The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    XDD AND I die brutally in both scenes I approve of this message

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    @Markd4547 I was wrong....................You're not the guy who gets interrogated and shot, You're the dude who jumps in and attempts to shoot people but misses like this.......

  • "I want you to stay out of the house. I want you to stop coming in and opening things up and telling me that I’m going to die."

    I can’t stop laughing holy fuck why didn't I watch this show while it was airing what was my 8th grade self thinking

  • I got 2nd place at a fencing tournament today!

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  • edited January 2015

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    Well done bro that's awesome congrats :'D

    I got 2nd place at a fencing tournament today!

  • If you saw me now...

    You'd say I look like ten pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well done bro that's awesome congrats :'D

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day................Previously: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Today: John Wick

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  • Nice! Good to hear you're doing well :)

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    I got 2nd place at a fencing tournament today!

  • Ellen Page <3

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    That is all ^

  • Comments though:

    Now Kootra just needs to get a factory new wife.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • Yea gifs and photos I get on google won't work for me so I use Imgur instead :[]

    Sniff sniff Another imgurian?! You sure smell like Imgur....

  • edited January 2015


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  • This is what I say to every Telltale game that comes out:

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  • edited January 2015

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    Say Mike Hawks fast

  • I get it (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Say Mike Rotch. :}

  • Say Mike Rotch.


    Say Mike Hawks fast

  • I had to snap my favorite fencing blade when a guy flashed at me. But hell, least it got me to second. That blade looks...

    Wasted !

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice! Good to hear you're doing well

  • What about Mike Litorous ;)

    Say Mike Hawks fast

  • ;3

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What about Mike Litorous

  • edited January 2015

    Don't forget Mike Hunt lel :3


  • Welp WWE Royal Rumble sucked a$$ besides the title match. Seth Rollins was awesome.

  • I'd like to introduce everyone to Hugh G. Rection

    Say Mike Hawks fast

  • Hugh Jass?

    Don't forget Mike Hunt lel

  • I didn't say this earlier but during my second direct elimination bout of my fencing tournament yesterday, This one guy flashed me and I did the same. However, I ran into him and accidentally punched him in the face. The punch was so powerful that it knocked his head back. To that guy I must've been a walking pile driver and he didn't want to be stuck in a locked room with me.

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    LMAO xD

  • edited January 2015

    Gotta share this video XD it's so true Vince is out of touch. #ScrewReigns. Bryan or Ambrose should've won the Rumble.

    edited January 2015

    Lol the school janitor and I found a full bottle of vodka today while looking for something, he started smelling it and took it into his office...

  • So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 1995, and it was sort of like a haven for me ever since I was a baby. Like... my childhood was that house. Birthday parties, Christmases, lots of amazing memories. It was really beautiful too, with a huge apple tree in the backyard that grew white blossoms every spring, and a fountain with fish surrounded by strawberries and flowers. She grew lots of flowers in the garden, and there were rose bushes all along the side of the house. I had lots of memories of picking strawberries and sugar snap peas with her on summer days, and I knew inside the house like the back of my hand, because I spent so much time there. Like I said, this house was basically my paradise. When I was 8 years old, my cat had kittens, and I was allowed to keep one for myself. Three days after she was born she died and my dad helped me bury her in the garden and plant flowers there. A couple of years later my hamster passed away and I did the same thing.

    So when my nana passed away earlier this year, she sold her house. Last I heard, it belonged to a young couple with 4 kids. The house is a BUNGALOW, with two bedrooms. YOU CAN'T FIT 4 CHILDREN IN A HOUSE WITH TWO BEDROOMS. So... when I asked how they managed to do that, my mother (who knows the people living there), said that they had to tear down a few walls to make a new room. That was hard for me to hear, but I got over it, and that was a while ago.

    Now I decided to look at the house after all this time. I saw that EVERYTHING changed - the pretty apple tree in the backyard was cut down to a stump in the ground. The fountain was destroyed, the garden plowed over and filled with cement. The kitten and hamster I buried there are now covered with cement. The rose bushes are gone. Where my pets lie is a barbecue. Yeah, I hope your cheeseburgers taste like cat ghost, you assholes.

    The best part is that my parents said their wedding vows under that apple tree. Back in 1996. And now it's a stump. >_< ugh

    Sorry, I just felt like ranting...

    edited January 2015


    I was at my grandmother's grave yesterday... Grandmas are the best, I barely had time to get to know her.

    You have good memories from that place, that's what matters most ^-^

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • You know what's funny? She was this close to selling that house to US, but because we couldn't afford it, we couldn't have it -_-

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    ;-; I was at my grandmother's grave yesterday... Grandmas are the best, I barely had time to get to know her. You have good memories from that place, that's what matters most ^-^

  • :(

    You know what's funny? She was this close to selling that house to US, but because we couldn't afford it, we couldn't have it -_-

  • Chelle. ;-;

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • edited January 2015

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    That was nice story and great research :')

    Whatever changed it will never affect the great memories you have of that place nothing ever will as within that time and area those great memories happened cherish them :3

    It may change but you already had the best times there already so doesn't matter nothing will ever chang the great memories you have

    So today I decided to look up my nana's old house on Google Earth, hoping to look at it and reminisce a while. My nana built the house in 19

  • I would have liked to buy the house and live there with my own family one day v_v

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That was nice story and great research :') Whatever changed it will never affect the great memories you have of that place nothing ever w

  • Save enough money for the house, kill the current owners, buy it.

    Problem solved! :D

    I would have liked to buy the house and live there with my own family one day v_v

  • All their kids too?

    Save enough money for the house, kill the current owners, buy it. Problem solved!

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