About the voice actors
So when I first played the game, I thought I only knew the show's actors and Robin Atkin Downes. Turns out that I know two more of the voice actors.
Lady Elissa Forrester is voiced by Lara Pulver. She played Irene from Sherlock. You may also know her from True Blood.
Ser Royland Degore is voiced by Brian George. I know him from The Big Bang Theory where he plays Raj's father.
I never thought that the nice goofy Indian father would be playing the harsh Master-at-arms of Ironrath.
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So you're telling me the father of one of my favorite TBBT characters is also my Sentinel, awesome.
I can't believe I didn't choose Raj's father as my sentinel!!!
Wow that's pretty cool. Telltales really stepping up on their VAs (not trying to say anything bad about their old ones).
Gared's Voice Actor was in a show I watch called Black Mirror, but I didn't recognise him. Surprised me when I did a bit of IMDBing for the TTGOT VAs and found out he was in it.
Robin Atkin Downes voiced both Duncan Tuttle and Gregor Forrester and his work is seen in Saints Row The Third, Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II, Team Fortress 2 as the Medic, and Kazuhira Miller in the Metal Gear Solid games.
Nice to hear his voice in this game.
I am glad that he has another role in the game. Would be a waste of such a talented voice actor if his character died so early.
Well, Gregor Forrester already died =(
but at least Duncan's still around. I like that guy
It was funny and heartwarming to hear Duncan say to Gared that he has already made him proud. Funny in that it was like Gregor saying it.
They're so alike: Duncan and Gregor Forrester. I can see why they were really good friends.
I can't wait for Duncan's character to be fleshed out. He has the potential to be an amazing character from what I've seen.
Same here, as with all of the characters in the first season of Telltale's Game of Thrones. I wonder right now, among other things, who's gonna voice Asher Forrester?
My thoughts are at this time, keep in mind that it's pure speculation, are Troy Baker, Matthew Mercer, Gideon Emery, Crispin Freeman, Phillip Anthony Rodriguez, or Freddie Prinze Jr.
FYI Matt Mercer is already in the game. He's Bowen (the squire with Gared at the start of episode 1). Love that guy.
Tom the Coalboy and Erik the Thief are both played by Yuri Lowenthal who you may know from Ben 10 and Prince of Persia. http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Yuri-Lowenthal/
Malcolm Branfield and Gared's father are played by JB Blanc, who has the voice of God and you'll recognize in EVERYTHING (including the voice of Diablo himself): http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/JB-Blanc/
Whoa. The more you know.
Too bad we didn't see more of Bowen for the rest of the episode, even when we saved him :-(
He didn't die did he?
I dunno about Asher but if Rodrik were around for longer I think Yuri Lowenthal (in a voice similar to Erik's) would've been a good fit for him.
Whoa, Irene Adler plays Lady Forrester? Amazing, I never would've guessed.
I didn't know Robin Atkin Downes was voicing characters in this game. I've played so many games that he has acted in, but I can never recognize his voice. I don't think I even know what his actual voice sounds like...
Yes, I knew I made the right choice haha
Raj's parents are awesome.
Now all I want is for Ser Royland to call someone a very bad man.