i have a weird crush on lord ethan >_>



  • Stop it, you're going to get banned.

    peachflower posted: »

    it's ok, funnily enough i have been called both i feel like i have already tried hard enough to get my point across. id like to ask of yo

  • i know. that was my last reply.

    im going to bed. gnight

    Stop it, you're going to get banned.

  • Thanks Jere85 for backing me up. If you want proof about personal opinion then read the Constitution.

    Jere85 posted: »

    Devils advocate here. I don't agree but this is a free internet. Freedom of speech, period. Not Freedom of speech... but... People have the

  • deceased fictional dead guys.

    Deceased and dead are the same thing. :P

    If you want to say he is double dead then...You wouldn't be wrong.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Don't worry lots of people have crushes on deceased fictional young guys.

  • lol sorry I forgot I said deceased :3

    deceased fictional dead guys. Deceased and dead are the same thing. :P If you want to say he is double dead then...You wouldn't be wrong.

  • I know that feeling. He's bae <3

  • I'm sure every hetero boy who got the game-over screen when playing Banjo Kazooie felt the same way back then. #Growing strong.

  • LMAO!

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I'm sure every hetero boy who got the game-over screen when playing Banjo Kazooie felt the same way back then. #Growing strong.

  • Even if you lose, you still win.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I'm sure every hetero boy who got the game-over screen when playing Banjo Kazooie felt the same way back then. #Growing strong.

  • Yeah, and you two are what's wrong with the world these days. Learn what "acceptance" means and apply it to your daily lives.

    Thanks Jere85 for backing me up. If you want proof about personal opinion then read the Constitution.

  • I can say the same thing about Murderers, I should accept them for who they are.

    Yeah, and you two are what's wrong with the world these days. Learn what "acceptance" means and apply it to your daily lives.

  • edited January 2015
    1. You are going on about how we shouldnt respond to this further but then keep on yapping? I was going to let this go...
    2. Then you say i'm whats wrong with the world today while if you read my post you can see i have nothing against homosexuals, i merely defend Wubs, and anyone's freedom of speech.
    3. Stop saying it's not an opinion while homosexuality is still punishable by death in some countries. Its obviously an opinion there. If you and I agree with it or not.
    4. When you judge me without context, i can claim you are as bad as any homophobe.
    5. Read my message again.
    6. I forgive you for your rude behaviour.
    7. Have a good day.

    Yeah, and you two are what's wrong with the world these days. Learn what "acceptance" means and apply it to your daily lives.

  • i've got too
    but im a girl D:

  • Haha I don't blame you.... Must of sucked for you when he died.

  • You lay it on hard, I'm glad that you understand personal opinion and that you defended my own opinion.

    Jere85 posted: »

    * You are going on about how we shouldnt respond to this further but then keep on yapping? I was going to let this go... * Then you say i'm

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited January 2015

    Not a homophobe...
    Anything that I say against it people are gonna flag it as offensive. I find it offensive that they state that it's ok to be gay. I highly disagree that it's not .

    That's true but if he didn't mean for people to take it like that then he isn't a homophobe.

  • Um...Okay?

    We all have our opinions on this and I hope in time you change your mind. I wish you a good day.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Not a homophobe... Anything that I say against it people are gonna flag it as offensive. I find it offensive that they state that it's ok to be gay. I highly disagree that it's not .

  • edited January 2015

    The hypocrisy of modern "tolerant" society never ceases to amuse me. While you guys claim y'all are big ass human right defenders, struggling for freedom of expression and speech, in reality you keep harassing everyone who disagrees with your beliefs and trying to shut their mouth.

    It's not up to me or you to judge whether @Wubs-The-Fadger 's opinion is right or not, because, despite your obvious disagreement, it's their personal opinion which is their concern only, and don't you dare try to deprive them of the right to freely express it. All the stuff you've been saying is already a proof enough that you're no different than any homophobe around.

    Yeah, and you two are what's wrong with the world these days. Learn what "acceptance" means and apply it to your daily lives.

  • She's hot and all but...

    Alt text


    Alt text

    Are hotter. Snow is a strong third though.

    lol i have a crush on Snow White

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited January 2015

    And Beauty beats all three. And why is Mary on anyone's list . Total dog...

    Alt text

    She's hot and all but... And... Are hotter. Snow is a strong third though.

  • edited January 2015

    And why is Mary on anyone's list . Total dog...

    cracks his knuckles and grins

    Oh, you better watch your mouth...

    Alt text

    Cope49 posted: »

    And Beauty beats all three. And why is Mary on anyone's list . Total dog...

  • Why are you guys still responding to this? I stopped responding because I knew there would be people (always is) that would come and try to justify the hatred or discrimination against homosexuals. Basically you're saying you're not accepting someone over something they can't control and yet you people try to turn my words right back around at me. Homosexuality is only an issue to closed-minded bigots and terrible religious people. And no, I'm not going to respect an "opinion" if it involves discrimination or hatred towards a specific group of people. You are trying way too hard to justify your bigoted views.

    Anyways, it's clear most people agreed with me on this, so my conscience is even clearer than it was before I typed my first comment. I'm done here. Keep on hating all you want.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    The hypocrisy of modern "tolerant" society never ceases to amuse me. While you guys claim y'all are big ass human right defenders, strugglin

  • Alt text

    Okay then..
    To each it's own....

    TheZorkij posted: »

    And why is Mary on anyone's list . Total dog... cracks his knuckles and grins Oh, you better watch your mouth...

  • edited January 2015

    Why are you guys still responding to this? I stopped responding because...

    It is actually funny that you complain about how your comment is still being replied to, yet you are the one who had to keep on bitching that Wubs's pov is not an opinion, when everyone was ready to let it go. You are the only reason this whole thing escalated.

    Basically you're saying you're not accepting someone over something they can't control and yet you people try to turn my words right back around at me.

    When did I say any of this, could you please possibly quote me? That's not the case, frankly, I'm just pointing out that many people who promote tolerance (like you, for example) are grade A hypocrites, that's all.

    You are trying way too hard to justify your bigoted views.

    Groundless allegations again. I haven't even brought up my views yet, nor am I going to do that, because it's insignificant in our case. All I'm trying to do is help protect people's right to express their views without a fear of harassment, which you seem to really like practising.

    And no, I'm not going to respect an "opinion" if it involves discrimination or hatred towards a specific group of people.

    Okay? Why should anyone give a damn? Besides, what if I tell you that I hate pedophiles or religious extremists? You're gonna call me a close-minded bigot on that one too?

    I'm done here. Keep on hating all you want.

    I take you at your word. Indeed, this argument is pointless per se, I'm not going to carry it on any further either. Have a great day.

    Why are you guys still responding to this? I stopped responding because I knew there would be people (always is) that would come and try to

  • @TheZorkij well said

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Why are you guys still responding to this? I stopped responding because... It is actually funny that you complain about how your com

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited January 2015


    Alt text

    100% Agree

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Why are you guys still responding to this? I stopped responding because... It is actually funny that you complain about how your com

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    This thread has continued to go off topic so before any arguments start i am going to have to close it as the disagreements will very likely get worse as it has happened before.

This discussion has been closed.