Which GoT character do you relate the most to, personality-wise?

I'd have to say Tyrion, mainly because I have a very low self-esteem and I tend to rely on other people to boost it for me. I'm often told I'm intelligent, funny and quick-witted but I dont really know what to think of that since I consider myself to be literal garbage. I guess I'm a pretty nice, kind and generally good-hearted person and I always try to do the right thing but I also have a much darker, vengeful and more insensitive side because of some very traumatic Things in my childhood and I have had way too many bad experiences in my life. Obviously I don't fuck prostitues and I've never been buzzed off my ass drunk but you know. It's whatever. Not to mention I'm like super small and tiny. I also think I'm a little bit like Arya. I love Arya.

What about you?

NOTE: It can be both from the show and the game. :)


  • Tyrion for many reasons. I have a low self-esteem, a lot of people judge me, and I am also very sarcastic and witty should the occasion arise. I'm also not a big fan of my family :P

    Closest person I can relate to in the game so far is Gared, but I guess its too early because we haven't seen all the characters yet.

  • I see. I'm sorry to hear about your family and I hope things get better soon!

    Tyrion for many reasons. I have a low self-esteem, a lot of people judge me, and I am also very sarcastic and witty should the occasion aris

  • Jaime 'the Kingslayer' Lannister...

    He fucked the king harder than Sandor.

  • not 100% sure... but a few people pointed out im kinda like Sandor "The Hound" Clegane.

  • fucked the king


    The queen.

    Jaime 'the Kingslayer' Lannister... He fucked the king harder than Sandor.

  • Oh I was talking about fucking the Mad King.

    Lingvort posted: »

    fucked the king Ahem. The queen.

  • Oh, well, Jaime fucked him up with his sword, indeed.

    Good riddance, I say.

    Oh I was talking about fucking the Mad King.

  • So, much, comma, abuse, every, time, I, see, you, post, why?

    Lingvort posted: »

    Oh, well, Jaime fucked him up with his sword, indeed. Good riddance, I say.

  • Robb Stark. I'm the son of a great man who got screwed over for doing the right thing (not as badly as ned, thankfully). I try to live up to the example he set for me.

  • To, annoy, you, apparently, good, sire.

    So, much, comma, abuse, every, time, I, see, you, post, why?

  • It, doesn't, annoy, me, but, I'm, just, like,

    Alt text

    Lingvort posted: »

    To, annoy, you, apparently, good, sire.

  • Good, to, know, I, guess.

    It, doesn't, annoy, me, but, I'm, just, like,

  • Arya Stark. Didn't wanted to be like other girls as a kid, I was a tomboy. Got a bullied/verbal abuse by male figures and females but mostly males. And I become fighter because of it. through I didn't turn into a assassin. Also like Arya I am fond for history/myths.

  • Ramsay mixed with Tyrion I would say. Ramsay because I can be a complete b*stard at times and extremely hateable And Tyrion basically what Shubba said.

  • Same, got fucked over by the government and the saudi royal family. Fuck the King! or sultan?

    Michael7123 posted: »

    Robb Stark. I'm the son of a great man who got screwed over for doing the right thing (not as badly as ned, thankfully). I try to live up to the example he set for me.

  • Ahh, I guess I might be a mix of Tyrion and Jon Snow. I'm witty and funny (of course not as much as Tyrion). I "need" other people to boost my self-esteem, I'm often moody and maybe even have a little self-pity (I take those as a qualities of both Tyrion and Jon). I can also be a little shy at times but still I'm able to make some friends... I guess that is Jon. And also I have some of the honor of Jon mixed with little dark side from Tyrion.

  • Ned to strangers.

    And Tyrion to friends.

  • edited January 2015

    Sam I think.

  • Ramsay Snow.

  • massive fan of Tyrion Lannister

    But i mostly relate to Jon Snow since all my friends and family call me that now anyway lol

  • edited January 2015

    Ser Bronn of the Blackwater

    Aye, I'm an opportunist :)

    Alt text

  • Varys. Nobody knows what I want, nobody cares. Everybody finds me strange and untrustful enough and use me for advices and clever counsels only. I know what everyone wants, is and pretends to be. And I don't act before the right time, I gather as much info as I can. I also have this Spider/Italian Mobster philosophy: Good luck with anything, Im here to help, as long as your objectives to conflict with mine.

    But I can also be as prick as Ramsay If Im enough angry or happy with something.

  • daenerys i guess, because i do stupid things while i want to do the right things :P

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