i have a weird crush on lord ethan >_>



  • edited January 2015

    Gender isn't confusing at all..you were born female, so you're a girl. Everyone has a gender, we're human. It doesn't have anything to do with "society standards", it's just a fact. I know you're young, so I really hope you grow out of this way of thinking. It won't do you any favors in life.

    peachflower posted: »

    it's ok bud! sorry im just really bad at detecting sarcasm on the internet sometimes because of my mild aspergers even though i use it mysel

  • excuse me, what? am i supposed to just "drop" these thoughts that i've had since i was a little kid all of sudden? are you trying to teach me "how" and "what" to think just because i am young and what i'm doing and thinking is not approved of society? i know it wont do me any favors later in life, but, fuck it, i'm not hurting anyone and this is who i am and have been all my life. it seems to me like you're being just incredibly transphobic and ignorant just because you're not comfortable with things not making sense and frankly that is YOUR problem, not mine.

    flagged for transphobia.

    Tinni posted: »

    Gender isn't confusing at all..you were born female, so you're a girl. Everyone has a gender, we're human. It doesn't have anything to do wi

  • edited January 2015

    It's not transphobia. I'm not afraid of you, I'm not threatening or insulting you, I don't condemn you for existing, nor do I hate you for your way of thinking. I'm simply telling you that gender isn't something you can just change at will, it's not a decision, or something you try on as though it's clothing. You're a human being, all human beings have gender, you were born a female, so you're a girl. That's all there is to it. Unless you have an official diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria/GID, but seeing as you often don't feel like you even have a gender, I don't believe that condition applies to you. You're also still fairly young, so you may grow out of it. That's the only reason I replied, it's not my goal to hurt your feelings or offend you.

    peachflower posted: »

    excuse me, what? am i supposed to just "drop" these thoughts that i've had since i was a little kid all of sudden? are you trying to teach m

  • Can we relax there is no need to make anything into a heated, debated fight over lifestyles on the internet. If you want that check out youtube comments.

    Tinni posted: »

    It's not transphobia. I'm not afraid of you, I'm not threatening or insulting you, I don't condemn you for existing, nor do I hate you for y

  • edited January 2015

    There's no need to reply to me, I am relaxed. If you post something on the internet, you are putting it out for the whole world to see. And if I want to comment on it, I can. If she can't handle, or doesn't like people offering different insights/opinions on something, then she probably shouldn't have put it online in the first place.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Can we relax there is no need to make anything into a heated, debated fight over lifestyles on the internet. If you want that check out youtube comments.

  • [removed]

    Clemenem posted: »

    Can we relax there is no need to make anything into a heated, debated fight over lifestyles on the internet. If you want that check out youtube comments.

  • edited January 2015

    But I'm not even trying to start an argument. Trust me, you'll know when I'm looking to start something.

  • [removed]

    Tinni posted: »

    It's not transphobia. I'm not afraid of you, I'm not threatening or insulting you, I don't condemn you for existing, nor do I hate you for y

  • WOW calling this an overreaction is not enough.

  • Oh, i just really need my fix of Tinni arguments.

    Tinni posted: »

    But I'm not even trying to start an argument. Trust me, you'll know when I'm looking to start something.

  • [removed]

    Tinni posted: »

    There's no need to reply to me, I am relaxed. If you post something on the internet, you are putting it out for the whole world to see. And

  • edited January 2015

    ah yes, the smell of cis people getting to decide what is and isn't transphobka instead of, you know, Actual trans people.


    All I said is that you shouldn't just decide you have a condition when those who are actually diagnosed with this have an extremely difficult time in life, and wouldn't willingly be this way if they could help it. Transsexualism applies to men who identify as women, and women who identify as men. Not people who don't think they have a gender, which is physically impossible. You don't go back and forth between genders, that's not how it works. You're a human being, not a bacterial organism, of course you have a gender. And why are you bringing up rape? That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I'm not trying to upset you, I figured that if you make a post online, you were open to people commenting on said post.

  • Papai why are you escalating things

    papai46 posted: »

    Oh, i just really need my fix of Tinni arguments.

  • Why are you people discussing rape and transsexualism on a Telltale forum? Stop embarrassing yourselves.

    You're all getting trolled so hard by peachflower.

    Tinni posted: »

    ah yes, the smell of cis people getting to decide what is and isn't transphobka instead of, you know, Actual trans people. wait...wh

  • edited January 2015

    Because it's my day off, and she posted it on here. I was bored, scrolling through comments, read her's, and decided to reply. I have no idea why she brought up rape.:/

    Why are you people discussing rape and transsexualism on a Telltale forum? Stop embarrassing yourselves. You're all getting trolled so hard by peachflower.

  • edited January 2015

    Ok then, I think this conversation should be ended now. I really wasn't trying to start a fight here at all.

  • No idea.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Papai why are you escalating things

  • [removed]

    Tinni posted: »

    It's not transphobia. I'm not afraid of you, I'm not threatening or insulting you, I don't condemn you for existing, nor do I hate you for y

  • that's just like saying women should avoid getting raped instead of TEACHING MEN NOT TO RAPE WOMEN.

    ....You really think you can "teach" people to not rape? I doubt you can teach rapists I think they know its wrong

  • edited January 2015

    Bio: i'm here i'm queer and i'm hungry

    You aren't allowed to make duplicate accounts, peachflower.

  • edited January 2015

    That's not what she is saying though. She said she's genderless.That's impossible, so I pointed it out. Majority of the time gender does go hand in hand with your birth sex, unless you have Gender Identity Disorder aka Gender Dysphoria. Can't really tell if you're trolling or not to be honest.

    edit: yep, pretty sure you're trolling.

  • sorry for trying to get basic human rights

    papai46 posted: »

    WOW calling this an overreaction is not enough.

  • You're giving too much of a fuck.

    Tinni posted: »

    That's not what she is saying though. She said she's genderless.That's impossible, so I pointed it out. Majority of the time gender does go

  • trans = not being comfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth

    "you're a human being" well i sure as hell dont get treated like one

    Tinni posted: »

    ah yes, the smell of cis people getting to decide what is and isn't transphobka instead of, you know, Actual trans people. wait...wh

  • You know, being asexual is a disease.

    peachflower posted: »

    sorry for trying to get basic human rights

  • i'm pretty sure you know what i mean

    that's just like saying women should avoid getting raped instead of TEACHING MEN NOT TO RAPE WOMEN. ....You really think you can "teach" people to not rape? I doubt you can teach rapists I think they know its wrong

  • Tinneh, do like Spider-Man.

    Tinni posted: »

    That's not what she is saying though. She said she's genderless.That's impossible, so I pointed it out. Majority of the time gender does go

  • nah, i only have one account.

    Bio: i'm here i'm queer and i'm hungry You aren't allowed to make duplicate accounts, peachflower.

  • No I really dont especially as your the only one thats mentioned rape anyway.......

    peachflower posted: »

    i'm pretty sure you know what i mean

  • edited January 2015

    From this point forward, all questions pertaining to how much of a fuck should be given to any particular idea/discussion should be directed @WinterfellCantGetUp, and @WinterfellCantGetUp only. If the idea isn't worth discussing in his eyes, it should not be in anyone's.

    You're giving too much of a fuck.

  • it's not impossible. it is only limited by your own imagination and ignorance.

    Tinni posted: »

    That's not what she is saying though. She said she's genderless.That's impossible, so I pointed it out. Majority of the time gender does go

  • Nah, I just enjoy discussing science and Neuropsychology.

    You're giving too much of a fuck.

  • [removed]

    Belan posted: »

    From this point forward, all questions pertaining to how much of a fuck should be given to any particular idea/discussion should be directed

  • some people's gender id is fluid get over it why are u getting so worked up over peachflowers life anyway

    Tinni posted: »

    That's not what she is saying though. She said she's genderless.That's impossible, so I pointed it out. Majority of the time gender does go

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    this thread rn.

    papai46 posted: »

    Tinneh, do like Spider-Man.

  • what's wrong with bein autistic/gay/mentally ill tho get over urself

  • I see a trend and you make it worse

    papai46 posted: »

    No idea.

  • You went full retard, never go full retard.

    peachflower posted: »

    it's not impossible. it is only limited by your own imagination and ignorance.

This discussion has been closed.