Got this.
GoldenPaladin posted: »I took the Political Compass: I was honestly expecting Hitler or Stalin....I got around the Gandhi area.
I took the Political Compass: I was honestly expecting Hitler or Stalin....I got around the Gandhi area.
You should go share this on the thread.
Saltlick123 posted: »Got this.
On steam... or was that Gustav?
Cluke_is_Dumb posted: »I've had an extremely busy week
I've had an extremely busy week
I love that screensaver awesome
Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy posted: »This one. Just remove the words and you got the picture itself.
This one. Just remove the words and you got the picture itself.
Awesome song
GoldenPaladin posted: »Avicii This actually cheered me up. @BlueNeon Hey sister @Markd4547 hey brother @Tinni Hey sister @Saltlick123 @NoHopeLeft @ComingSoon Hey brothers. :')
Avicii This actually cheered me up. @BlueNeon Hey sister @Markd4547 hey brother @Tinni Hey sister @Saltlick123 @NoHopeLeft @ComingSoon Hey brothers. :')
Probably Gustav lol
papai46 posted: »On steam... or was that Gustav?
I don't have the game myself I will get it as soon as the Ps Vita version is released but whoever does this got released today
Yeah, totally Gustav.
AWESOMEO posted: »Probably Gustav lol
Be proud you survived and got all the sheet you needed done this week, done bro
...I have watched this multiple times and watching it...I...I'm sad...This is deep.
Markd4547 posted: »Awesome song
You're dead to me.
Hey sister.
Gustav_Kenny posted: »Motherfucker.
not yet I still got more stuff
Markd4547 posted: »Be proud you survived and got all the sheet you needed done this week, done bro
Wow, this is pretty similar for everyone. XD
You want me to post it on the thread or you?
AWESOMEO posted: » [view original content]
Hey brother.
papai46 posted: »You're dead to me.
I'm a swan
GoldenPaladin posted: »Hey sister.
No, you're my sister.
Gustav_Kenny posted: »I'm a swan
That's not nice!
Just because he's gay, you're gonna treat him like a woman?
GoldenPaladin posted: »No, you're my sister.
sheet :'/
Hopefully you get it done soon best of luck bro
Cluke_is_Dumb posted: »not yet I still got more stuff
Too late.
GoldenPaladin posted: »...Pls. Hey brother.
...Pls. Hey brother.
I'm a fokin' swan.
You're my swan sister.
Gustav_Kenny posted: »I'm a fokin' swan.
You know, not all gay man feel like they should be a woman.
GoldenPaladin posted: »Sure.
papai46 posted: »That's not nice! Just because he's gay, you're gonna treat him like a woman?
That's not nice! Just because he's gay, you're gonna treat him like a woman?
Rock on bro.
Fine M7.
papai46 posted: »Too late.
I'm not even gay and only a little trans.
Let me just-
Gustav_Kenny posted: »I'm not even gay and only a little trans.
I'm sorry, hugs
GoldenPaladin posted: »Fine M7.
Oh i see.
Heh, just a little messing around.
papai46 posted: »#ROOD
Why do I always have the bad days?
papai46 posted: »I'm sorry, hugs
AWESOMEO posted: »Let me just-
What did I just watch?
jurafhet pls
Lehfeels posted: »i made this for giraffe from scratch since hes awesome
i made this for giraffe from scratch since hes awesome
Got this.
You should go share this on the thread.
On steam... or was that Gustav?
I love that screensaver awesome
Awesome song
Probably Gustav lol
I don't have the game myself I will get it as soon as the Ps Vita version is released but whoever does this got released today
Yeah, totally Gustav.
Be proud
you survived and got all the sheet you needed done this week, done bro 
...I have watched this multiple times and watching it...I...I'm sad...This is deep.
You're dead to me.
Hey sister.
not yet I still got more stuff
Wow, this is pretty similar for everyone. XD
You want me to post it on the thread or you?
Hey brother.
I'm a swan
No, you're my sister.
That's not nice!
Just because he's gay, you're gonna treat him like a woman?
sheet :'/
Hopefully you get it done soon best of luck bro
Too late.
I'm a fokin' swan.
You're my swan sister.
You know, not all gay man feel like they should be a woman.
Rock on bro.
Fine M7.
I'm not even gay and only a little trans.
Let me just-
I'm sorry, hugs
Oh i see.
Heh, just a little messing around.
Why do I always have the bad days?
What did I just watch?
jurafhet pls