How do you think Telltale is gonna incorporate the Forresters' alliance with Stannis?

In a Dance with Dragons, we hear that Lady Sybelle Glover provides scouts from House Forrester to Stannis Baratheon for his march through the wolfswood from Deepwood Motte to Winterfell.

Though its probably too early to tell, it will be interesting to think about how Telltale might incorporate Stannis and the Forresters helping him to reclaim the North. Thoughts?


  • Thats at least season 5 stuff so at most we will get it a possible season 2 , and if so its probably the survivors rallied up to join the cause.

  • I'm guessing it's gonna be like the battle at the wall, where Stannis shows up just in time to save the Forresters from being wiped out in the last episode.

  • I guess if Telltale decide for the multiple ending like Walking Dead, it will either be the full strength of House Forrester or the remnant that joins Stannis.

  • edited December 2014

    It'll probably be a season 2 thing or right at the end of S1 you are Gared and Stannis arrives during the siege of Castle Black. And maybe in S2 you get to pick your alliance since they're experimenting with multiple endings in TWD.

  • I'm really uncertain whether they will touch that subject. On the one hand, Gared [i]is[/i] heading to the Wall and it was in the context of the North allying with Stannis that the books mentioned House Forrester.

    However, Stannis' presence in the North is very problematic in various senses. Beyond how controversial the character himself is, there is the matter of how central to the next book his situation is.

  • I would imagine Stannis' story seems almost central to Westeros at least and even Essos for the fact that he runs on Iron Bank funds. He's riding south to challenge the Bolton's claim to the crown and essentially taking the North and challenging the crown. This would surely spell all out war for the kingdom and fingers crossed he wins the throne. Plus the Winds of Winter is a very relevant sounding title for Stannis' story.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    I'm really uncertain whether they will touch that subject. On the one hand, Gared [i]is[/i] heading to the Wall and it was in the context o

  • Other than sounding referent to Stannis, The Winds of Winter is a title that lyrically and melodically relates to a return for the dead Stark members and for, ultimately, The Others and the wights.

    Churned posted: »

    I would imagine Stannis' story seems almost central to Westeros at least and even Essos for the fact that he runs on Iron Bank funds. He's r

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah I figure you and @Firewallcano are right, its more likely to be a S2 thing where we go help him during his march after he frees Ironrath and Deepwood Motte. Makes me curious how this season is gonna end though.

    Churned posted: »

    It'll probably be a season 2 thing or right at the end of S1 you are Gared and Stannis arrives during the siege of Castle Black. And maybe in S2 you get to pick your alliance since they're experimenting with multiple endings in TWD.

  • What, you are rooting for Stannis? Against Ramsay and Roose, and the Others, sure. But the Iron Throne?

    Churned posted: »

    I would imagine Stannis' story seems almost central to Westeros at least and even Essos for the fact that he runs on Iron Bank funds. He's r

  • The Winds of Winter is the name of the next book, that may well be published before the Episode itself. It is not particularly referential to Stannis.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    What, you are rooting for Stannis? Against Ramsay and Roose, and the Others, sure. But the Iron Throne?

  • I am. I just started A Feast for Crows so that could change, but I would rather have Stannis than any Lannister on the Iron Throne.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    What, you are rooting for Stannis? Against Ramsay and Roose, and the Others, sure. But the Iron Throne?

  • I can't say I understand that. Stannis lost me completely as of Clash of Kings. Even the Lannisters are better choices than him, and it is not like there is a lack of far better people - Randyll Tarly, for one. Or that guy of ADWD.

  • edited December 2014

    Things would be so much easier if we knew what actually happens to Stannis and his army.

    Damn you GRRM! Why must you write so damned slow!?

  • Randyll Tarly? You think Randyll Tarly of all people constitutes a far better person? You should see what his son thinks about that.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    I can't say I understand that. Stannis lost me completely as of Clash of Kings. Even the Lannisters are better choices than him, and it is not like there is a lack of far better people - Randyll Tarly, for one. Or that guy of ADWD.

  • edited December 2014

    That might not be for a while, because the game takes place some time after season 3. The show probably won't cover A Dance With Dragons fully until season 5, possibly season 6. I hope they do eventually incorporate the alliance into the game. I'd love me some Stannis, the one true King.

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  • edited December 2014

    He won me completely with just a few sentences.

    Stannis: If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.

    Of all the would-be kings, there is exactly one that understands there is more at stake than his right to rule.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    I can't say I understand that. Stannis lost me completely as of Clash of Kings. Even the Lannisters are better choices than him, and it is not like there is a lack of far better people - Randyll Tarly, for one. Or that guy of ADWD.

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