Did you kill the *******?

Did you kill the Bolton solider on Gared's farm? I did. After the Red Wedding, I'm gonna kill any Bolton (or their bannerman) or Frey that we have the option to kill.

EDIT: The soldier you can/can't kill is actually a Whitehill, not a Bolton. My bad



  • Of course. What kind of person would even consider letting him live? Not only did they attack you, but they trespassed on your land and killed your family.

    I even wish they let us choose where to put the sword and gave us a minigame to choose how agonizing we wanted to make it. #thuglife

  • edited December 2014

    Yes instantly killed, it was a battle.

    When Gared said later "I'm gonna kill the men who did this" I was like "Man who did this, two already down"

  • Whatever you choose they lie that you killed both

  • I let him live.

  • edited December 2014

    A person that has a heart...?

    It may not be the wisest choice, but he said he had a family and that they will die without him. That got me somehow. And I realize he may have killed Gared's father (not his sister, he still had his lance, and he surely didn't have two), but what makes you better than him if you kill him?

    I let him live, and he held his word and ran, didn't try to fight back. If he comes back, then he deserves to die, but he was beaten and so I let him go.

    The Whitehill on the other hand was a bigger bastard. Didn't feel regret there.

    btw as horrible as it sounds, they actually were in the right. It is Bolton's land by right, and we were the trespassers...again, by right. Not that I agree with that.

    Of course. What kind of person would even consider letting him live? Not only did they attack you, but they trespassed on your land and kill

  • Doesn't seem right to me. That was their land and Bolton just comes up and says, "It's mine now, you're tresspassing. We can kill your family if you try to resist." The way they treat the small folk has always bothered me.

    A person that has a heart...? It may not be the wisest choice, but he said he had a family and that they will die without him. That got m

  • edited December 2014

    What kind of person wants a mini game to choose how agonizing to make it? People are different.

    Of course. What kind of person would even consider letting him live? Not only did they attack you, but they trespassed on your land and kill

  • ^

    He has a point, now that Roose is the Warden of the North, it is in fact now Bolton land.

    A person that has a heart...? It may not be the wisest choice, but he said he had a family and that they will die without him. That got m

  • I let him live. Gared didn't seem like the type to kill a man when he's helpless and begging for his life.

  • I let him go, I generally kill those I have to kill or who have pissed me off.

    He was a Whitehill soldier, actually. The Bolton was the guy you have no choice but to kill.

    Hopefully, if Telltale actually want choices to matter, the guy you spared will show up at the Garrison and return the favour somehow.

  • I let him live, but immediately regretted it after I seen my sister.

  • That seems unlikely, and a bit coincidental.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I let him go, I generally kill those I have to kill or who have pissed me off. He was a Whitehill soldier, actually. The Bolton was the g

  • Don't get me started on Roose Bolton taking Ned Starks job.

    Echopapa posted: »

    ^ He has a point, now that Roose is the Warden of the North, it is in fact now Bolton land.

  • edited January 2015

    Their land was given to them by the Warden of the North/the Starks. The Starks are dead. That means that Gared's family is indeed unrightful on those lands.

    It's true that this is not right by our modern standards, but back then it was just reality. Can't change the facts.

    KCohere posted: »

    Doesn't seem right to me. That was their land and Bolton just comes up and says, "It's mine now, you're tresspassing. We can kill your family if you try to resist." The way they treat the small folk has always bothered me.

  • I killed him straight up. Showing mercy doesn't tend to end well in the GoT universe. That's why I think that if he turns up in the Garrison he will end up doing even more damage before dying himself (determinant characters almost always die in Telltale games).

  • Killed him. I wanted to kill all of them so that they couldn't go and blab about how Gared was the one who attacked them, but y'know. It happened anyway regardless of my choices.

    Yeah, the soldier said he had a family. But then again, so did Gared. It may have been Bolton's land by right, but they just went ahead and murdered his father and younger sister.

    I don't regret it all that much.

  • edited December 2014

    My moral conscience wanted to let him live, but knowing Game of Thrones and Telltale it's better to be safe than sorry.

  • Given the methods of communication how would the small folk be privy to information regarding the red wedding? Also soldiers you don't know proclaiming rights to lands under the control of one family for centuries might require more proof than their word. Roose may have a claim from King's Landing but given the political upheaval in GOT I think it woukd take a long time to unify any one section of the former kingdom.

  • That's not true. You can't categorize Gared as the type of character to do this or that because he's player dependent.

    KCohere posted: »

    I let him live. Gared didn't seem like the type to kill a man when he's helpless and begging for his life.

  • I know Gared wouldn't have thought like me, but, he family was doomed anyway, they would be taken as traitors and etc by Stannis once he came North. And Stannis is a cruel man when it comes to dealing with scum. That family and that thug would've probably been killed by a fire pit. I not saying I spared him from worse, I saying that when a man commits a crime (even one that only prejudices some nobdoy smallfolk), he's an outlaw, he is unworthy of being alive, he is fated, with disgrace and misery forever. Nothing can change how fucked up that sort of creature is, me killing him or not. So, he is just a pawn, and the game of thrones is enough filled with those (House Frey entirely for example)

    A person that has a heart...? It may not be the wisest choice, but he said he had a family and that they will die without him. That got m

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited December 2014

    Fun fact, he is actually a Whitehill soldier, Duncan is supposed to say it, but the audio messes up, but the subtitles tell you the story.

    Here, someone who didn't kill the soldier (subtitle at 33:33):


    And someone who did (subtitles at 15:07):


    Anyway, I didn't kill the guy, not my place to decide someone's life.

  • Doesn't that mean I can categorize him any way I want?

    That's not true. You can't categorize Gared as the type of character to do this or that because he's player dependent.

  • Yeah it does but you said that he "didn't seem like the type to kill a man when he's..." which isn't categorizing him as your Gared its categorizing him as a character overall

    KCohere posted: »

    Doesn't that mean I can categorize him any way I want?

  • That makes more sense. They needed the Bolton to die no matter what to spark Ramsey's rage.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Fun fact, he is actually a Whitehill soldier, Duncan is supposed to say it, but the audio messes up, but the subtitles tell you the story.

  • As do most choices in Telltale - but I'd rather something than nothing.

    KCohere posted: »

    That seems unlikely, and a bit coincidental.

  • edited December 2014

    Kill him with no regrets. Its a battle lol.

    Edit: Whoops, that changed the meaning.

  • I let him live
    I don't have a rock heart and besides his FAMILY

  • I'm noticing that a lot of Telltale's recent games have things happen in combat that you have no control over to have the plot jump into motion.

    In TWAU Georgie is stabbed by Bigby or you get a non canon death.

    In TWD S2 Clem always has to kill the zombified Natasha to spark Arvo's anger or else it's a non canon death.

    And now in Game of Thrones the Bolton soldier has to be killed so Ramsey gains an interest in House Forrester or else it's a non canon death.

    I hope they don't do this kind of thing too much, or it would get pretty old.

    That makes more sense. They needed the Bolton to die no matter what to spark Ramsey's rage.

  • Think about the 8 year old girl they killed and maybe even had raped?

    I let him live I don't have a rock heart and besides his FAMILY THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN

  • Well it's necessary to advance the plot forwards. Some people will hate it because they want to spare as many lives as possible but the deaths have to occur in order for the story to advance.

    It would be nice for Telltale to change that up for people who want to spare lives, but I personally don't have a problem.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm noticing that a lot of Telltale's recent games have things happen in combat that you have no control over to have the plot jump into mot

  • I dont think you can moan to much about it. I mean there trying to kill you

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm noticing that a lot of Telltale's recent games have things happen in combat that you have no control over to have the plot jump into mot

  • People with spines. People that don't care about virtual characters.

    KCohere posted: »

    What kind of person wants a mini game to choose how agonizing to make it? People are different.

  • I let him live and with no regrets...Honestly, every soldier has a background. Soldiers either follow orders and are at the mercy of the enemy or don't and be considered a traitor and die anyway. The guy had a family, he also was only following orders...He deserved mercy.

  • You don't see that same guy a second time so far :x

    Wolverisk posted: »

    Killed him. I wanted to kill all of them so that they couldn't go and blab about how Gared was the one who attacked them, but y'know. It hap

  • edited December 2014

    Everyone that let him live are cowards and wouldn't survive a week in Westeros. Fact.

    Only the most pathetic type of individual can let someone who killed your family live. Do you think he would have shown you the same mercy if you were in his position? No. In reality, I bet you would let someone break into your home, hurt your family and walk out without a scratch.

    I would hate to have any of you watching my six. Bunch of milksops... you would all make great Septas.

  • Taking this a bit too seriously don't you think?

    Everyone that let him live are cowards and wouldn't survive a week in Westeros. Fact. Only the most pathetic type of individual can let s

  • Not entirely, hence the "#thuglife" and "Bunch of milksops... you would all make great Septas."

    My point still stands, though.

    KCohere posted: »

    Taking this a bit too seriously don't you think?

  • My style of playing through a TellTale game for the first time is to save/spare as many people as possible, so I let the soldier live. I also didn't really see a point in killing him, I figured it would only make things worse.

    By the way, that was such an awesome fight scene. Britt was so sure he would easily dispatch of Gared, and Gared ends up killing one/both of his men. Pitchfork for the win!

    Me thinks we'll be seeing Britt again.

  • I killed him without hesitation. "I have a family..." He should have thought about that before he killed mine.

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