Latest trailer of the show. Looks interesting.
I am Hugo.....OF ASSQUEEZ!!! and I am burdened with glorious genitals....-Forum Users: Jurassic Park
No, No, No........ You know what Jordan? I think we're destined to do this forever....... I kill some of your people, you kill some of mine, and in the end we just end up repeating the whole damn thing HAHA! Eventually that cunt standing next to you will be on the ground fatally wounded cause she couldn't stay out of our business..... What do ya say? End this you pussy, Aim that little gun of yours at me, pull the trigger and end this..... Knowing you weren't man enough to finish me off without help from your Dairy Queen bitch right there...-Dark Angels
Do I detect an edgy joke with a disney movie and taking into account that is a girl in that box to on so many levels this disturbs me maybe even ruins my childhood I'll allow it XD
You can't just tell us that and not show it!
no i'm here salt
Everyone when I'm on the mega thread
WOW :O everything i knew was a lie...lmao
but that's a really cool article.
I'm your favorite deputy... it law?
Fuck Canada
What is that, the second time it's ever rained in the show.
Click here
"It is Law." - Barack Obama.
What is your favorite quote?
XD why
It is Truth.....
xD yes salt. yes lmfao
Your laws have no jurisdiction here
sniff sniff ;-; that is such an amazing quote, there is so much deep meaning behind it it is unbelieveable...great quote Mark :')
This instantly takes me back to The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror.
Great article but I always knew the truth B}
I am Hugo.....OF ASSQUEEZ!!! and I am burdened with glorious genitals....-Forum Users: Jurassic Park
No, No, No........ You know what Jordan? I think we're destined to do this forever....... I kill some of your people, you kill some of mine, and in the end we just end up repeating the whole damn thing HAHA! Eventually that cunt standing next to you will be on the ground fatally wounded cause she couldn't stay out of our business..... What do ya say? End this you pussy, Aim that little gun of yours at me, pull the trigger and end this..... Knowing you weren't man enough to finish me off without help from your Dairy Queen bitch right there...-Dark Angels
You Irish people think everything has to do with Potatoes..........
oh hai mark by the way how is ur forums life?
I can never watch Toy Story the same again.
If you saw the others there are... xD
That is one long arm you got there.
Not my arm :P
You all are using the wrong gif. Its:
Salt123's Movie of the Day.............Previously: Kill Bill Volume 2 Today: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do I detect an edgy joke with a disney movie and taking into account that is a girl in that box to on so many levels this disturbs me maybe even ruins my childhood I'll allow it XD
Lmao if you need a gif, ask me.
God Tumblr has everything. <333 = NSA.Gov
Obama knows about this............
XD awesome