Not Asking Margery for Help

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I found it interesting that because I didn't ask Margery for help, I wasn't given the opportunity to steal the key or the seal. It really is the one choice that has a direct effect on this episode. My reason for not asking for help was because I think Sera is clearly a spy for Cersei.

If you ask her to leave it says she will remember that, meaning she will be suspicious of Mira or potentially plot against her. If you allow her to stay she will certainly make note of your request. Simply not asking avoids both of these results.

What do you guys think? Did anyone else also not ask for help to avoid this predicament? Do you think I will be given the option to steal the things in episode 2 or regret not asking for help?


  • edited January 2015

    I didn't ask because I had a feeling that it would have made things worse If I did. I did ask Tyrion for assistance though.

  • I'm in the same boat as you two. I didn't ask for help because it seemed like Margery already had a lot of stuff to deal with and didn't want to add on to it. And I don't trust Sera so didn't want to say anything in front of her.

  • My second playthrough I didn't ask her for help. I'm hoping it actually has some story impact by putting Margaery in a better position to help in the future.

  • I asked for help from Margaery, and made Sera leave. I also didn't steal anything. These seemed to be the right choices at that time, but now I think I regret them. Anyway I can't wait to find out what will (or could have) happen.

  • In my first playthrough i didn't ask for help, but i played again the other day and asked.

    What i think the deal is, is that, Margary specifically leaves these things lying out to test our loyalty if we threaten her position by asking her to go to Joffrey for help. Before you have the opportunity to ask her for her help, she specifically states that she is in a tricky position and that we must both be careful. By asking for her aid, we put her in a really bad position. Maybe she thinks that we would "do anything" for our family, including betray her.
    I also got a weird vibe from Sarah, when she asks if i would marry Joffrey. Anyone have any thoughts on that line of questioning? Im sure she's Cersei's spy.

  • UGH I really didn't want to ask her. But I needed all the help I could get and...

    Alt text

  • Asking was definately a really dumb idea. Its really a no win situation.
    I only went back and asked cause i wanted to see what the stuff you can steal will get me in the next episode.

    UGH I really didn't want to ask her. But I needed all the help I could get and...

  • Do you guys also think the slave boy is a spy? I did not start watching the show before playing the game. The levels of treachery is so beautiful. I asked for Margery's help because after sucking up to Cersei I figured he may help. But now I know how much Joffrey is a dick.

  • Yes, there are multiple people in Kings Landing who employ spies.
    A few known ones (from the books) are Queen Cersei, Petyr Baelish aka: Littlefinger, and Lord Varys aka: the Spider.
    From what we know of their machinations, it seems like the coal boy could work for Varys, as he is the Master of Whispers, and is known to employ children as his spies (although he usually has their tongues cut out first).

    Littlefinger is nothing if not unpredictable. He usually uses the whores he employs at his brothels, or sellswords/hedgeknights as his pawns and spies though. But, it's possible that the coal boy is his.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Do you guys also think the slave boy is a spy? I did not start watching the show before playing the game. The levels of treachery is so be

  • Huh, I didn't know that you don't get the seal and key scene if you don't ask for help. That's interesting. I asked for help (because my mother insisted, of course) but decided against taking the things, because I'd get in trouble.

  • This might have a huge inpact on episode 5. I asked for her help, and had Sera stay because the person you serve wants you to have her other handmaiden stay, and beggers can't be choosers. Lol I didn't steal anything either. After playing, Sera could be infact lying, but its hard to say.

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