Asher and Gywnn Whitehill

Ok so I was reading some of the character descriptions on the family tree on this site. When I got to Asher's I noticed it said that he had fallen for Ludd Whitehill's (Lord Whitehill) eldest daughter Gywnn. It also says that bloodshead ensued and Gregor Forester was forced to decide between war or exiling his son, as we know he chose to do the latter.

This makes me wonder what actually happened, that was so serious that it nearly started a war between the two families (asuming of course it was just between the two, others might have been involved). Is Gywnn Whitehill still alive? Maybe she was caught in the crossfire of some kinda fight between Asher and the Whitehills? Perhaps Lord Whitehill hated the idea of his eldest daughter marrying a second son (Rodrick was the heir not Asher). Maybe Asher even tried to abduct her! Was it unrequited love or did she feel the same way? If she did maybe they both planned to runaway together, but got caught and then fighting ensued!

I also think that I've got a bit carried away here....the post wasn't supposed to be this long =p


  • I think it's like Romeo and Juliet.

  • This whole thread gave me the idea that it would be amazing if the 5th PC was Gywnn. Its probably not gonna happen, but it would be really cool to see inside the Whitehills from the mind of a Whitehill who doesn't want the ultimate destruction of the Forresters.

  • 2spooky

    Alt text

    In all honesty though that would be very interesting to see

    The PCs are only Forresters... But... What if the two got married secretly and that makes her a Forrester.

  • The PCs are only Forresters...


    What if the two got married secretly and that makes her a Forrester.

    This whole thread gave me the idea that it would be amazing if the 5th PC was Gywnn. Its probably not gonna happen, but it would be really c

  • I'm certainly going to try to make it like Romeo and Juliet if given any interactions with Gywn as Asher. But who knows how Asher's story will go?

    I think it's like Romeo and Juliet.

  • Telltale does. :P

    I'm certainly going to try to make it like Romeo and Juliet if given any interactions with Gywn as Asher. But who knows how Asher's story will go?

  • It's also possible that this might be a possible option in a future episode. Perhaps if we are playing as Asher we might have the option to try to bring peace between the Foresters and the Whitehills with a marriage between Asher and Gywnn. It could be that certain events happen which are detrimental to both houses and to save both houses they decide to join forces.

    The PCs are only Forresters... But... What if the two got married secretly and that makes her a Forrester.

  • While this is an interesting idea, I highly doubt that would happen and for all we know she might hate Asher and house Forester with a passion!

    This whole thread gave me the idea that it would be amazing if the 5th PC was Gywnn. Its probably not gonna happen, but it would be really c

  • I would go...No...Revenge...Must get...Revenge.

    It's also possible that this might be a possible option in a future episode. Perhaps if we are playing as Asher we might have the option to

  • Whitehills and Forresters will NEVER marry each other.

    It's also possible that this might be a possible option in a future episode. Perhaps if we are playing as Asher we might have the option to

  • .....I never said they had to like it =p. You may be right, however if the game of thrones has taught me anything it's this - expect the unexpected, because just when you least expect it there is normally a plot twist and anything is possible!

    Whitehills and Forresters will NEVER marry each other.

  • I agree. It's certainly possible, after all, Garred isn't a Forrester per say, but he supports their house. Gwynn might be the same way.

    This whole thread gave me the idea that it would be amazing if the 5th PC was Gywnn. Its probably not gonna happen, but it would be really c

  • am i the only one who isn't hell-bent on recreating the rains of castemere? have some bloody mercy, if an option for peace comes along I'll grab it with both my hands and my leg, killing sucks, war sucks, let's end this silly squabble so everyone can live in peace.
    then again, i wouldn't object to killing Ludd.

  • I dunno, having a song dedicated to the Forresters would be pretty neat, especially if it's as good as Rains of Castamere... Plus, I think that Britt's (or whatever his name is) haircut is enough of an excuse to destroy the Whitehills entirely.

    Choombi posted: »

    am i the only one who isn't hell-bent on recreating the rains of castemere? have some bloody mercy, if an option for peace comes along I'll

  • Yes and this could create an.....interesting scenario, whereby you have to decide where your overall loyalty really lies.

    Michael7123 posted: »

    I agree. It's certainly possible, after all, Garred isn't a Forrester per say, but he supports their house. Gwynn might be the same way.

  • No you're not the only one, as for're not alone on that one either joins the queue.

    Choombi posted: »

    am i the only one who isn't hell-bent on recreating the rains of castemere? have some bloody mercy, if an option for peace comes along I'll

  • i think there are two options of what may have happened between asher and gwynn: by one side it might be just like lyanna and raegar. They felt in love, asher tried to abducted her but he got caught. In the fight gwynn accidentaly died, the whitehills blamed asher and his father had to exile him to essos to avoid a unnecesary war. Or maybe gwynn never felt like asher did, some stuff happened and she got pissed off with him, this leading to the ending we all know. I really hope it would be the first one

  • Yes both of these scenarios would make sense. I also think the first one is more likely, it would explain why Whitehill hates the Foresters.

    desd960 posted: »

    i think there are two options of what may have happened between asher and gwynn: by one side it might be just like lyanna and raegar. They

  • It would be interesting to see some interaction with Gwynn when we play as Asher. But yeah, I think it's probably an allusion to Romeo and Juliet, which depending how originally it's executed, could be a cool addition.

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