Strange Resemblance

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

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On the left, Ramsay Bolton/Snow from the episode 1 : Iron from Ice from the videogame

On the right, Ser Waymar Royce from the episode 1 of the show, killed by a white walker on the same episode

Who's not the same as the Ramsay Bolton/Snow from the show :

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It's strange that he looks more like this random actor than his own character on the show


  • Actually, they don't look that similar, IMO.

  • edited December 2014

    Lord Ramsay Bolton looks like Ramsay Snow. Oh yeah they are one and the same.

  • Okay, don't mess up things like this: He is indeed to be called Ramsay Bolton, but never Lord Ramsay Bolton. Thank you.

  • But yet Ser Waymar Royce is not supposed to be the same character as Ramsay Bolton/Snow

    michael911 posted: »

    Lord Ramsay Bolton looks like Ramsay Snow. Oh yeah they are one and the same.

  • And he isn't. I'm pretty sure that this supposed resemblance between Ramsay Bolton's portrayal in the game and Ser Waymar Royce from the show is accidental, if there is any resemblance at all.

    phadeb posted: »

    But yet Ser Waymar Royce is not supposed to be the same character as Ramsay Bolton/Snow

  • edited December 2014

    Maybe so but I think his voice and the fact that he was flaying a man when we first meet him makes me think of Ramsay.

    Also phadeb, the timeline in Telltale's Game of Thrones is about after the Red Wedding into Season 3, when Ramsay Bolton has a prominent beard and moustache

    phadeb posted: »

    But yet Ser Waymar Royce is not supposed to be the same character as Ramsay Bolton/Snow

  • Don't say that, you make yourself of a fool (xD). Ramsay Bolton has nothing to do with Ramsay Snow. Ramsay is too fucking good to be a bastard. Ramsay is too fucking good to be a nobleman. That pussy's gonna inherit Dreadfort no matter his name... and still gonna be called bastard no matter his name as well.

    He is definetly the best symbol for illegimacy in all GoT world. That's how it works: his persona is beyond his name - That's something not even a king has... People in Westeros rely so much on ownership and "power" blah blah that they just seem really really utterly stupid, next to Ramsay.

    Ramsay does what he wants, he has freedom of choice and spirit. It's undeniable to be unsecured by being a bastard of a dire lord like Roose, however, he's not a little child like Jon who, in first sight of loneliness and sadness, throws his wishes away. He fought for his deals, brutally and coldly, but brilliantly and treacherously. He won his father so much that, you can guarantee he is the force of House Bolton - Lord Roose wouldn't have such position without his bastard's schemes. Lord Bolton wants to be a overlord, but its in his family blood to be a monster, unworthy of leadership. That's why Ramsay is fucking badass, he doesn't fucking give a shit about it. He accepted the monster inside himself. You can never say that he is a demon because he is an immature, childsh kid like King Joffrey. He's not like that, he is not trying to be strong. He's not trying anything. Honoring shit like Ned. Conquering shit like Roose. Avenging like Robb or Discovering like Jon.... That's all fugacious, efemeral... His existence is merely an accident, he does not have an obligation, a role in his stay on earth. And does no one. No one is born to be a king... not even the "Prince That Was Promised"... nor Rhaegar nor Aegon I... Each person finds its reasons for existing and fight for it... Ramsay is apart to all men.

    michael911 posted: »

    Lord Ramsay Bolton looks like Ramsay Snow. Oh yeah they are one and the same.

  • You have read the books am I right ?

    It's very bizarre the influence that this license tampers with the fan's minds to the point that they become heartless, taunting, agressive and bloodthirsty and rude and bitchy.

    Don't say that, you make yourself of a fool (xD). Ramsay Bolton has nothing to do with Ramsay Snow. Ramsay is too fucking good to be a basta

  • not even remotely

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