Will Asher Be a Playable Character?

After Finishing the first episode, i noticed that there were 3 playable characters. But when Lord Ethan died that left us with to characters. But before Ethans death he sent his uncle after Asher ( that was my choice ) and Ethans mother talked about how he was a fighter. Now i have two theory's, 1 Asher returns and find out Ramsay killed his brother and will seek revenge, or two he becomes the next king. Now we don't know much about Asher so far, but what i know is Asher will be next in line for the thone ( most likely ) or he will be rather mad. I can see Asher being a playable character and i want to know what you think, do you think Asher will be a playable character or will be not?


  • i hope so, i'd love to see what kind of character he will be in the game.

    He is, there is no debate about it...He is.

  • He is, there is no debate about it...He is.

  • It's pretty much already confirmed...

    i hope so, i'd love to see what kind of character he will be in the game.

  • It's confirmed dude. So celebrate I suppose.

    i hope so, i'd love to see what kind of character he will be in the game.

  • Yup. Can't wait to see how he is, he seems like a badass

  • edited January 2015

    EDIT: Heh, I notices that I posted on the wrong thread, but I am going to answer OP's question.

    Yeah, I am quite certain that Asher will be playable. He appears on the menu after episode 1, so it is for sure that he will be playable.

  • Before Lord Ethan died, there was a silhouette on the title screen which is identical to Asher's character. Afterwards, Asher's character model entirely replaces Ethan. So it's safe to say that Asher will be a playable character, and it's also presumable that another central character will die, hence the other silhouette on the title screen.

  • The silhouette doesn't mean someone will die, it's just to make sure it doesn't reveal all the characters which might involve spoilers.

    Before Lord Ethan died, there was a silhouette on the title screen which is identical to Asher's character. Afterwards, Asher's character mo

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