
I just finished Episode One: Iron From Ice, and I have to say. Damn. Ethan's death was one of the biggest surprises in a Telltale game yet, for me personally. Am I the only one that was caught 110% off guard? When it comes to playable characters, I always seem to believe that they will always survive the season. However, time and time again, Telltale gets me again. Judging by the replacement of Ethan by Asher on the title screen, I can assume that Asher will take the place as the third playable character. Also noteworthy, there seems to be another silhouette on the title screen. Is it likely that another central character will die in the following episodes? Predictions? Thoughts?


  • I was a bit surprised myself when that happened. Looks like Telltale is keeping true to that Game of Thrones ideal that anyone can be killed no matter who they are.

  • I was totally surprised and in utter grief when it happened. I love playing as Ethan. He had such potential for an awesome character arc. But alas...Ramsey and his knife fetish destroyed it...

  • I also felt sorry when Ethan died, as he was the most interesting of the playable characters so far.

  • edited January 2015

    i think Ethan's death was the most surprising thing that happened in the whole episode.Almost as surprising as when Oberyn Martell was killed by the mountain.

  • That was never shocking for me in the book or show Oberyn was an absolute idiot. I didnt even really like his character in the book so I always considered him a stupid character. the actor did a great job in the show though, I felt a better connection with the guy even if his final moments were stupid.

  • I liked him in the both books and show but he was stupid and pushing it. Of course he wanted revenge for his sister's rape and murder so he should have just killed the Mountain instead of just aggravating him.

    That was never shocking for me in the book or show Oberyn was an absolute idiot. I didnt even really like his character in the book so I alw

  • Indeed, it was shocking. I thought Ethan had potential to be an interesting character and a good Lord so I was shocked when Telltale decided to kill him so early. Then again, I thought Robb Stark was gonna win the war...

  • I'm glad Oberyn died in both the show and the series.

    The Mountain dies later anyways

    I liked him in the both books and show but he was stupid and pushing it. Of course he wanted revenge for his sister's rape and murder so he should have just killed the Mountain instead of just aggravating him.

  • G. R. R. Martian's greatest trick was convincing most of his readers that certain characters where the heroes when they never really were. The only way GoT can shock me is if they kill the Imp, Arya, Deaneries, and Jon Snow. And yes I've read all the books. The Red Woman, Lady Melisandre, is all I have to say. Those that have read the books should know what I'm thinking.

  • Sorry, but im unsure what youre thinking. With regards to Mel. (Yes ive read the books, in the middle of re reading SOS now)

    rabscuttle1 posted: »

    G. R. R. Martian's greatest trick was convincing most of his readers that certain characters where the heroes when they never really were. T

  • I'm talking about how Jon's chapter ended in the last book.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Sorry, but im unsure what youre thinking. With regards to Mel. (Yes ive read the books, in the middle of re reading SOS now)

  • Right, but what does the assassination attempt have to do with Melissandre? Unless you are of the opinion that it was done at Mels direction?

    rabscuttle1 posted: »

    I'm talking about how Jon's chapter ended in the last book.

  • I was caught off guard too. And telltale tends to kill off a lot of characters in their games, and yet this still caught me off guard. I thought he would live because he is the new leader, and was meant to play a huge role in the game the whole way. Telltale did a very good job on the way they handled ethan.

  • Yeah, I know... I was caught off guard too. Ethan was my favorite and for me the most interesting playable character.

  • I believe she'll call upon the Red God to intervene.

  • I was shocked by Ethan's death but i love how Telltale is sticking with the realistic GOT style of killling off characters we love. Still cant get over Ned

  • I watch the show. So I know what Ramsey Snow is cable of. If he gets angry in anyway he gets violent. Violent is in his nature. I am sure he would snap and get aggressive, I just wasn't sure who with. he is just one those characters unless you have a army with you, you shouldn't take him on. in combat he is fearless

  • Oh, i see now. Thanks for clarifying for me

    rabscuttle1 posted: »

    I believe she'll call upon the Red God to intervene.

  • Alt text

    I'm glad Oberyn died in both the show and the series. The Mountain dies later anyways

  • edited January 2015

    Err that come out wrong, I should.'t post a comment when I was half asleep, I was trying say was I knew about Ramsey Snow when I played episode 1, so I was thinking ok, when/If he appears there is going to be a lot of violence. Then when I was picking the dialog choice I was thinking if I could keep the foresters from dying at least from the epiosode1, I need to make Ramsey Snow happy if the was any chance to keep the characters alive. if there is going a lot of violence its going to be from him. He seem pleased when Ethan bowed so I kind of relaxed, then he threaten Ethan's sister. Then the ending happen. well that happen very quick. -_-

    I watch the show. So I know what Ramsey Snow is cable of. If he gets angry in anyway he gets violent. Violent is in his nature. I am sure he

  • That definitely surprised me, even though I knew there was some twist at the end of the first episode. Of course, it is the same trick that happened with Ned, so it probably should be less surprising then it was. It was just so sudden!

    That said, knowing Ramsey Snow, I would rather take a knife to the neck then let him have anything to do with my sister.

  • Ethan's death shocked me! I forgot I was playing Game of Thrones untill that happened. Im disappointed in myself for being so caught off guard. Though I suppose that means the writers did a good job.

  • I thought it was a bit too soon considering he was in our control. I was shocked because I did not think he would kill him right there. I thought he would just fuck with him and show his strength.

  • I see that Telltale are doing they liner thing again,what is the point of having a choice if it don't change the story.They like to make you think you have a choice when you don't.All they do is change different scenes but not the outcome.

  • The real question is this: When the red lady resurrects Snow, is he free from his commitment to the Knight's Watch, since he died? And if so, will he take up the Stark cause and leave the wall?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Oh, i see now. Thanks for clarifying for me

  • edited January 2015

    Ethan dying makes room for the other playable characters and sets up very nicely for Asher's character. Plus it's pretty important to the story.

  • At least it was quick. The Bolton's are have family traditions, they prefer long torture. seeing that to a character you play as would heartbreaking and really, really disturbing.

    That definitely surprised me, even though I knew there was some twist at the end of the first episode. Of course, it is the same trick that

  • edited January 2015

    you mean you think Ramsey would punch Ethan? its not his style. He pefer using weponds on the show, whitch the tell-tale is working with, the people at HBO who do the writing on show. So Ramsey will appear like he is in show, in the books apparently has sword.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I thought it was a bit too soon considering he was in our control. I was shocked because I did not think he would kill him right there. I thought he would just fuck with him and show his strength.

  • I'm just disappointed we didn't get a lute playing minigame.

  • edited January 2015

    If you only watched the show you have NO IDEA what Ramsay is capable of lol. He was toned DOWN.

    I watch the show. So I know what Ramsey Snow is cable of. If he gets angry in anyway he gets violent. Violent is in his nature. I am sure he

  • Yeah pretty much but I have no interest in the books.

    retroberrii posted: »

    If you only watched the show you have NO IDEA what Ramsay is capable of lol. He was toned DOWN.

  • They're pretty good I think. Way more brutal than the show which is always a plus. For me anyway.

    Yeah pretty much but I have no interest in the books.

  • Yeah I am sure they are, its just what I hear is that what happens in the books events in the show jump around all the time. the 3rd series there two books that tell two different sides to the same story, right but the events in books aren't in the same order then what happens on the show. I know this is going to confuse me.

    If I read game of thrones its is going to be after the tv series ends.

    retroberrii posted: »

    They're pretty good I think. Way more brutal than the show which is always a plus. For me anyway.

  • Im of the belief ( fervent hope actually ) that Bloodraven, Bran and the Old Gods will be the ones to help him back. ( can't make up my mind whether or not jon is dead dead or just in a coma ).

    As to the other part of your comment, i think as soon as the members of the watch started using jon as a pincushion, his watch was ended, his oath was null and void. Now that doesn't mean that i think he will abandon the Watch ( as an institution ), or the Fight for the Dawn. I think this situation actually frees him up ( if he survives ) to do more good for the realm, and help the watch as KITN or regent to Rickon. He is, in my opinion one of the only people in the north right now that can bring everyone together to their common cause. But i dont think that he could unite the northerners and wildlings and riverlanders, maybe even select iron islanders, without going in person to speak and treat with them.
    So, yes, i think he will leave the wall, to help protect the realm.

  • Nooooooo Ethan nooooooooo!!!!!!
    He's my fav character in the game. I had a feeling when Ramsey bastard snow offers Talia "hunting". Then it happened. I just can't believe Ethan died.. So I rewined it and tried everything I could to make him survive because the first time I was being bad to Ramsey fucking snow butnomatter what i did Ethan just died.... I thought i could hear him play lute one day.... Seven hells!

  • It doesn't really confuse me. I was on ASOS when I watched the show and I wrapped up all four seasons and the third book at the same time and it didn't confuse me at all.

    Yeah I am sure they are, its just what I hear is that what happens in the books events in the show jump around all the time. the 3rd series

  • I did not get that far in the show. I'm still in mid 2nd season. I honestly did not start watching the show until after playing episode 1.

    you mean you think Ramsey would punch Ethan? its not his style. He pefer using weponds on the show, whitch the tell-tale is working with, th

  • Yeah when I said that I was speaking about myself. I wouldn't assume that it confuse other people.

    It doesn't really confuse me. I was on ASOS when I watched the show and I wrapped up all four seasons and the third book at the same time and it didn't confuse me at all.

  • Oh ok well, Ramsey doesn't appear until series 3, I want spoil anything for you but when he is introduced you see some really disturbing stuff. Hope you enjoy the show.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I did not get that far in the show. I'm still in mid 2nd season. I honestly did not start watching the show until after playing episode 1.

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