could be taken advantage of or find a relationship, I'm not sure it's the right time for her to be in one (as in too much going on and such. Don't know her age either actually, but considering people are married off in those days at a young age . . .). And . . . while I wouldn't say Telltale wouldn't go there, because it does happen, it tends to draw a lot of controversy. So I'd be surprised if they go that way.
Anyhow, all that to say that, in addition to what you said, it very likely that he'll be partaking in some earthly pleasures!
Edit: Or err . . . now that I think of it, maybe Gared will partake in some earthly pleasures before he dons the black. But Asher is still the likely candidate in my mind.
That's assuming we're only playing Gared, Mira and Asher next episode. There's still the case of the mysterious 4th character and that Ironrath scene.
Gared might be passing Mole Town. Both in the show and the books, there is a brothel there. Might be that Gared needs to get laid before saying his oath of celibacy?
How long does it usually take after classification to get some information on release?
A couple of weeks or so, kitten.
So Febuary 2nd?
so no ones pointed out that there is sex but no nudity
...Why are you calling me Kitten?
Are you STILL upset about a comment, but not only are you replying to me on a different conversation piece, but an entirely different thread! You must have it out for me :P
Not gonna get excited if it says moderate.
Definitely possible! Afterall a man has needs and considering he's going to potentially take a vow of celibacy . . .
GTA sex with clothes on, duh.
Asher and his whores.
God of War sex scene.
Oh my god... Asher sex scene confirmed for episode 2. Someone make the gif.
i dont think so lol. maybe we walk in someone who have! no nudity, no sex lol. maybe its one of those awkward scenes
also theysaid the same thing in the 1st borderland episode. but i didnt see anything.. they ''hinted'' or ''referred'' to it but nothing actually happens xD so people who wants those action/scenes might not get them XD
Please give us Asher sex scene confirmed for episode 2 gif.
Press Q to thrust.
Just remember that Tris used to fuck Asha with her clothes dressed. And so did the Kettleblack (not the "that's the queen I fucked", no, the other dude)... but I always forget the Kettleblacks' names so Im counting on you to understand me.
TWD S2 Ep 4 & 5 and TFTBL both had sex checked, but it was only sexual references. It will probably be the same for GOT.
Well, looks like we get to see some tits then - Woo!
Sex scene you say?
Not for this episode at least. xD It has no nudity.
0/10 No Tits - IGN.