Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Oh Rachel. You and your unicorns. xD Too cute is she. And Mary being her usual self, EVEN during a birthday party.

    And Ava. Wonder what troubles her. :( And Carter being a typical boy; playing video games with the older boys and is just THERE because he has to. But he loves his family. :)

    Also, cool to hear ya' joined DA. I know you have to do a screen shot of the homes you are building. THAT is the only way I know of, at least. Once you have THAT saved onto your computer, you can share them for all to see. Be neat to see them, considering this IS your passion. :) And I'm glad my days are not confused, too; for some reason, I thought today was Saturday. xD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Ha-ppy Birth-day, to you!" Fables crowded Rachel's kitchen with excitement and flashes of pictures. She leaned over the kitchen table, half

  • I love the moments Gren and Emily have. Something as simple as him helping her undress. <3 God, how cute are they! Its nice to see a sensetive side to Grendel and Emily; fo so long they had this wall up and they let it come down for one another.

    Vivian watched Emily pin Gren to the corner and embrace him. His fingers wrapped aroung her hair and gently played with the strands. Emily glanced into his eyes, taking her finger and intimately traced his face.

    Melts away. :) <3

    I can only imagine how he'll be when she get's bigger! XD I almost forgot about the leaving part. I can see Emily going with him, though.

    Also, that moment with Georgie and Gren; its nice to see them interacting and worried about the same woman they love and care for. Its nice to see Emily will indeed have a second chance like her father did and Gren enver lost hope. :)

    I can't wait to see more and meet those babies. Also, Peter and Bigby, Ethan and that killer.....:o

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Emily awoke with a terrible, pounding headache. The morning sickness was ten times worse than the day before. Standing in the doorway, holdi

  • Rachel is the girlier of Mary's girls XD Mary is ALWAYS herself XD

    The concept around Ava was actually not completely set in stone until recently. I wanted her to be a little more of a trouble maker, sort of a problem child of sorts. You thought Jackson was what Hazel worries about the most? Wrong. She's not always making the right decisions, or doing the right thing, even though she means well to her family. And she doesn't like to talk about it much. Mary seems to be the only person trying to pry her open.

    Carter loves his sisters, but video games are a bit of a priority XD I always regard Carter as kind of like my oldest child, since he was the first born out of all of them, so I have a special place in my heart for specifically him. Then the rest are treated about equally.

    Yeah, DA is pretty cool! I've always browsed art on it before, but I figured I could probably upload sims crap onto it. Well, not so much crap, my houses are pretty stylish :) I just have to figure out where to find the screen shots, I looked online but so far it isn't as helpful as I want it to be.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh Rachel. You and your unicorns. xD Too cute is she. And Mary being her usual self, EVEN during a birthday party. And Ava. Wonder what t

  • Ava kicked her muddy sneakers off at the front door. Her mother never had much money ever since they were small, and it showed when you stepped into their shabby apartment. The lights were all out, which meant her Mom was either sleeping or out. These days, out was getting more popular again.

    "Friggin' working for Hans, I guess." Ava muttered to herself. The clock on the wall said 12 AM, well past her curfew. She tossed her messenger bag on the couch, turning the television on and getting out the throw blanket she tended to use when she fell asleep. Even though Jackson isn't living there anymore, she still hadn't moved any of the things in his room. It didn't feel right, and she didn't want to go over taking it. What if he came back one day, and wanted it the same? She let her mom have the other bedroom to herself and chose to sleep where ever she felt like sleeping.

    The front door stumbled open. Hazel, with a mystery man, probably drunk and stupid, nearly falling as they entered. When she saw Ava, she looked almost surprised, but quickly composed herself. Wow, she wasn't drunk for once.

    "Hey Ma." Ava said, changing the channel.

    "Uhm," The man said, tugging away from Hazel. "Is this a bad time?"

    "No! I mean, well-" Hazel looked to her daughter, who seemed super unamused. "I didn't expect to see my daughter home at all. She's not always..."

    "She's trying to say that I'm a fucked up kid and I tend to spend my time in the basement of 20-something-year-old highschool dropouts who do drugs and drink all the time and abuse women. Instead of coming home, that is."

    Hazel's mouth stood ajar, from embarrassment and shock at her daughter's words. Ava stood, picking her bag back up, slipping her feet into a pair of flip-flops even though it must have been 20 degrees out.

    "I'll let you know in the morning that I haven't died of an overdose, mother," She said casually with a tint of anger, slipping past the man.

    "Ava Marie-" Hazel's voice picked up, but the door had already been slammed. Hard.

    She wasn't really going out to get high or bunk with a jerk. She sat on the steps of her own apartment building, breathing warm air into her cold fingers. She wished that the weather could comply whenever she wanted to make a statement.

    There was a sound. Insignificant at first, but growing with volume, the longer Ava sat in her spot.

    "What the hell is that?" She whispered, standing up. Her feet brought her to the side ally. It sounded like a mixture of a growling dog and a fork stuck in a garbage disposal unit. On both sides of her were dumpsters, filled to the brim and overflowing with nastiness. She walked just a little past them-

    It was a boy? She thought he was old at first, with his white shiny hair that glistened in the ally's lamp light. He was scrawling on the side of her building with chalk. Or was it really chalk?

    He must have been the same age as her, when his face met hers. She had to blink twice, before she'd realized what was happening.

    The drawing came to life before her eyes. He'd drawn a first aid kit-

    There was blood seeping through his light blue hoodie. Red as an apple, soaking him down his side. There was some on his stony face, and as soon as he'd open the case, she watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he fell down on the ground. She was beginning to think that maybe she was already high.

    Running to his side, she wheezed to breath. Her asthma was picking up some, from being out too long. She hacked a cough before bending over him.

    He was beautiful. His face was pale, but that was probably from the blood loss. She unzipped his jacket quickly, pulling it off his arms. She could tell up close that he was probably Asian, by the shape of his eyes. Her hand fumbled with the bandages and the healing salve located inside the box. It would not be enough, he needed stitches and more wrappings.

    The chalk. Well, up close it just looked like a pen to her. She picked it up and observed it. A magic pen. So strange. But she had no time to gaze at it. She leaned on the ground, figuring the wall couldn't be the only surface you could draw on. More bandages, a needle and medical thread.

    She'd never done stitches on anyone. But it couldn't be hard, could it?

    She started to draw a book, labelled 'Stitches for Dummies.'

    "Crap, that one didn't work." She took the needle and the thread, and swallowed hard the knot in her throat. She lifted his shirt, lowering her slightly shaking hand-

    He caught her wrist with the strength of a body builder. She gasped, nearly falling backward, had his hand let go of her. His blue eyes seemed to glow with ferocity, his breathing labored.

    "I can do it myself," He stammered. She wondered how long he might be able to stay conscious. She lingered nearby, still sitting on her knees as his hand expertly weaved back and forth across the gash in his side. How had he even gotten it? She knew there were muggers in the city, some that would do a lot of harm to get a few bucks.

    She opened her mouth to talk. "How-"

    "Shh," He had said. He reached into the first aid kit and pulled out the scissors, cutting off the excess string. Smiling at her, he wrapped the bandages around his torso. It was at that point that Ava had seen his whole body. Small, slightly bulging muscles that created a soft six-pack down his stomach and refined around his bicep and the rest of his arms. He stood slowly, then held his hand out to help her up.

    "Thank you," The boy, or rather, man, had said.

    "I..." She couldn't say a thing. He pocketed the pen, then pulled his jacket back on. He discarded the T-shirt.

    Despite his strength and intimidation, he had a sweet sounding voice. "Call me Jian-min. Or, Jian, short."

    "Jian-..." She hadn't a clue what she wanted to say.

    Jian-min chuckled. He took his pen out, flipping it around in his hand. "Do you...wanna know what this thing is called?"

    She stood completely still. She was frozen.

    "It's an Ink. I can....make things with it. Erm....I shouldn't be telling you. You're a mundy-"

    "You're a Fable!?" She knew, as soon as he'd used the term 'mundy', that he must at least know what Fabletown is.

    His head slowly nodded. "I'm from the Chinese Fabletown..."

    ".....There's a Fabletown in China?!"

    ".....Yeah...." He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Um....your name?"

    It dawned on Ava that he probably knew less about her than she knew about him. "I-uh...Ava. Ava Marie- Well...Er-"

    "Ava Marie? Sounds pretty," He said. His eyes blinked, and she could have sworn she saw a galaxy in them. She looked away, her cheeks blushing deep red.

    The silence between them grew. Jian-min drifted backwards, saying,"Well, I have to get going. I assume I'll see you around-...erm, Fabletown is a castle?"

    She nodded quickly. "Yes-..Um, I'm sure whoever you're here to see will explain it all?"

    He smirked. "Well, I was hoping you would....." His eyes caught the attention of something moving behind her. He grimaced, turned, and ran off with out another word.

    She was standing there for a long while, motionless. How strange was that? He was so handsome, so delicate, and yet tough and scary. She'd wished she were able to touch him before he left. But she'd been frozen, out of fright, and maybe awe. Who was Jian-min? And why had he chosen to come there, of all places?

    "Ava!" Hazel's voice echoed into the ally. "Ava, come home please!"

    Rats. Her mother had found her. She turned back around to face Hazel, a look of sincere concern wrapped across her face.

    "What were you doing on the side of the building?" Her mother asked. Ava said nothing as she walked past and up the steps, crashing on her couch as her mother turned the television off. It had barely even been 20 minutes that Ava was gone.

    Dun dun dun! New story! Bleh! Who is Jian-min? Why is he here? And why is he hurt? Who did he run after? Buahaha, so many questions >:D

    Anyway XD All kidding aside, I figured I would pursue our little Ava a little further. I hope you like it so far!

  • I love the concept of it. Total opposite of Mary, who I agree should never change. :)

    I'm liking the idea so far in regards to Ava; I did get that troubled child vibe from her while reading this section There is always that one character you have that doe not quite find their place in your story until you play around with a few ideas. Those are usually the fun ones. :) I adore Carter since the very 1st day. Typical boy behavior. xD

    DA is a pretty neat place. Let me see if I can help ya' out...I know to take a screen shot for a desktop computer, you hold down the ALT and press PrtScn.SysRq. Then, if you want to edit it, open it in paint. This SHOULD work. Or, if you have a laptop computer, it could vary, depending on the model: mine is a Toshiba and when I press the F11 key, it takes a screen shot. Some laptops are able to do the ALT and PrtScn to get the screen shot.

    I hope this kinda helped you. I know the internet can make things complicated; I'm interested in seeing the homes, too. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Rachel is the girlier of Mary's girls XD Mary is ALWAYS herself XD The concept around Ava was actually not completely set in stone until

  • Ethan rubbed his eyes and glared at the photos. He had not even realised the sun had rose into the morning sky; the days and times seem to have blended together into one, long week. The pictures danced in his head. All Ethan could see were the deceased and the remaining questions that seemed to have planted themselves in his dreams.

    Michelle, dressed in a purple button up top, black skirt and heels, knocked gently on Ethan's office door. Startled, he nearly crashed to the ground. Picking himself up, Ethan opened the door and was pleased to see the young woman with a Danish and a cup of hot coffee. Michelle was indeed their saving grace at this period. He'd have to do something nice to thank her.

    "Oh, just what I needed, Michelle. Thank you."

    Michelle nods. "I know its been a long week, sir. You're doing the best you can..."

    Ethan sighs. "I don't understand where I go from here, Michelle. Everything just got so fucked up so quickly and....I feel like I'm coming apart here. Peter, too. I see the defeat in his eyes at times."

    "Don't give up, Ethan. This town is counting on the two of you."

    "And what if we CAN'T do it, Michelle? What if we...."

    Michelle gently rubs Ethan's shoulders. Tension, all along the bone and tissue.

    "I trust in you, Deputy. This town needs you. If we didn't believe in the Porgie duo of the Business office, we would have taken this into our own hands; began a vigilante group who thought they were capable of fighting crime. But we didn't. WE know you can do this."

    Reassuring words. Right on time, thought Ethan. He could always count on his assistance for these necessery words. Even when both he and Peter swore they were fine, deep down inside they sometimes needed to hear these words, just to prove themselves right.

    Ethan begins to eat his Danish. He couldn't remember the last time he ate. "Thanks Michelle. This is good."

    "You're welcome, Ethan. Oh, before I go, your aunt Mary left you this note."

    Ethan grabs the tiny notepad paper and carefully reads the neatly written note. Blue ink, like awlays and in curssive, too.

    "Ethan-I know you have been busy but when you get the chance, I need to speak to you and Peter."

    Ethan tosses the little yellow square to the side. "Is Peter back yet?"

    "No, sir. His office is empty and-"

    "Call Mary and tell her to meet me back here at the office. I don't know WHEN Peter will be back but whatever it is, needs to be dealt with. We can't spend anymore time being wasted."

    "Yes, sir."

    Michelle leves the office and dials up Mary's number. Ethan, however, remains in his seat. In each hand, is the coffee and half of the Danish. For a moment, he wanted to pretend like this was all just a terrible dream and he'd wake up in a world with nothing but sunshine and happiness. Fabletown would not be on lockdown and a killer was not roaming the streets or stalking the night. Ethan closed his eyes and secretly wished this was the case. Just a bad dream. A BAD dream.

    But upon opening his eyes and peering down, sadly, he knew this was all very real. The pictures of the victims scattered on his desk was proof enough.

    Peter remained held up at the Wolf Manor. He knew what time it was and he knew Ethan would be waiting but for once, even though it WAS with Bigby, he needed to escape and hide away. Sitting on the couch, with a nearby roaring fire, he sat drinking his third cup of coffee. Bigby sat across from him, doing the exact thing.

    Peter sniffed the air and immediatly could detect the sweetness of pancakes and Bacon.

    "Snow is making something for the cubs. Do you want anything?"

    "Don't eat much, Bigby."

    "Hmmm....yeah. I used to be like that, too."

    The fire felt inviting along Peter's legs. He watched the burning embers dance into the bricks and vanish like a ghost in the night. The wood crackled and popped, the more the flames grew. Peter remained silent and took out a cigarette. Although the fire seemed to be helping, he needed his usual remedy to calm the ever growing nerves.

    "Peter, I KNOW you didnt come here just to talk about the recent murders."

    Peter glares up. "And how do you know this to be true, Bigby?"

    "I can see it in your eyes. You have your mother's look of concern in them. She was never one for hiding her TRUE feelings. They seemed to turn darker and stand out more when she had a lot more on her mind."

    "You know nothing of my mother." Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "How the fuck can you sit there and tell me you KNOW that look?"

    Bigby places the cup down. "I've been around your mother since she learned how to crawl. Your grandfather and I were dear friends before than. He was a brilliant man, your grandfather. At times, the way you present yourself or speak, I see him, too."

    "How come you two do not speak like you used to?"

    Even Bigby did not know that answer. Even before John's disapperance, the two Wolves never had quality time with one another. It seemed to have vanished into thin air, as the kids grew and lives changed. Perhaps, Bigby thought, it was for the best.

    "Things changed, Peter....people change."

    "I suppose they do."

    "I bet you are wondering about our relationship, your mother and I."

    Peter folds his arms and continues to smoke. "I USED to think about those things. But I quit doing so years ago."

    "You just thought about me than, huh?"

    Peter felt ashamed, The once sheriff of Fabletown used to cross his mind all the time. Not too long ago, the man's face appeared out of nowhere in Peter's daydreaming moment at the office. The rest of the day was spent questioning WHY the fuck Bigby Wolf was in his mind. He'd never dare ask his mother about Bigby. Or Georgie. Or his grandfather. Why? Well, even Peter could not answer that, for he feared they'd speak the truth. The truth frightened Peter.

    When Peter didn't respond, Bigby continued.

    "I loved your mother. Not as a relationship kind of love but as a dear and trustworthy friend. She was beautiful, charming and had quite the personality. She was labled 'the wild one' growing up and even now as an adult woman, it seems to fit her jsut fine."

    Bigby joined Peter in a cigarette. "I'm sure your mother mentioned WHY she was at my apartment that night?"

    "Her and my father got into an argument. She thought the drugs found in the home were his. Come to find out, Oliver planted those there, just so he'd be able to kick up the dirt."

    "Well, she wanted to go to your grandparent's place but that would have sent dear ol' John into a rage, so I offered her and your older siblings a night at my apartment."

    "I already know this story, Wolf. She stays the night and out of her aching heart and your built up sexual urges, you two make a passionate night, leading to the conception of the young man sitting before you."

    Bigby sighs. "Well, it does seem like they told you everything..."

    "Yeah...they did. You'd except them to hide from me or something?"

    "Well, Georgie-"

    "-Was a good man that loved me with all his heart. He didn't HAVE to take me in or love me like the others. But he does. He's MY father."

    Bigby leans forwards. Every time he said those words: 'Georgie is my father.' Bigby never understood why it bothered him so much; the boy was grown and well into his adult years and was more than capable of making his own decisions. Yet, here he was, wishing he'd be called the father by Peter. Bigby was envious of Georgie.

    Bigby could only nod. "He is your father, yes...but you have to understand something, Peter. Your mother and I did not have a choice. I WANTED to be there but...the Folker community would have taken you away. Used you as their own personal weapon. A Hybrid of Bigby Wolf AND a Folker female? Brilliant."

    "But mom is only half Folker and-"

    "It didn't matter to them, Peter. The GOOD part, her Wolf, was dominant than her mundy side. Combine that with a being as myself and, well, you have the ultimate secret weapon to take down an entire community."

    "So, this is why you never came around?"

    "I did, Peter...when Georgie took you to the park and-"

    Peter huffs. "You never DID anything with me! You just stood there like a statue."

    "Peter! I tried...I, you never let me come near you and-"

    "No shit, Sheriff!" Peter knocks a nearby table down. The loud THUD causes the area to shake. They both could hear the tapping and clicking of Snow's heels against the wooden floors.

    "You boys alright in there?"

    Silence. Bigby and Peter, now standing in the middle of the floor, could only stare into eachother's eyes. Bigby noticed the change in Peter's eyes. The same look HE got when he was angry. Upset. Ready to change.

    "We're fine, Snow...."

    "I never wanted you near me, Bigby. You had PLENTY of chances to see me. The Folkers would have no idea! The rules changed when we were kids; you could have easily seen me and TRY to make something of this 'relationship.' But you didn't."


    "DON'T!" Peter pushes Bigby away. "I came here hoping you'd tell me the truth but instead, you give me the same bullshit excuse. Folkers. My I've heard enough. I'm sorry to have wasted your time."

    Peter gathers his coat and exits the room. Bigby, soon hot on his trail, tries to catch up to Peter. Peter passes by his younger brothers Ambrose and Conner, both playing with toy trains and Army men.

    "Hey Peter." Quietly, Ambrose stands up. "Wanna play with us?"

    "I gotta go, guys. Maybe another time."

    Peter continues down the hall. He quickly passes the kitchen; he didn't want not only Snow to stop him but have his sisters see him, especially Winter. He was tired of breaking the poor kid's heart. Perhaps this would be the last visit; he couldn't keep doing this to himself or to the other kids. It wasn't fair on their part.

    "PETER!" He could still hear Bigby's voice. "PETER!"

    Peter tried to remove himself from Bigby's grasp. Leave me alone, thought Peter, as he pushed through. Please. Go away. Bigby managed to find Peter and stop him from leaving Wolf Valley. He had stepped out of the brass gates and onto the Farm. Peter was almost home free, his car just feet from the gates.

    "Let me go." Peter began to growl. "Bigby, I-"

    "I didn't know how to be a father, Peter. I....I didn't know how to raise a child. Your grandfather, the North Wind, was never one to me. Is it an excuse? No but its the truth. I wasn't even prepared for those cubs in there, honestly. Then, your mother tells me one of the twins is mine and...I wasn't ready, Peter."

    Peter stops to face Bigby. "So, you and mom decided it was best..."

    "That was something I couldn't take away from Georgie, despite our past and my personal feelings towards the man. He was a VERY good father and he didn't have to accept you as his own or even attempt to create this father-son bond but he did, Peter. Georgie loves you...I tried but it was never 'right' to me. You made your decision and I could feel it."

    Peter remained still. Hearing these words strangly seemed to unshackle the weights locked around his ankles. Peter knew the only way to handle this situation. He gave Bigby a pat on the shoulder; behind, he noticed Snow and the cubs.

    Bigby smiled, trying to hold back the tears. "I want you to know, Peter, that no matter what I thought of you. I love you, despite everything. You're a wonderful man. You CAN do this, Peter. You and Ethan..."

    Peter said nothing. Inhaling a deep breath, he looked over at his half siblings. "I feel like its never enough."

    "You'll find her, Peter. You'll find the killer...LOOK closer at the clues. REALLY take them in. See what she's trying to tell you both. You mentioned the LAW. THINK Peter....the law is on her side...."

    "Thanks..." Peter turns to head back to his vehicle. "I'll, uh, do that Bigby."

    "Congragulations on the engagement, Peter. You'll make a fine husband and father one day...."

    Peter nods, enters the car and drives away. Behind, Wolf Manor becomes a memory and nothing more. Peter didn't get exactly what he wanted but it was enough. He KNEW his place. Who is family was. Where he belonged in this world. For once, while looking in the mirror, it didn't bother him to see Bigby.

    His words, however, never left his mind. 'The law is on her side....look closer....' Suddenly, Peter had to reach the Business office and get Ethan. His feelings were uneasy. The killer was nearby. He felt it.

    She was on her way for them both.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :) JUST got home. So tired. Grabbed me some food, heading to the shower and its sleep time for me. If I'm up in time, will continue. Did not want to spend TOO much on the murders but enough.

  • New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one. :)

  • I was waiting for there to be all out battle between Bigby and Peter. It's nice to see Bigby being honest with Peter, even if the truth does hurt. I also appreciate him acknowledging Georgie AS Peter's father; he did say something I agree with and that's in regards to Georgie's relationship with Peter. He didn't HAVE to take care of Peter but he did. :)

    I adore Michelle. Not going to lie, I thought maybe it was HER at first but all the things you wrote about her didn't scream murderer and to be honest, she would have done it by now.

    "You'll find her, Peter. You'll find the killer...LOOK closer at the clues. REALLY take them in. See what she's trying to tell you both. You mentioned the LAW. THINK Peter....the law is on her side...."

    0_o Oh...My...God....No....NO, No, no, no! Bigby get's it! He knows and he's hinting to Peter and I, too, am begining to put it together! I swear, pie-I THINK I'm right this time!! I'm just going to have to wait until the next chapter!

    "I didn't know how to be a father, Peter. I....I didn't know how to raise a child. Your grandfather, the North Wind, was never one to me. Is it an excuse? No but its the truth. I wasn't even prepared for those cubs in there, honestly. Then, your mother tells me one of the twins is mine and...I wasn't ready, Peter."

    Ahem. Sorry. Lost it there for a moment. This right here crushed me. :( I just pictured all this taking place in my head; this is all PEter wanted to hear from Bigby. I also like the whole shackles thing, too. :)

    I can't wait for more! This is getting too good!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ethan rubbed his eyes and glared at the photos. He had not even realised the sun had rose into the morning sky; the days and times seem to h

  • So kinda like the Hangover but with Fables... (I was planning on writing a Fables version of the Hangover with characters from both the comics and the game at some point...)

    New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one.

  • Gone...

    While Makoto, Bigby, and Clara looked over the crime scene a new Fable arrived that day. He walked straight for The Trip Trap for a drink. When he walked in and it was practically packed with no where to sit. Gren saw a new face and shoved another man out of a seat so he could sit.

    "Hey I'm Gren." He said

    The man looked at him puzzled and sat down "Hey I'm Ross."

    "What brings ya to Fabletown? " Gren asked

    "Well I figured I'd join the other fables here." Ross replied.

    "Is that so?" Gren smirked holding out his hand "welcome pal"

    Ross shook his hand "thanks!" And they began to drink together

    Back at the crime scene.

    "I believe she was killed with multiple tools some magic and some not" Clara said

    "She's right" Bigby agreed.

    Makoto was speechless she was gone. Rose was dead...

    "Makoto I want you to go tell Snow the news." Bigby said "Clara and I need to keep looking."

    Makoto didn't argue with him he needed to breathe anyways.

    He took a cab over to the woodlands and walked into Snows office. Snow saw the depression and sadness in his eyes.

    "Makoto what's wrong?" She asked got up and walked closer to him.

    "Snow....Rose she....." He started tearing up and his voice trembled "She's was awful!" He began to sob into her shoulder.

    It caught Snow by surprise she only saw him cry once and that was years ago, nonetheless cry into her shoulder she gave him a hug and started to cry too.

    "It's alright Makoto" she started to cry "We never got along well but she's in a better place."

    "She better be..." Makoto said.

    "I know she is." Snow said.

    Back at the crime scene

    "Bigby we've been over the crime scene twelve times already." Clara said annoyed.

    "I just want to make sure I haven't missed anything." He replied.

    "Ah I see, is that why you sent the kid to tell the news?" Clara asked.

    "Not entirely...." Bigby said continuing. "They're family and she probably would rather hear it from him than me anyways...."

    "Ah I see now you're in love with Snow! " Clara said

    Bigby nodded "Can we just finish up here?"

    "Of course wolf, then I'll take you out to a drink so we can talk more." Clara said as they looked over the scene once more

    That's it! Sorry this is going at a really slow pace but they'll pick up soon I promise! Any questions or comments let me know! :D

  • Robert awoke to the right side of his head on fire. He sat up. He, along with Gren, were on the floor. Lyla was fast asleep on the couch, wrapped in three blankets and face covered ever so slightly with her pillow. Robert faced Gren; his brother, mouth wide open, was half naked and sprawled out on the floor. He was surrounded by various Beer cans, bottles and what appeared to be vomit.

    Sick, thought Robert, as he carefully stood up. No more drinking with Grendel.

    Robert's legs felt heavy and weighed down. He had difficulty making his way to the bathroom. Leaning against the door for support, Robert looks at the toilet. In the dark, it seemed so far away and out of reach. His head remained a mess; the entire left side felt like a truck ran him over, backed up and procceded to run him over once more.

    Robert managed to throw himself against the toilet bowl. He could not hold back; the night's alcohol intake was spewing from his lips and splashing into the water. This made his headache only worse. robert wanted to cry, as the vomit continued to pour. His stomach was sour and his throat burned. Robert tried to shake the feeling away but it was no use. How the fuck did his brother manage to do this almost EVERY night?

    "Stupid Gren." Robert flushes the toilet and wipes his lips. "Stupid, fucking, alcoholic Gren."

    Robert lifted himself up, turned the cold water on and rinsed his face. He glanced into the mirror and was appalled by his apperance. Hair had the apperance of a Rat's nest, there was something sticky in the corner and his shirt was torn. His face was dirty and he smelled horrible. The last time Robert had a night THIS was, took place over forty years agod. The sixties did a lot to Fables during that time and Robert will admit he was a part of it.

    He cupped the cool water and splashed his face. Taking the bottle of Listerine, Robert gargled the minty liquid three times before brushing his teeth. Toothpast alone would not remove the layer of gunk from the night before. As he scrubbed and polished his teeth to a healthy white, he watched Gren stumble into the restroom. His shirt, like Robert's was torn around the collar and lower half. He wore only his boxers and one sock on his right foot.

    Gren mumbled to himself and did not seem to care that Robert was in the bathroom. Gren pulled his boxers down and sat on the toilet. Robert, glancing at his hungover brother, tried to find the humor in all of this.

    "Umm...morning, Gren."

    Gren again mumbles. He lifts his right arm up and waves pathetically at Robert.

    "Yeah, yeah....."

    "How you feeling?"

    Gren looks up. "Like a bag of fucking Rainbows and sunshine, Robert. I've got so much goddamn happiness spewing from my ass right now. How the fuck you THINK I feel?!"

    Robert returns to his cleaning process. "You don't have to get snippy with me, Gren. Your own damn fault."

    Gren looks around. "How the fuck did we make it back here?"

    "Like you said-Rainbows and Sunshine, I suppose."

    Gren wanted to say something. Robert could tell but he also knew his head, too, was on fire. Gren pressed his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

    "My body, Robert."

    Robert spits into the sink and wipes his mouth. "You should be used to this, Gren."

    "But I'm NOT, you fucking piece of shit....Robert....Robert..."

    "I'm still here, Gren."

    "I feel like shit."

    Robert rolls his eyes. "Yes, Gren. I know. We need to get some breakfast and-"

    "We didn't do anything, you, me and Lyla....did we?"

    Robert shudders at the mere image. He would hope nothing THAT extreme took place; from what Robert could tell, Lyla was fully dressed. He too, had all his clothes on. The only one that was almost completly naked was Gren. Robert prayed nothing happened.

    "I doubt it, Gren."

    Gren sighs and rubs his head. "Well...what DID happen?"

    "Don't know, don't care...I'm just going to get some food and call it good. Lyla needs to get home...those hound dogs will be looking for her...."

    Gren agrees. "I'll call Carla and see if she can pull some strings..."

    Robert grabbed his cellphone and called 411; he knew of a wonderful place in New York that had delicious breakfast and will more than likely help all their hangovers. He found the number for a place called Ess-a-Bagel. Robert recalls one time when he paid a visit after work and bought a Wheat bagel with cream cheese and slices of smoked salmon sandwiched in between. Dill, Jalapenos and Bruschetta bacon was added if desired. Robert's mouth watered when he pictured the delightful meal.

    As Robert punched in the digits, Lyla sat up and scanned the area. She too, had forgotten where she was at the moment. Throwing the blankets down, Lyla stretches her arms, legs and back. Robert was mesmerized by Lyla. She stared at Robert and smiled; her beautiful red lips showing sets of white. The corners in her mouth curved in. Strands of her hair collasped to the side of her face, those Amber eyes dark and mysterious.

    "Morning, sunshine."

    Lyla chuckled. "God damn...Ewww. Is THAT vomit?"

    Lyla points to the area Gren was sleeping at. Robert sighs. He forgot about that.




    Lyla stood up and scratched her neck. Robert was on the phone with the cashier, while Lyla reached for the can of coffee. If there was one thing she could count on, was Robert's choice of coffee; he preferred the bold brews and would never take another sip if it was weak. He'd always call it 'piss water' if the coffee was bland and weak.

    "If I wanted weak coffee, I'd pour coffee grounds inside my toilet and sip it through a straw. HATE piss water coffee."

    Lyla never understood WHAT Robert meant when he said this but it was hilarious hearing it, especially first thing in the morning.

    "Yes, everything on that one. Extra Dill if you can, ma'am. Yes." Robert covers the mouth piece. "You want anything to eat?"

    "Where are you ordering food from?"


    Lyla nods. "Mmmm. Love that place. Get me the Croissant Ham, Bacon and Sharp Chedder bagel. NO sour cream in mine."

    Robert repeats the order to the woman just as Gren walks back into the kitchen. Now in just his boxers and wearing TWO socks, he sits on a stool and places his head on the counter. The cool texture feels good on his face and head.

    "My fucking head is on fire!"

    "SSH!" Robert faces Gren. "Shut up, Gren!"

    "The fuck is you-"

    "Robert is ordering food."

    "That Bagel place?"

    "Shit, Gren-do you two go there alot?"

    Gren nods. "All the fucking time, princess. Hey-Get me the smoked Salmon one."

    Lyla smiles, as the coffee begins to fill the pot. Grendels and their fish. When Robert completes the order, he sits beside Gren. By now, Gren's eyes are closed and there is a peaceful silence in the apartment. Robert's head was still throbbing but not as bad as earlier. Gren seemed like he'd seen better days. Robert leans over and kisses Lyla.

    "How did you sleep?"

    "Alright I guess. Did you see all those blankets? Must have slept like a rock."

    "Feeling alright?"

    "Better than this guy over here."

    Lyla pushes Gren's shoulder. "Ow....fuck you, Lyla."

    When the coffee was done, Lyla poured each of them a cup. Looking at the clock, she noticed the time; she knew she'd be in trouble no matter what now and there was no point in rushing home. She knew what would be waiting for her. Punishment beyond her wildest imagination and a lecture from the Council, like so many times before.

    "I called your're in trouble."

    Lyla sips her coffe. "I already knew that, Gren. Thanks for the update."

    Robert was concerned. "You're not going to be in TOO much trouble, right? It's my fault and-"

    "How is it your fault? I left and went searching for you."

    Robert and Lyla kiss one more time. Gren turns to face the wall.

    "Ew. Stop. You're fucking going to make me sick again."

    Robert punches Gren's arm. Then stop looking, freak."

    Robert grabs the keys and his jacket.

    "Well, better pick up the food and-"

    "I'll go with you. Some fresh air will help my head."

    Gren holds a thumbs up. "You two fucking do that. I'll be here."

    Robert and Lyla, arm in arm, walk down the stairs and out the double doors. The air is still and cold; their cheeks are pricked by the sudden temperature change and frigid air. Lyla and Robert walked down until they reached the Bagel shop. Seemed like others had the same idea. Brown paper bags in hand, they head back to the apartment.

    Along the way, however, they both picked up the exact same scent. John Smith was in the neighborhood and Robert knew it wasn't a friendly visit he was looking for.

    It was his daughter.


    Any questions or comments, you know what to do. Sorry for not posting AS much. Busy with school preperations (start in a week!) the holidays and personal life. :)

  • Sort of, if you want to put it bluntly. And this challenge should be up your alley then - should you decide to tackle it!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So kinda like the Hangover but with Fables... (I was planning on writing a Fables version of the Hangover with characters from both the comics and the game at some point...)

  • Thanks! I figured out how to get the screen shots from the game files, however they look really crappy in quality. I might have to do that manual screen shot trick instead, because I think the game purposely make the pictures hazy, probably for performance rather than to annoy me, lol.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I love the concept of it. Total opposite of Mary, who I agree should never change. I'm liking the idea so far in regards to Ava; I did g

  • edited January 2015

    We'll see... I'm on and off with writing atm.

    Sort of, if you want to put it bluntly. And this challenge should be up your alley then - should you decide to tackle it!

  • edited January 2015

    Ava peeled her body off of the leather sofa. Her skin was sweaty and hot, which meant that her dreams weren't exactly dreams, but nightmares. For a brief moment, the image lingered in her mind, of a man with dark hair and menacing eyes. It used to freak her out when she was little, but now she was grown used to it. The man that haunted her dreams. She didn't know who he was or why he was so mean looking. Frankly, the only other person who shared this vision was her twin brother. She remembered waking up simultaneously, when they were crib-mates, and they would comfortingly hug each other until they fell back asleep. She missed Jackson.

    Scratching the back of her head, Ava stood and looked at the time. So much for sleeping in. It was 6:30 AM. She folded her blanket up neatly and placed it on the arm of the couch, grabbing her bag and pulling the muddy sneakers on. Her jacket hung on the hook near the door, covered in the stench of the real world. She probably hadn't cleaned it since she was 14. The door to her mother's room was open a crack, showing Ava that she'd been alone all night in her room.

    Part of her felt bad for her mother. Maybe it wasn't so bad that she was finally getting out? But at the same token, she'd been so angry with Jackson and his actions that she seemed almost blind to the fact that she had done just as bad, if not worse, in the past. After all, she had twins. Ava never knew her father, never even knew his name, or what he looked like. When she asked Mary about it, Mary nearly doubled over in tears trying to avoid it. She wanted answers. She wanted to know who her father was.

    She opened the front door ever so softly, so as to not wake her sleeping mother. The door shut with a creak, causing Ava to wait a minute before heading out of the building.

    She wasn't going to school. No, she'd finally dropped out last November. She was old enough to, nearly 17 years old. And you had to be 16. She took the keys to her brother's car so that she could make it to work on time for a change.

    The cold was bitter. It seemed as if once Christmas ended, the world suddenly took a turn for the worst. This was a time where suicides were statistically rising, depression and mental instability. All because there isn't enough warmth in the air. Ava sighed, unlocking the door to her car. It took her a moment to see the blood on the handle.

    "What the-" She uttered, but then a hand covered her mouth. Whoever it was, they were very nasty smelling. The hand pulled her back into the very ally that she'd met Jian-min.

    Her arms began to flail, after the panic had settled. Whoever was holding her back was doing a poor job of holding her back. She jabbed her elbow behind her and got the perp in the gut, knocking him instantly down to the ground.

    "Who are you?" She said, swinging around. When she saw who it was, she nearly gasped.

    Jian-min was spitting up blood. He coughed,"You...had to...hit me....right in my wound....didn't you?"

    She stood, shocked. "I-...What are you doing!?"

    "Do you always yell your questions?" He wiped the blood off of his lips. In the light of the day, he looked even frailer that she remembered. Who was this guy?

    "...No. Not when I'm calm."

    "Are you ever calm then?"

    " this a trick question? Are you trying to mess with me?"

    Jian-min shook his head slowly, standing back up. He was thinly muscular, especially under this new sweatshirt. It looked like that blow she gave him cause him to bleed through his bandages, and his new shirt.

    "Thanks," He said sarcastically. They stared at each other in silence, awkwardly.

    Jian took out the Ink. He drew something, directly on his arm.

    "What's that?" Ava said, staring at it.

    "It's a healing mark. It only numbs the pain in whatever area hurts, helps it heal a tiny bit. Not much, but enough."

    "Did you use any....last night?" She asked. Last night felt like a millennium ago.

    Jian-min looked her up and down. She felt embarrassed that he could see her now, could probably see the swirls of her neck tattoo that peaked ever so slightly out the collar of her own sweatshirt. Probably thought she was stinky.

    "Don't you go to school or something? You don't look very old."

    "I could say the same about you," Ava replied.

    "Touche," Jian-min said.

    Another long silence.

    "Why did you attack me?" Ava asked.

    Jian-min raised his eyebrow. "Attack?"

    "Uh, did you forget the past five minutes? You put your hand over my mouth-"

    "It wasn't an attack," He said. "I....There's trouble, here. In Fabletown. In the city itself. I was called in to deal with it, along with a few other hunters."

    "Hunters? Hunting what, monsters?"


    "What?" Ava said incredulously. "But....from where?"

    "No one knows," Jian-min said. "They just-...Appeared, according to Cole's report. Listen, me and my guys- We're Special Ops. We work for ALL the Fabletowns, though not all of us are from the same place. You know the Huntsman?"

    "Of course. Him and Crispin got married a couple years ago-...Adopted a troll baby last year from that Troll family who couldn't afford another kid."

    "He's a part of it, too. And he's from this Fabletown. There used to be Tomoko from the Japanese Fabletown, before she disappeared. She was also that Fabletown's leader. I don't know what happened to her. Anyway, I've been assigned this area, which also means I protect those who are in it. And I was protecting you."

    "Bull shit," Ava said. She actually had no idea if he was lying or not, but she wanted to act as if he was. "I haven't seen anything weird out here."

    Jian-min rolled his eyes. "Fine, be ignorant. But I pretty much just saved you. Did you see the blood on your car? That's not mine, and it's obviously not yours. Who else could it have been?"

    Ava shrugged her shoulders. "The fuck should I know? Some unlucky drunk who happened upon a dangerous mugger. It could have been anything."

    "That blood came from something I just so happened to injure last night, before it just so happened to injure me back. And then you 'Came to the Rescue'-" Jian even made those fake quotations in the air, near his head,"-Before it came back and I chased it away. So your welcome."

    "I didn't say thank you," She said. He was really frustrating her.

    Jian-min sigh exasperatedly. "Fine. Do whatever. Go where ever you need to go. But just know that you should keep your eyes pealed. The monsters are....sly. And dangerous. Absolutely dangerous."

    "....I can handle myself," Ava whispered, almost to herself, as she turned around to go back to her car. She wondered if she should show him. Her powers, the one her alleged father had passed down to both her and her brother.

    The mirror glass.

    She stepped into her car, glancing back to see Jian. Except he was gone. Like a dream.

    A dream.

    She sincerely wished that all he had said to her was a dream. She highly doubted that wish would come true, though.

    Another chapter! I actually really like where this is going, to be honest. I threw in some specific references from both Fables and Fairest :) Tell me how you guys like it so far! Any questions, I'll try my best to answer!

  • Oh, Tim - Harmony's the one that's given birth and you're making her get up! At least Gabriel is doing okay. :)

    Anyway, considering this was a week ago you're hopefully all better now!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Harmony peeled her aching body from the floral patterned sheets of her bed. Tim was moving slightly, but it was evident he was not going to

  • I think I'm gonna use a fable or two from one of my old stories, challenge accepted.

    New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one.

  • I'm not sure I'll be taking part in this one, but I'm absolutely sure this challenge is going to produce some humorous results. :D

    New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one.

  • I may participate if I have time this month. Sounds like a fun one, though! :D

    New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one.

  • edited January 2015

    I read it and I died XD It's awesome, I CAN'T wait to get this boat on the road!, river?


    New Year's challenge is finally up, I think some of you are going to laugh a little at this one.

  • It's nice to see more of the ever enjoyable tale that is Robert and Lyla. Typical Gren behavior. xD I loved this so much! :D

    The entire vomit and bathroom scene. Pure genius. Wonder how John will react to Lyla being there. Good work, man. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert awoke to the right side of his head on fire. He sat up. He, along with Gren, were on the floor. Lyla was fast asleep on the couch, wr

  • Porgie Clan Pages I THINK 11, 12, 13 & 14

    Alt text
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    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 JUST got home and I'm wired! FINALLY finished the last few pages this morning while on break. It won't stay on Junior like this for very long; Mary always seems to cause tension and it explains how these two finally were allowed to see one another without Georgie OR Lyla going nuts like this. xD

  • edited January 2015

    "Ethan, sir, you're aunt Mary is here."

    Ethan, coffee cup in hand, opened the door to his office. Mary, wearing a one piece suit with black buttons ans a very dark gray fabric, takes a seat at an empty chair. She has nothing in her hands, which surprises Ethan. Mary was notorious for carrying around AT LEAST one file on either a case or a Folker. She must be stressed with the situation, as he and Peter were.

    "I got your message earlier, aunt Mary."

    Mary smiles. "Well, I would certainly HOPE you got it, otherwise, what is the point of having an assistant that can't perform even the simplest of tasks?"

    "I guess you are right."

    Her voice cracked and seemed a bit uneasy to Ethan's ears. Mary was fidgeting around alot with the edges on her skirt. Ethan also noticed the tired look upon her face and in her eyes.

    "Would you like Michelle to bring you-"

    "No." Mary's voice boomed in the tiny room. "No thank you, Ethan...."

    Ethan stretched out and reached his arms towards the ceiling. His lower back was stiffining up and soon he'd had to stand up and move around. For now, he was content sitting in his chair. Mary continued to move around in her spot. She seemed troubled.

    "You alright aunt Mary?"

    "Hear your sister is pregnant, Ethan."

    "Oh yeah. That. Mom called both Peter and I. We thought she had overdosed or something-"

    "And GREN is the father of these babies?"

    Ethan glared at Mary. "I suppose so...she and Gren have been spending an awful alot of time together. I mean, she practically lives there now and-"

    "She's making a huge mistake. I thought SHE'D be the smart one out of the girls."

    Ethan leaned closer. Mary's voice seemed annoyed and even disgusted as she spoke of Gren and Emily's pregnancy. Her lips curled back, eyes squint tightly and her fingers clinging to the material of her skirt.

    "You upset she's pregnant, aunt Mary?"

    "She was the ONLY one out of you kids, for once, to be selfish and look out for only themselves. This whole bullshit of families, mixing and creating offspring into a world not yet fully prepared for such creatures."

    "What are you talking about? Emily was miserable living the life of-"

    "SHE chose to follow in your father's footsteps. I merely wanted her to BE something, not create an alternate universe were SHE is Georgie Porgie."

    Ethan was confused. "What the fuck are you bellowing about, aunt Mary? I don't understand were all this is coming from."

    Mary leans forward; her once green eyes were a soild Amber color. Ethan noticed a thin layer of fine hair forming around her knuckles and hands.

    "I despised your father and the thought that someone so beautiful and full of potential like your mother would even THINK about sleeping with that disgusting Fable!"

    "Sitting right here, aunt Mary. And besides, it was fate-"

    "Your grandfather failed horribly when he tried prying them apart. He became soft and weak when his precious Lyla was depressed and lonely."

    Ethan was furious. He knew how his aunt Mary felt about his father; she wasn't exactly on the Georgie fan bandwagon but these feelings and words were insults to not only him and the others but to his parents.

    "She would have been disconsolated if she'd stay with Malcom! And besides, the Witches flat out TOLD them both they were never meant for-"

    Mary waves her hands. "Witches, Ethan? Please! Their silly little prophecy for you and the others was nothing more than words to control your very lives. WHY on earth and all that is holy, would Witches TRY to make your wildest dreams come true? Look around you, Ethan-Happily Ever Afters do not EXIST in this world!"

    "My parents did. YOUR parents....everyone so far that have listened to the Witches' words and ideas have made something better of themselves. My mother and father saved each other from a cruel life; Gren rescused my sister when she was heading into a world of darkness. Katie became something special with the Council; Penelope found her place being the Black Knight of Fabletown and Junior sacrificed his own freedom for Bloody Mary and took her spot in the mirror. And-"

    Mary claps. "Sounds like bullshit to me, Ethan. THEY told you what to do; what if Junior didn't WANT to take Mary's spot, hm? Or Penelope wanted to remain by Oliver's side and continue to dance? And Katherine-what if she NEVER wanted to step foot in the Council? I mean, she DID say how much the Folker government made her angry."

    "She's TRYING to make life better for ALL of us-"

    "I think we should return to how it USED to be all those centuries ago. Fables and Folkers should never have connected as one."

    Mary stood up and walked to the window. She peered outside; a sudden rainstorm appeared from the darkness and the rain began pouring down from the skies. TAP TAP could be heard along the glass. As Mary stood by the window, Ethan sniffed the air. That smell, he thought. Sweet like sugar. Ethan concentrated harder, trying to figure the smell out.

    "Your mother was foolish for sleeping with Porgie. He didn't DESERVE any of this. And your Tailor friend stuck in the Morgue's basement didn't deserve all that wealth. What did he do to earn that right?"

    Ethan's heart came to a hault. Strawberries. His nose was picking up Strawberries. He glanced at the woman still standing at his window.

    "Why do you believe that, aunt Mary?"

    "Waving his funds around like he was the shit. Then, he nearly lost all his money and owed some very powerful people their share of the bargain. He had no one to turn to until he came to ME for help...little fucker thought he could pull a fast one on me and get away...."

    "You...." Ethan stood up and slowly headed for the door. "You....kill-"

    "Than, that blasted Jumbo thought he could get a share of the wealth, when the two teamed up. They thought the evidence they had on me would surface and I'd be put away for life....corruption in the Folker government? Invasion of Fable funds? I wanted to see them try. So, I gave Jumbo a little warning..."

    Ethan pulls out his gun, cocks it once and aims it at Mary. "You killed those men! You murdered Hank Finch! Tracy killed herself because you-"

    "Tracy was a very unbalanced person, Ethan. YOU saw-bitch blew her own damn brains out."

    "Why the messages? WHAT were you trying to prove?"

    "Simple, Ethan....have our worlds return to the way it once was. Folkers here and Fable over there. No more mixing. No more Halfers."

    "But you're one! You're a Halfer-"

    Mary cackles and moves towards Ethan's desk. "Your grandfather couldn't keep it were it belonged. Don't get me wrong I ADORE my mother but when you grow up and are not allowed in certain clubs, areas or schools because you have mundy blood, does a lot to a little girl's heart. I began reading up on the laws of Folkers and how they used to run their was a vast Eutopia, Ethan. WE were once a powerful group of people."

    "Those laws were ridiculous and you KNOW it!"

    "Then your father's kind showed up to ruin it all and soon, they were sticking it to our females and creating little bastards like yourself."

    Ethan tried to hold back the tears. "You loved tried HELPING my parents-"

    "For looks, Ethan....simply for looks. Your mother trusted me, I had your father like this-"

    "You killed the Tailor and Jumbo, just to prove a point?"

    "Once the Fables feared, it was only a matter of time before they'd return to what it once was. Halfers would be sent away, your parents would have to sign paper, after paper, after paper....just to sleep in the same BED. And Emily-"

    "What about Emily?"

    Mary sighs. "Her choice to fuck that monster would have ended her in some very hot water...I'm afraid she'd be taken away unless the glamours could mask their true form but....these days, its pretty pricey."

    "You're the monster here, Mary-NOT them! You're sick! You need help!"

    Mary sits on the edge of Ethan's desk. "Oh and don't get me started on your grandfather. I TRIED my best. I almost had it going...."

    Ethan's mouth went dry. "What do you mean-"

    "Romulus and Remus had ONE simple, EASY job. Rid John, allow Echidna power and this entire world would return to normal. Then you Porgie kids and the need to fucking save the day...."

    Ethan wanted to throw up. "'re the reason why papa was in that box!? But why!?"

    "He was weak, Ethan! Making friends with Bigby, allowing Fables to mate with his daughters! He used to be the most powerful and FEARED Council member next to Decimus. Him and Malcom were the perfect team! Then, spmething happened and he allowed your parents to create Halfer grandchildren and pretend like everything was alright! Who want's a leader like that, hm? We TRIED removing Katherine; I asked them to shot Jersey down from the sky and leave his corpse for the dogs. But they couldn't even do that....OR rid those thirteen little monsters-"

    Ethan throws himself into Mary; he heard enough and tried to pin her against the table. As he reached for his handcuffs, Mary turns around and sticks Ethan with a needle. Backing up, he tries touching the wound. It did not hurt but a strange sensation overcame his body.

    "What did you-"

    "Some powerful shit the Folker voodoo priest and priestesses can make. Just a temporary fix on your Wolf side...easier for me to take down."

    "Fuck you, Mary! When I get my hands on you!"

    Mary kicks Ethan into the ground. "TRY and stop me, Ethan. I have one more stop before everything goes according to plan."

    "What the fuck are you-"

    "Going to pay my dearest Emily a visit. It would be a shame if something happened to her OR those babies in there. Georgie will NOT be happy, should the blame 'accidentally' fall into Gren's lap."

    "You bitch!" Ethan tries to stand up but the potion makes him weak; Ethan tumbles to the ground and with a loud THUD, crashes into his desk. Breathing heavily, he watches Mary open the door and leave the office.

    "Michelle!" Ethan crwls to the door. "Michelle! HELP! Emily....god fucking damnit! I need...Peter...."

    With the last once of strength, Ethan dials his brother. Unaware the Sheriff, running down the sidewalk, was nearing the Woodlands. Peter approached the gates and immediatly smelled Strawberries. Growling, he scanned the area. Peter answers his phone.

    "She's here, Ethan-"

    "PETER! It's aunt Mary! SHE'S the killer and now, she's after Emily! You gotta stop her!"

    "FUCK!" Peter kicks the gate. "I'm going now, Ethan!"


    Like a Wolf on the hunt, Peter charges into the dark, nose high in the air and his skills in full use. He had the thirst for blood and vengance; he was prepared to fight and defend not only his town but his family. 'The law is in my hands...' It all made sense to Peter, as he crossed the intersections and continued down the street.

    He had time. The Strawberry smell was still lingering in the air.

    Any questions, you know the drill. DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUN! Always the one you least suspect....>:D Birthday is tomorrow; misses and I are leaving tonight for a little getaway she has planned for me. She won't say much but I'll take it. Getting old, man. xD Never too keen on surprises but from her, it will be worth it. :)

  • As you know, had major blank mind the last couple of days; I'd begin a chap and half way through, scrap it because it made no sense. XD Glad this one did. :3

    I think you will like it. Getting down to the end of Robert's little flashback here.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    It's nice to see more of the ever enjoyable tale that is Robert and Lyla. Typical Gren behavior. xD I loved this so much! The entire vomit and bathroom scene. Pure genius. Wonder how John will react to Lyla being there. Good work, man.

  • I LOVE the Porgie Clan! :3 You captured their facial expressions perfectly, especially Georgie! (No surprise there) And Emily...taking the blame. Wonder why....Poor Junior! Its as if he's afraid he'll get into trouble if they catch Mary with him. Is this BEFORE or AFTER Georgie allows Junior to see Mary? I'm sure the next pages will explain, if you do not wish to spoil it. :)

    That ending, thou. :D Mary just popping up like 'Hey, Georgie...' "Is this any way to treat your future daughter-in-law?" Typical Mary. XD

    Great work on these, Pie! I enjoy reading your stories but pictures in regards to your Fables are always neat to view. :3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Pages I THINK 11, 12, 13 & 14 Any questions, you know the drill. JUST got home and I'm wired! FINALLY finished

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited January 2015

    Ethan's heart came to a hault. Strawberries. His nose was picking up Strawberries. He glanced at the woman still standing at his window.

    Alt text

    Mary sits on the edge of Ethan's desk. "Oh and don't get me started on your grandfather. I TRIED my best. I almost had it going...."

    What the hell....0.0

    Ethan's mouth went dry. "What do you mean-"

    "Romulus and Remus had ONE simple, EASY job. Rid John, allow Echidna power and this entire world would return to normal. Then you Porgie kids and the need to fucking save the day...."

    OMFG!!!! NO WAY!? NO FING WAY! Mary Smith did all these things!? SHE was behind the Pandora's box, John trapped, the Wolf brothers....ECHIDNA!? No, no, no, no!!!

    We TRIED removing Katherine; I asked them to shot Jersey down from the sky and leave his corpse for the dogs. But they couldn't even do that....OR rid those thirteen little monsters-"

    OMFG AGAIN!!! No, pie! SHE was trying to kill ALL the Porgies, including the kids! :O All because she wanted things to go back to how it used to be before Fabletown and the Folkers AGREED on the law change?! Selfish bitch!

    I get it now! I was right!! "The law is on MY side..." When the messages kept saying this and even Bigby tried assisting Peter, it finally clicked; Mary, from what I've read and remember from your past story, is a well known Lawyer and is sought out by those in dire need of help. She got involved with the Tailor when he needed help; seems like he crossed the wrong group of people and pissed them off. Instead of paying up, he back stabbed Mary pretty much.

    Same with Jumbo; they teamed up and pulled the rug beneath Mary's feet; they spent their money on strippers, alcohol and whatever their little hearts desired. She could not stand Fables but felt like SHE could control them with information like who the men were involved with and so forth. AND, by killing off Fables, Fabletown would want nothing to do with Folkers and return to how it was!!! all this time she 'cared', it was a lie; she hated her entire family and her main goal in life was torid the 'parasites' and return to its original place.

    Alt text

    NOW, she's after Emily because of her pregnancy!? I KNOW you won't anything bad happen to Emily but just the idea and thought! OH, PEter better hurry in time and Gren defend his woman and babies!!

    "Some powerful shit the Folker voodoo priest and priestesses can make. Just a temporary fix on your Wolf side...easier for me to take down."

    Playing dirty....what a bitch!!!! >:(

    I LOVED this chapter, pie!!! This was intesne! I can't wait to read more! OMG!!!!!

    ALSO, Happy early B-day to you, Pie. :) And you ain't old; If YOU are old, than I'm ancient. XD I KNOW where you are going but can't tell you. Hahahahahaha! XD XD XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Ethan, sir, you're aunt Mary is here." Ethan, coffee cup in hand, opened the door to his office. Mary, wearing a one piece suit with bla

  • Did you say boat?

    Alt text

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I read it and I died XD It's awesome, I CAN'T wait to get this boat on the road!, river? XD

  • Jan Challenge

    ....Because this has the Grendel brothers ALL over it....>:D

    Tuesday; Jan 4th Midnight

    Or, so that is what Robert's watch read. His left eye gently opened. The open night air was above and a thick carpet of grass below him. Robert's head was throbbing and his left legt tingling. There was a set of handcuffs on his right arm; the open end dangled, as Robert examined the metal grasping at his wrist.

    He turned to look around his surrounding area; they were far from the city and somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Last Robert remembered was a birthday party for Rose Red; he was dancing the CHA CHA Slide and drinking Margaritas. He recalled Gren joining in, Jack acting a fool again; the Porgie couple dancing behind him, Cratchit couple eating Shrimp cocktail and Rose drinking a bottle of Champagne to herself. Bigby and Snow were there, too; he saw them in the corner, blowing horns and talking to Flycatcher and Cole.

    Robert took a glass from Rose and chugged the bubbling alcohol inside; he remembered feeling pretty damn good and suddenly, he was moonwalking across the dance floor. Ha danced to a few more songs before the night was a blurr. Now, he was somewhere. Where? That would be step one.

    Right now, he wanted to lay perfectly still. Robert looked over to the side and found his brother, Gren, with his bottom up and face planted into the grass, sleeping like a drunk baby. His snores made it nearly impossible to concentrate and try to think. Robert grabbed a pebble and tossed it at Gren's head.

    He immediatly woke up and searched the ground. He tore several spots up from the ground and tossed them in Robert's direction.

    "DON't you EVEN think about touching my shot!"

    "Relax, Gren." Robert sat up. Shit. It hurt. "It was me."

    Gren pauses to look around. The moon, full that evening, made it easier for him to scan the area.

    "The fuck-how did we end up here?"

    "Welcome to my ongoing question, Gren. I JUST woke up myself."

    Gren grabs his phone and tries to dial but the battery was dead and Robert could not find his. His wallet, car keys and bottle of asprin was missing. Gren's jacket and left shoe was gone; his neatly slicked back hair was a mess, covered in sticks and grass.

    "What the HELL!?" Gren throws his phone down. "WHAT....AAAAHHHH!"

    His screams echoed. This indicated to Robert they were vERY far away from Fabletown. By the noises and heavy smell of pine, they were in a forest. But where?

    "Oww, Gren. Shit-stop yelling."

    "THAT bitch drugged us, Robert!"

    "No....we just drank too much again. Fuck. I swore I'd never do this again."

    Gren sat on a stump and mumbled to himself. Robert could tell he was angry. Who could blame him? Robert looked up towards the heavens and searched.

    "The fuck are you doing, Robert?"

    "Looking for the North Star. It always points to-"

    "Stupid bullshit." Gren sits up. "Let's just walk down here and we'll cross a town soon."

    "You don't even KNOW where we are going, Gren."

    "Hey-" Gren points to himself. "You are talking to the forest master of fucking Fabletown, bro. TRUST me."

    Robert did not feel like arguing; he was in pain, very ill and needed a shower. All he cared about was making it home and although he KNEW better than to hand Gren the responsibility, he didn't feel like fighting right now. Remaining silent, Gren glared at the ground and sniffed the air.

    "This way, Robert."

    Robert carefully followed Gren. He noticed, however, a rather crude drawing on his shirt.


    "What is, Robert?"

    "I'm just going to come out and say this: there is a rather large penis drawn on your shirt with a humerous message below."

    "WHAT!?" Gren stops to turn his shirt. "OH man-really!? Bastards!"

    Gren was furious. "Do you have any goddamn dicks drawn on YOUR fucking shit?"

    "I don't think so...."

    Gren took a minute to check; he didn't find any male anatomys drawn on Robert but discovered the entire My Little Pony cast inked onto his side. No wonder it hurt no much.

    "Great." Robert sighs. "JUUUUUUUST great...."

    Robert and Gren continued down the path. Gren, however, needed to make this moment pass with a cheery tune. He had a penis on his shirt, missing a boot, jacket stolen and half his things god knows where. What could happen?

    "She take my money, when I'm in neeed-oh she a Gold Digger, way over time-who digs on me."


    "Too soon?"

    "HOW do you even know Rose did this?"

    "Her party. Her alcohol and fucking offense, Robert-sure as hell wasn't Bigby that spiked the punch."

    Robert sighs, as his brother continues to sing.

    "I ain't sayin' she's a Gold Digger but she ain't messin' with no broke ass-"



    Start to the 1st challenge of the year! I hope this is how we are supposed to do it....remember, kids...NEVER take alcoholic drinks from Rose Red. EVER! XD

  • Wow, Gren was friendly with Ross that quick? Hmm, well, good to know Makoto is also getting back in the swing of things again, being brought back from the dead and all. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Gone... While Makoto, Bigby, and Clara looked over the crime scene a new Fable arrived that day. He walked straight for The Trip Trap for

  • Given how John reacts to situations in the 'olden' days, I suspect his behavior won't be smiles and sunshine. Yep, I predict there will an adrenaline-fueled fight soon enough. :S

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert awoke to the right side of his head on fire. He sat up. He, along with Gren, were on the floor. Lyla was fast asleep on the couch, wr

  • edited January 2015

    After reading this, it sounds like there are pretty much Fabletowns of every nationality, right? This is interesting though, unknown creatures skulking about Fabletown and special operative operations going on. I think Ava will eventually be the first to know what their goals are specifically. :P

    EDIT: I will be asking you a question about Harmony as well, nothing related to your current story at hand.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Ava peeled her body off of the leather sofa. Her skin was sweaty and hot, which meant that her dreams weren't exactly dreams, but nightmares

  • edited January 2015

    All of the faces are drawn so adorable in this one. I love it!

    And, I just so happen to have question to ask you, which you will receive in due-time.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Pages I THINK 11, 12, 13 & 14 Any questions, you know the drill. JUST got home and I'm wired! FINALLY finished

  • Perfect! Than my job is done here. :D

    Well, I look forward to your question. :)

    All of the faces are drawn so adorable in this one. I love it! And, I just so happen to have question to ask you, which you will receive in due-time.

  • ....Because this has the Grendel brothers ALL over it....>:D

    I agree and you are right....this does have Gren and Robert all over the place. XD The crude drawing on Gren, the missing clothing items..wallets missing and MLP on Robert's side!!! LMAO And don't even get me started on that song, Gren.

    Love it so far!!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Jan Challenge ....Because this has the Grendel brothers ALL over it....>:D Tuesday; Jan 4th Midnight Or, so that is what Robert'

  • I didn't expect this at all in the slightest, great job man! Well, this will be like a Telltale scenario now concerning how Peter will deal with Mary.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Ethan, sir, you're aunt Mary is here." Ethan, coffee cup in hand, opened the door to his office. Mary, wearing a one piece suit with bla

  • I've done that before and therefore, understand the situation. Music helps me sometimes but each has a different way to handle these things. :)

    I'm loving this so far; you've done well, young Grasshopper and I appreciate you showing not only Lyla's persona but the Council, too. Robert is a doll. :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    As you know, had major blank mind the last couple of days; I'd begin a chap and half way through, scrap it because it made no sense. XD Glad this one did. I think you will like it. Getting down to the end of Robert's little flashback here.

  • edited January 2015

    Judging by the gifs and this rather interesting comment post, you enjoyed this chapter. :3

    I tried to throw clues since the VERY begining of my story; Mary was always still so against Fables and Folkers combining. She was too much like Decimus and all those before her. She was angry that her own father sided with Bigby and felt he needed to be dealt with. She, too, was not pleased when she knew Georgie and Lyla managed to break the spell and join as one.

    Mary, like all the previous Folkers, was power hungry; by killing the Tailor and Jumbo, it was a warning to Fables alike; she killing Hank was for the lack of effort in controlling the Folker community and letting her father slip through their fingers so easily. As far as Emily's club goes; it was a warning for the family. Mary figured by scaring the Fables, they would return to where my 1st story began and bring back all the old rules and regulations.

    Mary was behind John's disapperance and bringing the Witch of Endor, Pandora's box (how else would Romulus and Remus have known John had it) and even the near destruction of Peter Porgie; she desperatly wanted to kill off the Porgie Clan and keep Peter as her own personal weapon to destroy the Fables. She tried killing Jersey and the girls; this would leave Katie a mess and eventually give up and remove herself from the Council. She was the one to help Amber try and kill Malcom the day she attempted to drown him. Mary feels Malcom turned his back and needed to be dealt with.

    It was Mary Smith all along. "The law is on my side...."

    Hopefully this answers your questions and others, too. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Ethan's heart came to a hault. Strawberries. His nose was picking up Strawberries. He glanced at the woman still standing at his window.

  • How ironic; his biological father dealt with a Mary and now, its Peter's turn, only this time, it's his dear ol' aunt Mary. >:)

    Like I mentioned to JJ in the comment above, I had clues that would lead to this point. I'm glad no one had the slightest idea yet....more fun that way! :D

    I didn't expect this at all in the slightest, great job man! Well, this will be like a Telltale scenario now concerning how Peter will deal with Mary.

  • Thanks. :3 I needed this. Been dying to finish these last few pages but I've been so busy. This is BEFORE Georgie and Lyla allow Mary the ability to see their son; I'll explain more as the chapters and story goes on. (Explains why Georgie is so mad and why Junior can't look at his mother)

    Ah and Mary....where would we be without or loving Mary? I feel the same way; I like to write about my Fables but pictures made the experience more exciting. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    I LOVE the Porgie Clan! You captured their facial expressions perfectly, especially Georgie! (No surprise there) And Emily...taking the bla

  • I freakin' love you XD

    Did you say boat?

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