i have a weird crush on lord ethan >_>
idk he's kinda hot id cut a piece of that forrester ass any time. im not a necrophile btw
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idk he's kinda hot id cut a piece of that forrester ass any time. im not a necrophile btw
uh..... okay....
Even if he was older I dont really see whats appealing.

i have a crush on Snow White
i have no idea either man. his combination of atoms is just beautiful
It was just a joke. Chill. Sorry to hear about your depression.
Don't use anti-depression medicines; use abnormal sessions. Yell out. Take out what's inside your heart.
I'm starting to consider opening a free online therapy website.. Seriously though.
ah, i'm sorry then! i have a hard time grasping sarcasm sometimes even though i tend to use it myself.
and also that seems nice. good luck with your website.
oh and
He's dead, you can chump his Forrester ass now.
The three main reasons why so many women are single today .
Are that the men that they are mostly interested in are either famous ,gay ,or fictional.
With that said .I would have liked to have seen more of this guy ...
yea, i guess youre right, but some women like women and some women are aromantic and thats ok too!
Winter's Tale right...how unoriginal .
holy shit omg chill. i do have people crushing on me but tbh i Dont really want a relationship. i have no idea what my sexuality is but i know im on the aromantic asexual spectrum and maybe bi but i dont know. im being genuine and honest when i say i really dont want a relationship because i feel like it would just bother me
i Know. rest in kill
No. Try again.
im sorry ive been in a relationship before but i didn't like it im sorry please dont hurt me i already have a low self-esteem im sorry i dont mean no harm im sorry
Relax, you're hilarious. I was originally replying to Cope49, not you. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to discovering your aromantic spectrum.
Either of those things apply to me boy. Go post your douche-bag comments elsewhere..
oh.....im sorry...im just really sensitive...thank you
cant we all just get along?
Too soon.
I think Ethan got the point.
We will. When Mr Winterfell stops being an arse...
Musician,therapist,you have had quite a lot of jobs for a kid, Cody
^ i agree with basketcase6969
You didn't...
I'm hoping your a girl:
slap dat forrester ass first chance you get
why? there's nothing wrong with being gay
what even is ur point
^ brustablett is right
haha aww that's cute!