Why SIX episodes?

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Has Telltale given any official explanation as to why GoT will be allotted one extra episode? I'm not complaining; more story and gameplay time is always a good thing.


  • Probably because there's a episode in the middle they wanted to include so they pushed everything back.

  • Sam and max S01 had 6 episodes, so its not the first time they do this

  • I hear that they did it for better pacing and that it gives them room enough to tell the story they have in mind.

  • I'd imagine they are using six episodes over five because of the scale of the story and the universe, in the same way that Telltale explains why they use five characters instead of one.

    Playing as five characters not only reflects the epic scope of Game of Thrones, but is also something that the player needs to be mindful of.

  • Yeah, Law and Order had 7

    Sam and max S01 had 6 episodes, so its not the first time they do this

  • I don't think of the six episode thing being, "extra episodes" Telltale has done seasons that don't stick to the 5 episode formula. I think they just used 6 this time cause they needed more to tell the entire story, that's all :p

  • Probably because with the multiple playable characters/locations that there is more story to tell so they need an extra episode.

  • I think they are trying to match it up to the seasons of the TV show.

    So they probably feel 6 episodes is just long enough so they can cover Season 4 of the TV show. And then if they do a sequel it can cover Season 5.

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