Ideas on the Story

So I think that they should make it so that you can connect your mc account with this to sink your skin so you can feel like it's you in the game


  • But the real question we want answered is what is thee story going to be

  • The story will be to find the Cheeto's game

  • You play a hard boiled detective two days away from retirement who gets wrapped into a conspiracy against him and becomes "minecraftia's" (whatever the world is called) most wanted block man.

    I call it "Block and Load".

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The story will be to find the Cheeto's game

  • What if it has a tron-like story where it has a man from our world that's transported into the world of minecraft, along with a bunch of other players from around the world, but they don't know how they got there. Kind of like the maze runner.

  • I'd like for it to be connected to the real world somehow. Maybe a portion of the human race is transported to the world of Minecraft without any explanation. As time goes on, the groups meet up and begin to colonize this new land, resulting in a thriving community. However, not long after, resources run low, causing riots and unrest as people begin to turn on each other. As a result, a group is sent out to explore these supposed alternate dimensions for more resources in order to keep their race alive. This would be the first half of the story.

    For the second half, the group travels to the Nether where they meet Herobrine, who rules over these alternate dimensions and is building an army to wipe out the human race. Before leaving to warn the humans, the group steals some kind of artifact (here's a chance to expand on the lore a bit) with incredible power which can save their world and maybe return them home. The humans build up a resistance in order to fight Herobrine's forces.

    So the first arc of the story would be about survival. The second arc would be about preparing to defend their home and defeating evil. Just an idea.

  • You pretty much expanded on what I just said.

    I'd like for it to be connected to the real world somehow. Maybe a portion of the human race is transported to the world of Minecraft withou

  • edited January 2015

    I know.

    You pretty much expanded on what I just said.

  • You ain't gangsta. You ain't from the Block!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You play a hard boiled detective two days away from retirement who gets wrapped into a conspiracy against him and becomes "minecraftia's" (whatever the world is called) most wanted block man. I call it "Block and Load".

  • edited January 2015

    A group of castaways gets to the island and they have to survive, in the process they discover the dark secrets of the island and maybe the villian could be the Ender Dragon, the Wither or another similar creature.

  • Hmmmmm well all I know is when I have the cash I'm buying this when it is released still want to be able to do my skin thing let's not make it be you are "Steve" or "Alex" telltale make so if you have minecraft you can pair your account to the minecraft skin server and be able to use your skin as the main character and maybe add a little customization in things like voice and gender you know just to be fair to the gamer community

  • I don't know. I would personally love it if the story had something to do with Herobrine.

  • I'm going to guess it's going to be about finding and killing the Ender Dragon

  • I agree! It should have something to do with Herobrine! But there's still alot to think about and plan!

  • Not gonna happen

    Wolf8499 posted: »

    Hmmmmm well all I know is when I have the cash I'm buying this when it is released still want to be able to do my skin thing let's not make

  • Personally, I hope you play as either Steve or Alex (with your choice affecting the storyline of the game possibly).

  • How about a dog and a psychotic bunny with psychic powers solve crimes to... Wait never mind

  • U should make a maze runner series. Start in the maze then the scotch then death cure and so on. Add grievers, cranks and stuff. Plz do this!!!

  • Please don't necrobump threads, the thread you may want to post this in is here:


    U should make a maze runner series. Start in the maze then the scotch then death cure and so on. Add grievers, cranks and stuff. Plz do this!!!

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