Can Questions about the show be asked here?

I'm only up to episode 202 but something did come up after playing the game and trying to keep track of all the figures.

Was Jon Snow widely known as Ned Stark's bastard or is the last name of Snow an indicator? In one episode Jon introduces himself to someone (I forget who) and the person automatically knows he is a bastard. From what I've seen in the forum also Ramsey Snow is in the show. Am I over thinking it or is it true? Please do best not to spoil too much.


  • edited January 2015

    Bastards use the last name depending on what region they're a bastard of. Snow is used in the north. Other bastard names are Rivers, Pond, Stone, Sand from the south ect.

  • Thanks.

    Meretrix posted: »

    Bastards use the last name depending on what region they're a bastard of. Snow is used in the north. Other bastard names are Rivers, Pond, Stone, Sand from the south ect.

  • Like Meretrix said, the noble bastards get a last name determined by the region they live in. Bastards who are not highborn, may not have a last name at all. But unless they were well known, or raised with their trueborn family, which is very rare (like Jon Snow), most people would not know whose bastard they were.

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