The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • Happy New Year! And congrats on the One Year mark :D

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    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • Salt! Not sure if it's celebration-worthy, but thanks.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Happy New Year! And congrats on the One Year mark

  • This place has been "underwhelming" for the past few days......

  • What have I missed?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    This place has been "underwhelming" for the past few days......

  • Basically we were all Celebrating New Years Eve, It became 2015, And now barely anyone is on the mega thread :/

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    What have I missed?

  • edited January 2015

    Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place.

    And here's to another year. Didn't you say you were going to be visiting more ;)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • The SaltLick has spoken.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • I haven't died yet. Legends are hard to kill.

    Deceptio posted: »

    The SaltLick has spoken.

  • Haven't kept my word, I know. The thread just seems kill overall so I only jump in whenever I wanna check on some of you guys. How's life?

    Belan posted: »

    Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. And here's to another year. Didn't you say you were going to be visiting more

  • If anyone wants to play some co-op on Halo MCC, my gamertag is xboxplayer932 and I'm online right now, so send me a friend request if you like.

  • They say you are what you eat , but I don't remember eating a god damn legend.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I haven't died yet. Legends are hard to kill.

  • Glad you're with us.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • edited January 2015

    Congrats Bro and a happy new year :)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • Happy Late New Year, Salt!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    First comment of 2015. Tomorrow also marks an entire year since I joined this place. So, yeah, late Happy new year.

  • Some more awesome art from Deviant Art. :3

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  • Awesome :D

    Some more awesome art from Deviant Art.

  • aw thank you and I'm sad to hear that :'(

    Hello people, most of you dont even know me because im not commenting often. What i wanted to say is im leaving telltalegames, its been nice

  • edited January 2015

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    Yesterday was the first training back for my local GAA team :/

    First training at 10am in the morning for two hours

    I stayed in bed till about 9:30 am my lift was at 9:45am last minute I just decided to get up and go

    It was freezing cold, pouring rain we did sprints, push ups, press ups, different exercises, lots of shooting and passing drills it was torture the next day my leg muscles were in bits but I loved every minute of it, it was a lot of fun :D

    This is GAA ^

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    This is my team and the pitch we trained on there is a beautiful sight of the mountains which is really inspiring to look at when you train or play matches there ^

  • I'm jelly. That place looks awesome.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yesterday was the first training back for my local GAA team First training at 10am in the morning for two hours I stayed in bed till

  • Yeeep.

    Talimancer posted: »


  • No, I'm glad to be here with you guys. (:

    Glad you're with us.

  • Damn, you guys flatter me.

    They say you are what you eat , but I don't remember eating a god damn legend.

  • Thanks, Tobi!

    You and @Markd4547 are almost there as well. We've all been through a lot and seen so much shit here. It's been an up and down ride.

    Happy Late New Year, Salt!

  • edited January 2015

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    But the people I met including yourself made it worth every down I only remember the best times :)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks, Tobi! You and @Markd4547 are almost there as well. We've all been through a lot and seen so much shit here. It's been an up and down ride.

  • Agreed. I may not be so fond of some people here, but 'dislike' is seriously not something worth holding onto. Gotta remember the good times instead.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But the people I met including yourself made it worth every down I only remember the best times

  • edited January 2015

    I know. It sure has been. It's going to feel kinda strange to realize it's one year past once it happens. I'm currently trying to go through my entire list but every time I am unfortunate to have myself clicking the comment instead of the load more button, causing me to start all over. Oy vey...

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks, Tobi! You and @Markd4547 are almost there as well. We've all been through a lot and seen so much shit here. It's been an up and down ride.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited January 2015

    At least you can do it again whenever you have the time. For me, I can only go back a couple of times and then the 'Load more' button disappears. It'd definitely be a good moment to go back an entire year and remember my interactions with all you guys. Except the ones a couple of weeks ago, of course.

    I know. It sure has been. It's going to feel kinda strange to realize it's one year past once it happens. I'm currently trying to go through

  • Exactly just concentrate on the people instead who appreciate and respect you back then you can never go wrong giving any attention to those you dislike or dislike you back will only make you stressed and sad etc :)

    There have been lots of great times and there will be plenty more believe me :)

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    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Agreed. I may not be so fond of some people here, but 'dislike' is seriously not something worth holding onto. Gotta remember the good times instead.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Exactly just concentrate on the people instead who appreciate and respect you back then you can never go wrong giving any attention to those

  • edited January 2015

    Damn that sucks, sounds like a forum glitch. Ask the mods, they should be able to fix it. Probably. Considering how active I've been this past year, I can say this list is going to be HUGE. I'll try again one of these times, let's just hope I don't rage quit this time. lol

    Eh we all have good days and bay days I guess. Everything just takes a little coaxing. Well... I have been acting like a nutbar lately. I haven't even had any sugar though!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    At least you can do it again whenever you have the time. For me, I can only go back a couple of times and then the 'Load more' button disapp

  • edited January 2015

    Sigh ......Today is my last day away from high school, now starting tomorrow ,I've got to go back to doing tedious busywork and study and worry about big tests every weeknight. :/

  • Sheet well good luck :)

    J-Master posted: »

    Sigh ......Today is my last day away from high school, now starting tomorrow ,I've got to go back to doing tedious busywork and study and worry about big tests every weeknight.

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