Our Choices Does Not Effect!

In ep. 1 our choices does not effect.I think you should change this in coming episodes.If we can't change the fate why are we playing this game!
You know what ı am talking about:We cant change Red Wedding and Ethan's death and Margeary's help.This game is sucks I want my money back!
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I am so glad that I downloaded the game from internet.This game is awful!!!
Can't really change canon now can we? Telltale has to tiptoe around the actual lore. Now if you go play The Walking Dead S2, the final choices make a sequel very unlikely due to so many different possibilities.
Where else would you have gotten the game from? Lol.
But seriously, gr8 b8 m8.
Telltale has been making games like this for a while now. We play the game because we enjoy it and Telltale will not change it. Good luck getting that refund.
NorthRemembers confirmed alternate account by the way.
They cannot change the Red Wedding, it is a Major plot point that changes the political climate, and has consequences for many major characters.
With regards to Margary Tyrell's help, they give you the option to ask her for help, or not. Your choice.
As far as Ethan goes, i think he was used as a way to bring us to the Forresters cause, and to show that no matter what you do, you can't control what other people will do. And with regards to the source material, i feel like this situation is true to both that feeling of helplessness and the actual Game of Thrones world.
Ah. Foreigns.
People like you make me laugh.
Not every choice needs to matter so goddamn much. This is an RPG. Every choice you make helps shape the characters in the story, and that should be more than enough. Quit acting so spoiled. I don't know about you, but I'm playing the game to experience a good story, to meet cool characters and decide how they act, not to shape the future of Westeros. I wouldn't expect that of even a AAA game with near unlimited resources and development time.
I like you.
Your choices will never matter, it just changes dialogue.
OP: Stop complaining, what makes you think you can change what happened in the Red Wedding. Considering it was a part of the show why would Telltale allow you to change it? As well, please stop saying your choices don't matter. Your choices do matter in the process of creating your story, yes we I know we all end up at the same point in the end but it's about our choices leading up to where we all get to that differentiates us. Also Ethan's death was quite surprising to me so why you would want to change that moment or your interactions with Margery?
Your choices don't matter, you're right, but canon will not be changed.
You'll have to learn that in TT games what matters is the journey, not the destination, you TAILORED your story, many things made it different from othere, though in the end the "jacket" was the same,many seams in it are really different from the others.
As others have said, it's more about the journey than the destination in regards to the outcome of your choices. We get threads like these all the time, and it generally creates a hostile environment so I'm going to lock the thread before things get rowdy.
Like others said, what matters is the journey. Telltale isn't BioWare, they can't create massive games that change everything based on your decisions, nor can they change canon evens. Enjoy the story, enjoy the little things that your choices change, and don't complain.